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Broomfield Soccer Club

Developing young athletes through the game of soccer and the life lessons it provides.


A nationally respected soccer club focused on player-centric development that is rooted in the community. We will accomplish this through unique and progressive programming, coach and parent education, outstanding facilities, superior communication and organization, and collaborative relationships.

Formed in 1974 and incorporated in 1986, Broomfield Soccer Club is one of Colorado's oldest soccer organizations.

Under the current Bylaws, the Board of Directors consists of seven directors.  Four directors are also officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer).  Directors are selected from the Club's Membership during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  Directors serve a three year term with elections for board membership staggered such that three directors are elected for two years, followed by one year where one director is elected.  The new board elects officers from the board membership at the first meeting following the AGM.

Non-Profit Status
Broomfield Junior Soccer Club is an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, doing business as Broomfield Soccer Club.

Broomfield Soccer Club, as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit corporation, maintains bylaws, which are the governing rules of the club.  

Download - Broomfield Junior Soccer Club Bylaws


Broomfield Soccer Club

2150 W. 6th Ave, Suite F
Broomfield, Colorado 80020

Phone: 303-466-0096
Email: [email protected]

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