The Canton Soccer Club doesn't make it a policy to allow players to play up. They will however take it into consideration after placing the teams. It is a board decision.
Parents must fill out the Play Up Request form online in order to be considered for playing up. Please give the reason for request.
This is normally done after registration and prior to placement of the teams by the office and league coordinator. Normally only if there is room at the age that the child wants to play up is the request honored. Parents can only request to play up one year.
Note* The registration system will automatically assign your player to his/her true age group so when you register you must register for the correct age group and we will manually move the player up (this may mean signing up for U8 under the House league vs. U9 in WSSL). This may also mean paying an extra fee for the different league you are playing up to.
To fill out the Play Up Request, please fill out the below form.