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Sands Montessori Eagles Athletics

Practice Times

Practice Times/Days

Practices are most often held weekday evenings, Monday - Friday. 

The coaches are responsible for setting the practice day, time, length, and number of practices per week.

Unfortunately day, time, length, and number of practices per week aren't known prior to team assignments.

However the following is generally true from season to season:

U8 teams typically practice once per week.
U10 teams often practice twice per week.
U12 teams practice twice per week.

Practice times can start as early as 4 pm, but typically start after 5 pm.

U8 practices generally run for about 1 hour per session. U10 and U12 Practices run for 1 to 1.5 hours per session depending on the coaches' plan.

Occasionally coaches will hold additional practices on Saturday mornings in the early (non-game) part of season to get the team more practice time. Once the season begins such practices would end. 

Parent/guardian/caregiver should note on the REGISTRATION form section "Special Requests" any days of week that are not suitable for practice to avoid practice time conflicts.  

The District Representative will try their best not to place a player on a team for which they can't attend most practices. However, due to coach availability, number of teams, practice location, etc... the District Representative can't guarantee that your child will NOT be placed on a team for which there is a practice day/time conflict.

Coaches can cancel practice at any time, even moments before or after practice begins. Most often this will occur if weather is persistently unfavorable (thunderstorms, extreme rain/snow, etc...).

Parents/Guardians/Caregivers Role

Please remember that the coaches first priority are coaching their team. Practices are not a form of childcare.

There must be at least 2 adults present at all practices. This can be 1 coach and 1 parent, 2 coaches, etc... In the absence of two adults practice MUST be canceled. 

Parents/guardians/caregivers should try to remain on site during practices as much as possible. Particularly for U8 (ages 6-7) players.

Weather conditions or other issues can occur that require children to leave practice early. Have someone available to pick up your child in the event that a practice is cancelled during its normally scheduled time. 

Make sure you can be reached quickly by cell phone if you aren't at the practice site. In the event that a difficult situation arises involving your child someone besides the coaching staff should be available to assist in a timely manner.

Plan return to the practice field 5-10 minutes before practice has completed (don't leave children waiting for you - coaches want to leave on time too).

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