SYC Little League is pleased to offer our Challenger Division, an adaptive baseball program for boys and girls ages 4 to 18 with physical and developmental challenges. COACHES AND VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Contact [email protected] to offer your support or sign up to volunteer your assistance!
Who can participate in the Little League Challenger Program?
Any child with a physical or intellectual challenge may participate. If a child can participate in the traditional Little League Baseball program with reasonable accommodations they should do so. The SYC Little League Challenger Division accommodates both boys and girls ages 4-18.
Is there a cost to participate in the Challenger Program?
Registration costs only $30, a fee which will help us offset the cost of providing uniforms. SYC Little League will provide jerseys, caps and socks. Parents should provide a pair of gray baseball pants. We have baseball bats and helmets available for use. Please note that SYC strongly supports the Little League belief that no child should ever be turned away from playing because of the cost of registration. If you need assistance in this area, contact [email protected] and [email protected].
What rules are followed during a Challenger game?
Flexibility and adaptability are key during Challenger games. SYC Little League provides all chartered teams with a rulebook that includes a best practices guide to operating a Challenger Game. Typically games are 1-2 innings long and last about an hour. All players play defensively and bat every inning.
What are “buddies” and what role do they have in the Challenger Division?
Buddies are individuals who assist Challenger athletes in the areas of batting, base running and defense, but only as needed. Buddies may be peer athletes who are participating in the Little League Baseball program. Read more on the responsibility of buddies.
What type of field are Challenger Games played on?
Challenger games will be played on the same fields used by all our divisions. Little League International encourages the use of traditional fields for the Challenger Program so that participants can enjoy playing on the same type of field as their peers.
How many Challenger Programs are currently operating?
There are currently over 950 Challenger programs in 10 countries around the world. Over 30,000 athletes participate in the Challenger Division every year.
How can I get involved with the Challenger Division?
There are many ways for everyone to get involved with the Challenger Division. You can volunteer to be a coach or a player's buddy, offer support in recruitment of players, help spread the word about the Challenger Division throughout our community, offer fundraising support, and more. Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in helping out.
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