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Stewards of the Game



Stewards of the Game is planning its 2020 Summer Baseball Mission Trip to Cuba is underway. Your son is invited to join us on this trip next summer if he’s at least 15 years of age or older by May 1st. We also need a few adults to join us on this trip. 

The dates we are planning to go this year are the week of June 21-27, 2020

If your son or you have interest in going on this trip, we are planning a Q&A information session on Wednesday, January 15th at 7:30PM at Journey Church in Huntersville (15711 Brookway Drive in Huntersville). 

The cost will be $1600 per person which will include transportation, food, and lodging. No shots are necessary but your son will need a passport, so make sure you get that done ASAP. Payment for the trip can be made all at once or in 4 separate $400 installments on Jan 31, Feb 29 & March 31, & April 30. Payments should be made to Stewards of the Game and are tax-deductible as a charitable donation. We encourage you to raise support for this trip and we will provide you with a sample support letter you can use to personalize your requests. 

There is already a site for contributions to be made. You can share this on your social media sites or through email and texts. If you do share on your Facebook page, DO NOT ADD A DONATE button if Facebook asks you to do so. Just copy the link below in your correspondence to people. 

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 15th at Journey Church. If you plan to attend this meeting, please email me and let me know. 

If your son is unable to join us this summer for this trip, please consider supporting this summer’s team at the link above. The next scheduled trip will be the summer of 2022. 


J. Casey Fitzsimons
Executive Director
Stewards of the Game
[email protected]
“Teaching Life Lessons Through Sports"

Stewards of the Game is committed to reaching out to families in need around the world.
Stewards of the Game is committed to not only impacting our local community, but strives to intentionally leave it's footprint around the globe as we share the message of Christ through sports.

Our Outreach Team is actively engaged in identifying under-privileged kids that have an interest in participating in youth sports in local communities and thousands of miles away. 

Each year we select a service project that demonstrates to our players the importance of serving our local  community; as well as the world at large. In past years, our league and players have donated medical supplies, sports equipment, footwear, clothing and uniforms. Our coaches have also trained teams, led sports clinics and taken competitive teams to Cuba, Central and South America to meet physical and spiritual needs by sharing the Gospel message of HOPE in Jesus Christ through sports!

Current & Past Global Initiatives:
2018: Our 2ndt High School Team traveled to Havana, Cuba to evangelize through baseball
2017: Delivered sports equipment, awards and uniforms to the eastern side of Cuba
2016: Our first High School Team traveled to Havana, Cuba to evangelize through baseball
2015: Collected Baseball & Soccer Equipnent and Baseball Cards for Cuban Youth
2014: November sports camp mission trip to Cuba
2013: Led a Baseball Camp for 200 teenage boys in Matagalpa, Nicaragua
2013: Collected over 650 packs of baseball cards to be used as an evangelism tool in Nicaragua
2012: Collected 225 pairs of shoes for orphan boys at the Kolfe Boys Home in Addis Abba, Ethiopia
2011: Collected 750 pairs of Socks for Samaritan’s Feet
2011: Donated Sports Equipment and Conducted Sports Clinics in Guatamala
2011: Homers for Japan Home Run Derby for Tsunami & Earthquake Relief
2011: Donated Sports Equipment and Ran Sports Clinic in South America
2010: “Change for Chile” to Support Reconstruction Missions
2010: Homers for Haiti Home Run Derby for Earthquake Orphanage Relief
2009: Antibiotic cream & Band-Aids to AKOT Medical Mission in Southern Sudan
2008: Antibiotic Cream & Band-Aids to South America
2007: 400+ Pairs of Flip-flops to impoverished Samburu tribe of Northern Kenya
2006: 425 Pairs of Sunglasses to Northern Kenyan tribe to help prevent cataracts
2005: 125 Baseball Gloves and Hats to Bolivian Orphanage





Stewards of the Game

PO Box 1345 
Huntersville, North Carolina 28070

Phone: 704-763-0301
Email: [email protected]

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