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Karls Fields Field of Dreams Complex

Registration Instructions

Online Registration Instructions

  1. Click on the following link:  Register Here!

  2. This will then send you to our Demosphere registration site. If your child has played in the past, log in to your account. If not, you will need to set up a new account and password.

  3. Follow the directions for setup. Remember you will need to download a photo of your player U11 or higher in order to complete the registration process. You can just take a picture with your phone of them or a school picture and upload it to the registration.

  4. Any questions please reach out to us:  [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

What age can my child start playing soccer?
Only in Spring we offer the kindergarten program for 4 and 5 year olds. Fall soccer is 1st grade and up.

What does the U stand for in U8?
The 'U' stands for 'under the age of' ... In this case under the age of 8.

What is EC?

EC stands for East Central. This is the WI Youth Soccer Association (WYSA) district that Kiel participates in. It covers an area of Kiel to Oshkosh to Appleton to Green Bay/Niagara to New Holstein. Players in U11 -U19 (5th grade and up) this a more competitive level of play typically than the YMCA league. Other teams in this league may have tryouts for their teams and will use the term 'select' to describe their team. Kiel soccer club believes in all will be allowed to play and does not have tryouts for its teams.

What is the difference between YMCA and EC?

YMCA league is a recreational level of play in the Sheboygan county area. EC offers a higher level of play with teams in the Appleton/Oshkosh/Green Bay area. U11-U14 teams may still play in the Y league also. EC only offers high school aged programs.

Days of play?

Y games are on Saturdays fall and spring
EC games are during the week; older teams can be Sundays.

Do I need to order a uniform each season?

No. Once you have your uniform it can be used as long as it fits until U11/U12 wear the teams order the team jerseys.

What are the expectations of parents volunteering?

We are a 100% volunteer organization. We expect families to help out with fundraisers/tournaments as they can.

Contact Us

Kiel Soccer Club

PO Box 273 
Kiel, Wisconsin 53042

Email Us: [email protected]
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