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Broomfield Soccer Club

2020-2021 Player Placement

Incoming U11-U14 Boys and Girls, High School Girls

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Broomfield Soccer Club will be moving to a player placement process for the incoming U11-U14 Boys, and U11-U19 Girls, without formal tryouts.  Age group trainings and the pre-tryout camp have been cancelled.  At the current time, we still plan to hold tryouts for the U15-U19 Boys age groups, including High School Boys kickarounds.  Information on how this process will take place was emailed to all current players on Friday, May 29th.  If you did not receive this email, or have any questions about the process, please email the appropriate Competitive Age Group Manager listed below, listed by the birth years they oversee.

We will continue to accept new players from outside of the club as well.  If possible, we will hold team training sessions the weeks of June 15 and June 22.  Due to the rapidly changing circumstances, it is very important that if you are interested in playing for Broomfield Soccer Club, to please be sure to do the following three things;

1 - Fill out the New Player Information Form;
2 - Email the appropriate Competitive Age Group Manager listed below;
3 - Register for "2020 Competitive Player Placement" via the "Registration" tab above.

Competitive Age Group Managers

Incoming High School Boys

High School Boys kick-arounds

High School kick-arounds are used as an important tool to help with player placement.  They are for players (U15-U19) and are in place of the Age Group Trainings the younger teams participate in for the club.  Players who will be in the 8th grade during their U15 year should attend HS kick-arounds, and not Age Group Trainings. This is an opportunity for coaches in the age group to see players from other Broomfield Soccer Club teams, as well as see players from outside the club who are interested in trying out for BSC prior to tryouts in May.

BSC will hold High School kick-arounds in June 2020 for the girls and June and July for the boys to bring entire birth-year age groups together. These trainings will give players the opportunity to compete with their entire age group, and they will allow coaches to see how each player integrates and develops among their peers.

Players not currently registered with BSC are welcome to High School kick-arounds. Please fill out the New Player Information Form prior to attending your High School kick-around.

In the event of inclement weather, BSC social media will be updated as soon as possible and is the main outlet for cancellation information.

HS Boys Kickarounds 
Monday, July 6th

‘06 Boys 6:00pm - 7:15pm at the Commons Yellow Pod
‘05 Boys 7:15pm - 8:30pm at the Commons Yellow Pod
‘04 Boys 6:00pm - 7:15pm at *LEGACY HIGH SCHOOL
‘03 Boys 7:15pm - 8:30pm at *LEGACY HIGH SCHOOL
‘02 Boys 7:15pm - 8:30pm at *LEGACY HIGH SCHOOL

* Denotes location change

High School Boys Tryouts

Please be sure to register online prior to attending tryouts via the registration tab above.

The Broomfield Commons Main Pavilion, located between the Blue and Red Pods, will be the HUB for Tryouts. 

You will ONLY need to go to the Main Pavilion for...

  • Tryout registration ONLY IF not completed online prior to attending 

If you have registered online, you do not need to check-in at the Main Pavilion. Please proceed directly to your Pod, making sure to arrive no more than 20 minutes early.  Once at your pod you will check in at the small pavilion at the red pod and or yellow pod, and at the table set up in the northeast corner of the blue pod.

HS Boys Tryouts
Wednesday July 8th and Thursday July 9th

‘06 Boys 6:00pm - 7:15pm at *ANTHEM
‘05 Boys 7:15pm - 8:30pm at *ANTHEM
‘04 Boys 6:00pm - 7:15pm at the Commons Yellow Pod
‘03 Boys 7:15pm - 8:30pm at the Commons Yellow Pod
‘02 Boys 7:15pm - 8:30pm at the Commons Yellow Pod

* Denotes location change

Boys Secondary Season

Who can play Secondary Season?

  • 2006 Players who are in 8th grade will have the opportunity to play club soccer in the fall 2020, this is called the Secondary Season.
  • 2006 Players who are 9th graders can also choose to play in the secondary season rather than high school if they choose. The 9th graders who choose to try out for their high school team and do not make a team can still play club secondary season.
  • In some cases players can play both Secondary Season with the club and High School, this can be difficult as high school soccer is a 5 day a week commitment. 

Will there be tryouts for the Secondary Season?

  • No, players will be placed using the High School Boys program tryout results.  High School Boys tryouts are July 8th and 9th at the Broomfield Commons Yellow Pod from 6:00pm - 7:15pm.

What will the team training schedule look like?

  • Teams will train 3 days a week. 

Do we need to register for the Secondary Season?

  • You will need to register for BOTH the Secondary Season AND Player Placement via the Registration tab above.           

Please see the below chart for a visual explanation of the options 06 Boys players have in the fall of 2020.

For more information on any of the above High School Boys program topics, please email Jeff Vigil at [email protected].


Broomfield Soccer Club

2150 W. 6th Ave, Suite F
Broomfield, Colorado 80020

Phone: 303-466-0096
Email: [email protected]

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