Can't find what you're looking for? Reach out to us, we'd love to hear from you!
SYC Little League 2023/2024 Board of Directors Name Email
President Responsible for the conduct of SYC in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball.
Anthony Bullano | [email protected]
Vice President Coordinate coaching staff & training, coordinates All Star activities, update scores and pitch counts, and assist with uniform procurement.
Brad Heilman
[email protected]
Treasurer Receive all monies, securities, and deposit same. |
Chris Copenhaver | [email protected]
Secretary Records activities of SYCLL and maintains appropriate files.
Jason McCliment | [email protected]
Player Agent Conducts the evaluations, manages the player draft and all other player transactions.
Shaun Saad |
Safety Officer / Equipment Manager Responsible for Safety Plan. Inspects, issues and maintains equipment.
Mike Santoro
[email protected]
Information Officer Set up and manage the league's official website & social media platforms, email communications and registration process.
Michelle Chopper
[email protected]
Field Maintenance Coordinator Responsible for field & building maintenance and associated supplies.
[email protected]
League Scheduler Facilitates the procurement of indoor facility & fields for team practices and games.
Audrey Carpenter | [email protected] |
Umpire in Chief Responsible for the recruiting & training of umpires. Provides coaches with rule changes/updates throughout the season.
Brian Howard
[email protected]
Sponsorship Coordinator / Fundraising Manager Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support SYC operations.
Jackie Saad
[email protected]
Background Clearance Coordinator Responsible for obtaining and maintaining updated background information and Little League volunteer applications for all cleared volunteers.
Angie Stover | [email protected]
Coaching Coordinator Responsible for coordination and communication with coaching staff and assists in facilitating coaching education programs.
| Doug Welsh | [email protected] |
Concessions Coordinator Maintains and coordinates the Concessions stand and Concessions activities.
| Deanna Borst | [email protected] |
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Challenger Division Coordinator Coordinate Challenger player recruitment efforts, prepares game schedule and identifies "buddies" to assist with games.
| Jake Lantz | [email protected] |
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We need your help to keep the league running. How can I help? Well I'm glad you asked! There are many ways you can give back and help keep smiles on our players' faces!
How can I volunteer?
You can volunteer in numerous ways but not limited to the following:
Become an umpire:
We always need umpires for the games! If you are interested in umpiring, contact us at [email protected]! Our umpires are offered extensive training to become Little League certified.
Become a board member:
We are always looking for help on the board in many capacities.
Become a manager or a coach:
We can never have enough coaches! Volunteer to help coach and see those smiles on the kids' faces!
Become a team parent:
Managers and coaches have a lot to deal with and always need a team mom/dad to help with information!
Teams will be assigned dates to work in concessions but we can always use more help throughout the season!
Become a scorekeeper:
Coaches always need someone to keep the book so they can focus on the on-field things!
If you are interested in volunteering and need guidance or help: contact us at [email protected]!
Contact League President if you're intereste