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Canton Soccer Club

Fostering a love for the game at all ages

Club Policies & Guidelines

Canton Soccer Club

Policies and Guidelines

(Latest Update Sept, 2013)


The accounts payables are to be discuss monthly with the Treasure and or Club Director for all non budgeted payables prior to being paid.


The account receivable are to be reviewed with the Club Director monthly for the correct line item entry on the budegt


Club board meeting are held monthly on the second Tuesday of each month in the meeting room inside High Velocity. Dates and times can vary due to circumstances. Members are allowed at these meeting however a request to be on the agenda is recommended.


Board member are required at monthly meetings. More then three unexcused absences in a calendar year is subject for possible removal. Positions are voted by the membership every two years per the club By-Laws

All club logos belong to the Canton Soccer Club. The use of the club logo’s must be approved by the equipment manager and follow the guidelines and rules outlined in the Nike agreement.


All coaches in the CSC who participate in the State E or D licensing program will be reimbursed for the license expense provided he/she passes the class and provides proof of certification and the expense. Reimbursement does not cover travel, gas, meals, hotels etc.

Coaches considering a licensing class must apply to the Club Director and be approved prior to attending the class.

Coaches who are interested in taking the C – A National courses, USYSA National Youth or NSCAA courses must fill out the appropriate request form and receive approval from the Club Director.  Coaches will be reimbursed by the club upon passing the course.  The club will reimburse for the cost of the course up to the full residency amount.  The club will also reimburse any travel costs associated with the course including flights or gas to and from the course location.  The club will not pay for any additional expenses including but not limited to extra meals, outside excursions or other misc. expenses. 


All paid coaches in the CSC are to sign a letter of agreement outlining the expectations and requirements of his/her agreement

Coaches pay are subject to a 1099 at the year end and are considered a contract position


All persons receiving a hourly payment or a per function task must complete the compensation request form from the club for the services and submit the completed form for compensation with a brief description and the time spent for the reimbursement.

All contracts are subject to an annual review by the board.


See discipline policy manual dated 2/02


Park or field usage permits are issued by the Township to the CSC for the period beginning August and ending July

Any use of the fields other then soccer practice and games for the CSC should be approved by the Club President and Club Director as well as communicated to the field coordinator prior to issuing additional permits


All goals are to be secured with a Tee bar or scissor anchor. No games or practice should occur unless these anchors are in place. Any coach who removes an anchor and moves a goal will be reprimanded.


Notice is mailed to players home of an insufficient check or problem. A second notice to be sent with notification that player is to be suspended until payment is received.

Player payments as outlined in the try out brochure must be adhered to or risk player suspension until payment is received.


Parents must fill out petition to play up form for any new player and give the reason.

This is normally done after registration and prior to placement by the Recreational Representitive and if there are roster spots available at that age group that the parent wishes their player to play. Parents can only request to play up one year except S/P players up to 2 years.


A small amount of cash ($50 ) in the CSC office is to be used to purchase office supplies for the staff. IE pens, pencils, stamps etc. This cash is not to be used for any other purpose. When an expense is incurred the receipt should be placed in the petty cash container. All cash and checks should be maintained in a locked container.


In an effort to protect the memberships privacy it is the club policy not to distribute member phone numbers and email addresses. All information collected at the time of registration is kept in confidence at the club office for club business only.


All players that participate in the WSSL  are expected to follow the rules handed down from the WSSL board of directors. Visit  for all the league rules


Under normal circumstances the CSC does not give refunds. Parents can complete a refund request form and submit that to the office for consideration.


All referees are to be paid when they show up for a game regardless if the game is canceled or didn’t start due to weather

Only the Club President, Club Director or Canton Township can close fields or cancel games before they are attended. Once both teams are in attendance it is the referee who determines if the field is playable and it is the referee who enforces the CSC weather policy

Referees are also responsible for ensuring the safety of all players, parents and coaches at each game.  This includes, but is not limited to: Enforcing the weather policy, walking the field prior to each game to check for holes, debris, sprinkler heads, goal locks, etc. 

SPECIAL NOTE: During games where high winds are present or expected referees must confirm that goal locks are in place and functioning.


All registration deadlines are to follow the dates set by the CSC board however players may be added up to the associated League deadline (ie; WSSL,MSPSP, MRL etc) provided there is an opening on a roster for the player. Uniforms may be an issue due to availability and should be reviewed prior to accepting a late registered player on a team. Parents are subject to a club late fee and the additional league costs for late add ins.

After the registration deadline passes parents may fill out a wait list request form.  If there are openings on any teams where we have wait list requests we will fill those spots in the order in which the wait list requests were received.  Players can only be added up to each leagues final late add on date, or no later then one game into the season assuming the club can still obtain a proper uniform kit for each addition.


All coaches, assistant coaches, managers must have a Risk Management card and number and be submitted to the club office prior to the start of the fall season. All paid coaches are expected to cover the cost associated with the State MSYSA RM program.

Any recreational coaches, House League or WSSL who wishes to be reimbursed for the RM fee must complete a refund request form and submit it to the Club Director for reimbursement.


The CSC offers a college scholarship opportunity to graduating seniors who have participated in the club for a minimum of two years. This scholarship is funded through the Canton Soccer club’s annual golf outing held each August. All requirements relating to the scholarship and the scholarship application can be found online or in the club office.


A seasonal player is defined as a player who is playing on a seasonal team, U15 and above. Any player who is playing on the club team at U14 is considered a year round player and is responsible for the payment schedule noted in the try out brochure even if that player is of High School age and elects to play with the HS team in either the fall or spring seasons..


Players coaches and managers are not permitted to smoke or use tobacco products or have smoking paraphernalia (which includes matches, lighters ect.) in their possession at any time while associated with the soccer program. This includes before and after practice / games in parking lots and at tournaments.

Players or coaches violating this rule are subject to a disciplinary hearing.


Recreational players will receive a uniform kit consisting of a light color and a dark color jersey. All uniforms purchased will be Nike branded per agreement with Nike and embellished with the CSC logo.  All CSC teams will be required to wear one of these two jerseys in any CSC sanctioned league or tournament game.  

Non-Nike brand and CSC logoed jerseys are only allowed for practice

A sanctioned league game is defined as a game that is scheduled by a scheduling league. i.e. all In-House games and all WSSL games are considered sanctioned league games.

A sanctioned tournament is defined as any tournament approved by MSYSA or other USYSA governing body.

Select and Premier uniform numbers shall not be duplicated across an age group.  Current players of an age group retain their existing number.  Subsequent number selection shall start with the black team, white, green, and so on until all teams have picked.  Uniforms are on a 2 year cycle and parents will be required to purchase a “new” uniform if their number comes in conflict with an existing player.  This may happen but is not limited to players who move up or down in age or who maybe dual rostered.  Teams should try to accommodate numbers across different age groups if at all possible in these instances.


If Lightning is seen or Thunder is heard during soccer practice or a soccer game, all coaches, managers, players, parents, staff and referees are to seek immediate safe shelter for thirty minutes.

Referees will monitor conditions during this time. The thirty minute watch is to be restarted with every newly occurring lightning strike.  The Referee will decide if a game should be canceled.    

Contact Us

Canton Soccer Club

46245 Michigan Ave. 
Canton, Michigan 48188

Phone: 734-480-7046
Email: [email protected]

Canton Soccer Club

46245 Michigan Ave. 
Canton, Michigan 48188

Phone: 734-480-7046
Email: [email protected]
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