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Canton Soccer Club

Fostering a love for the game at all ages

Lightning/Thunder Policy

The severe weather policy has changed from Lightning to Thunder.  In following the MHSAA (Michigan High School Athletic Association) guidelines once Thunder is heard or Lightning seen, whichever comes first, all teams are to seek immediate safe shelter.  The pavilion is not a safe shelter sight.  The best thing is for everyone to enter their vehicles.  NO one is to return to the field until 30 minutes after the last sound of Thunder or last lightning bolt. The clock starts over with each new blast or strike.
Referees will notify the teams if delayed games will resume play after the ALL CLEAR or will be terminated due to the weather.
Lightning Safe Areas by Park:
  • Flodin Park ~ Personal Vehicles
  • Freedom Park ~ Personal Vehicles
  • Griffin Park ~ Personal Vehicles
  • Heritage Park ~ Personal Vehicles, Summit on the Park, Library, Administration     Building, Public Safety building, Inside restroom bldg (shelter will vary depending on exact location in Heritage Park.
  • Independence Park ~ Personal Vehicles or Inside restrooms.
  • All Schools - Personal Vehicles or inside school (if open).
Taking shelter at the Parks:  Lowest points in the park are safer: avoid any metal items (picnic tables, flag poles, umbrellas, pavilions). 
A “lightning safe” position is described as (crouched on the ground, weight on the balls of the feet, feet together, head lowered and ears covered). Use this when necessary.  Do not lie flat on the ground. 


General Weather Information   
All referees are to be paid when they show up for a game regardless if the game is canceled or didn't start due to weather. If you have a problem, please call the Referee Scheduler, Jamie, at 734-716-7078.

Only the Head Referee or the President of the Canton Soccer Club can close or cancel games before they are attended. The Referee determines if the field is playable and to serve our weather policy. Referees are also responsible for ensuring the safety of all players, parents and coaches at each game. This includes, but is not limited to: Enforcing the weather policy, walking the field prior to each game to check for holes, debris, sprinkler heads, goal locks, etc.
SPECIAL NOTE: During games where high winds are present or expected referees must confirm that goal locks are in place and functioning

Contact Us

Canton Soccer Club

46245 Michigan Ave. 
Canton, Michigan 48188

Phone: 734-480-7046
Email: [email protected]

Canton Soccer Club

46245 Michigan Ave. 
Canton, Michigan 48188

Phone: 734-480-7046
Email: [email protected]
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