Great! You're interested in registering your player. First you need to determine his/her league age. Use the link below:
Note: This age chart is for BASEBALL DIVISIONS ONLY, and only for 2023.
Now that we have that figured out, let's determine in which division he should be registered:
League Age 4-5: Tee Ball Division
League Age 6-7: Minors A Hybrid Division
League Age 8-10: Minors AA Player Pitch Division (Exceptional 7 yr olds by evaluation determination only)
League Age 9-11: Minors AAA Player Pitch Division (Exceptional 8 yr olds by evaluation determination only)
** All undrafted 11 yr old players will play in the AAA Division.
League Age 11-12: Major League Division (Exceptional 10 yr olds by evaluation determination only)
League Age 12-13: Intermediate League Division (Exceptional 11 yr olds with at least one year of Majors division experience and on a travel 50/70 team by evaluation determination only)
We strongly encourage you to read the full descriptions of the various Little League Baseball Divisions, which you can find here.
But wait, I'm confused! My son is league age 9. Does he play in the Minors AAA or AA Player Pitch Division?
Well yes, it can be a little confusing. For the sake of consistency, players are registered according to their league age. However, all players beyond the Tee Ball Division will be placed according to their skill level, which will be determined during mandatory evaluations to be held after registration closes. That's why there are some age overlaps in the division descriptions. So your 9-year-old will register for either the AAA or AA Division according to his league age and you can indicate within your registration which division you feel is most appropriate based on their skill level and maturity. He may be drafted in the Minors AAA or AA after his evaluation. In any cases where you are drafted to a division with a different price, you will be refunded or charged the difference in the registration fee between those two divisions.
It is important to note that the registration forms allow a player to indicate his preference for a division other than what his league age would otherwise dictate. Evaluations will be required.
Okay, you're all set to register. Click the button below to begin!