Class Offerings: 2022 - 2023 Schedule
Location: Independence field (fall & spring) & High Velocity Sports (winter)
Cost: $90 for 5 sessions, (one time jersey fee of $11 can be added at checkout)
Duration: 45min
Age: U4 with the expectation that there is no adult support on the field
Registration: Scroll below
Clinic description: Your preschooler will develop balance, coordination and movement with and without the ball through adventure based activities. This 5 week program will not only build soccer and locomotor skills but is also a great way for your child to meet other active children and give them a head start on following instructions in a group environment. Here is a list of skills your child will work on with the goal to working independently.
- Dribble ball with either foot
- Place foot on ball
- Resist picking ball up with hands
- Kick ball to coach, and into goal
- Independently participate in games and drills
- Follow instructions from coaches
- Playing with peers with minimal assistance
Session Plans: Classes will focus on the same skills each week to offer repetition and recognition for our youngest soccer players. It also offer a rotation schedule throughout the year alternating session plans between seasons.