Website Manager

Game Cancellation / Rescheduling Procedures

Game Cancellation and Rescheduling Procedures

Game Cancellation Procedure:

     Visit [Mansfield Soccer]

     Select “Game Reports” in menu on the left

     Select “AYSA Game Cancellation / Reschedule Form”

Simple complete the form and select “Submit Form”

You must also notify LSA BOR

Receiving a Game Cancellation Report:

The BOR’s of each club will be notified when a game has been cancelled.  The LSA BOR will notify all LSA coaches if and when their games have been cancelled by an opposing coach.

Game Rescheduling Procedure:

     Contact the [LSA BOR].  The BOR will get contact information for the opposing coach.

     Contact [LSA Scheduler].  The Scheduler will help you find an acceptable open field and time for rescheduling the game.

     Contact the opposing coach and determine an acceptable time and place to reschedule your game.

     Complete a [Game Reschedule Report].  This informs ARSO to attempt to assign a referee for your game.