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Canton Soccer Club

Fostering a love for the game at all ages

Classes Overview

General Information

Rules & Regulations Mandatory Form:
Online FORM

TeamSnap App:
Download the Teamsnap App to receive class information, any changes and other details via real-time communication. *Must receive an invite from "Teamsnap" (invite will be sent to the address on your CSC account). 

Welcome Message:
 You will receive a welcome email from the club approximately one week before the league starts with further information. All outdoor sessions are held at Independence Park. Indoor sessions are held at High Velocity Sports on MI Ave. 

Dress: Keep the weather in mind when dressing but generally, athletic shorts and CSC jersey are staples. Class typically is hosted through rain unless it is heavy and consistent. The Canton Soccer Club takes thunder and lightning seriously by taking shelter and/or canceling classes. Communication is made through your Teamsnap account.

Jerseys: The Canton Soccer Club works closely with Soccer World to provide all of the jerseys for class.  The new fall 2021 jersey will be included with registration costs as an add on fee. Jerseys will also be available for purchase during winter and spring classes through registration for those who need a replacement or are joining our club for the first time. A reversible jersey is offered to our U8 program to accommodate home and away game day schedule.  

Soccer Equipment: Shin-guards are strongly encouraged for U5 and older. Soccer socks (which are longer athletic socks) are worn over the shin-guards to help hold in place. Cleats are highly encouraged for Junior 5 and older. Cleats are athletic shoes with small plastic prongs to grip the ground.

U3&U4 = A mini ball up to a size #3
U5-U8 =  #3 soccer ball
U9-U12 = #4 soccer ball

Need equipment? Soccer World at 43711 Ford Road or any major sports store can provide any soccer gear

On Class Day: 
Bring a water bottle, pumped soccer ball and sunscreen. On hot days, please pack enough water for your soccer player. Independence Park pavilion has a water refilling station for soccer players. Pump your soccer player’s ball with enough air so that pressing your hand into it is minimal. An over pumped or under pumped ball is difficult to perform skill work with and in few occasions has caused injury. We advocate for appropriate sunscreen usage whenever possible.

Location and arrival: Outdoor classes are held at Independence Park in the Programs Area. Independence Park: 1898 Denton Road -MAP Arrive 10 minutes early to the first class to park, find the field and receive any instructions. Indoor classes are held at High Velocity Sports on MI AVE in Canton.

Staff: Programs, summer camps and clinics are overseen by Community Director, Jamie Scott. Jamie holds her USSF “B” License, National Youth License and a Masters in Business and Leadership Management. We do our best to keep coaches consistent from week to week but support rotating coaches as kids may learn differently through coaching styles.

Sessions: Curriculum is based on age appropriate players principles and will focus on technical skills, ball control and general game awareness aspects. Staff look to create a fun and upbeat environment. Our hope is players learn a new skill-set or soccer idea and are excited to return. We will foster various skill sets over the course of each series. Individual skill sets are foundation building blocks.

Adult & Child Class Duration = 30min 

U4 = 45min

These classes will focus on the same skills in paired weeks (week 1/2, week3/4, week 5/6) to offer some repetition and recognition for our youngest players.

U5-U12 = 50 min
A typical session outlook for 50 min class: Warm up, Skills Lessons, Scrimmage, Closing

What we expect: Players to listen to instruction and be coachable. Players dressed with equipment and ready to play. Players to have a willingness to try to the best of their ability in order to get the most from the coaching information and class environment.

 Late Registration: We are unable to accept late registrations due to the timing of when registration closes and the start of classes.

Requests: Due to the high number of participants in our classes, we are unable to accommodate friend requests.

Cancelled Classes: Unless otherwise noted, The Canton Soccer Club does not offer make-up days.

If you have specific questions regarding classes, please contact the CLUB OFFICE.

Contact Us

Canton Soccer Club

46245 Michigan Ave. 
Canton, Michigan 48188

Phone: 734-480-7046
Email: [email protected]

Canton Soccer Club

46245 Michigan Ave. 
Canton, Michigan 48188

Phone: 734-480-7046
Email: [email protected]
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