Return to Play & Competition Protocol
General Guidelines:
· Stay at least 6 feet from other people.
· Stay home if you feel sick and contact your health care provider.
· Avoid touching your face.
· Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Throw used
tissues in the trash and wash your hands afterwards.
· Avoid contact with other individuals (shaking hands, for example).
· Use hand sanitizer or soap and water (when available) often.
Prior to Arriving:
· It is recommended that players from different households do not drive/carpool together.
· Daily Health Screening - each player and coach should check his/her temperature at home, and refrain from
participation if he or she has a fever (≥100.4 degrees F).
o He/she is not currently demonstrating or suffering from any ill symptoms (see Appendix A).
o He/she has not had a suspected or documented case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
o He/she has not had any close contact with a sick individual or anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19
(see Appendix C).
· Any player that does not meet the above criteria should be restricted from participation and sent home.
At the Field for Training and Games;
· Total attendance is limited to 250 people per field.
· Any team pre- and post-match handshakes should not occur.
· Player’s equipment should be spread appropriately out so during breaks players remain at least 10 feet apart.
· Must sanitize hands upon arriving to the field.
· Handshakes or contact in substitutions should be avoided.
· Celebrations should not contain physical contact.
· Avoid touching soccer balls with their uncovered-hands.
· Appropriate physical distancing should occur between players and coaches at all times. If physical distancing cannot
be accomplished the coach shall wear a face covering when communicating with the player.
· Players on the sideline/bench should remain physically distanced (6 feet minimum) at all times.
· Teams should not congregate, post-training or post-game and debriefs should be kept to a minimum.
· All attendees should maintain physical distancing guidelines after the practice or when the game is completed.
or other inclement weather is in the area at the time of training or games, please stay in the parking lot to find shelter
in your car if needed.
· Only coaches should handle practice equipment (disc, cones, etc.)
Reporting of Positive or Suspected Positive COVID-19 Infection:
· Any individual with a confirmed case of COVID-19 should notify their respective clubs immediately. Contact Person –
Cory Carroll, Director of Soccer 540-353-3907 or email at [email protected]
· Players and coaches should bring their own equipment (hand sanitizer, water bottle, ball, etc.) that should not be
shared between individuals.
· Pinnies” shall be individually distributed to each player and used by that player for the training session, and washed in between each team contact.
· Balls should not be handled with their hands, by any player, with the exception of the goalkeeper with gloves on.
· During cold weather players should not “bundle-up” together on the bench in blankets as appropriate physical
distancing cannot be maintained.
· Everyone is expected to cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing (into the nape of the elbow).
· Anyone feeling sick should leave the facility immediately, go home and if needed, seek medical guidance from a
healthcare provider.
· Avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with their hands whenever possible.
· It is strongly recommended that people over the age of 65 and/or people with pre-existing conditions do not attend.
· Virginia Department of Health recommends wearing a cloth face mask at all times in public settings whether indoor or
Individuals with COVID-19 can exhibit symptoms ranging from the following:
The most common symptoms associated with infection include:
· Fever ( ≥100.4 degrees F)
· Cough
· Shortness of breath
Less common symptoms that may still be evidence of COVID-19 infection include:
· Sore throat
· Congestion
· Nausea and vomiting
· Diarrhea
· Headache
· Muscle / joint pain
· Sudden loss of taste or smell
· Chills
Note: Some people do not have symptoms, or have very mild symptoms. Persons with COVID-19 may be infectious two days prior to symptom onset