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Broomfield Soccer Club

Select (U8-U10)

Select Program (U8, U9, and U10)

The U8 - U10 years are the transitional years when it comes to soccer.  At U9, we begin playing 7v7 on a bigger field, playing games against teams from other clubs, and training for longer periods of time. It is very important that the kids are placed in the proper soccer environment to meet their current soccer needs and ability level. 

The Select Program is designed for kids who have displayed the ability to play at a higher level through an assessment process. The program requires a higher commitment level from both the parents and the player. Through an assessment process, 45 to 50 players will be invited to join the age group (separate pool for U9 and U10, U8's in the spring only). There are no requests for this program. The Director of Developmental Soccer will divide the players into training group pools and teams. The entire 2011 age group will practice on Tuesday and Thursday nights from either 5-6:15 or 6:15-7:30 depending on the team. The 2010 age group will train on Monday and Wednesday nights during the same time period. There will be Street Soccer and Tactical Training for the age group pools every other Friday. The training pools will train 2-3 nights a week. In addition, there will be seven weeks of professional training for each team during the season to assist the parent volunteer head coach.  The Academy Select teams play in the Intermediate League through Colorado Soccer Association (CSA). This involves travel within Metro Denver, Ft. Collins, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and occasionally Vail. There are also additional costs at this level, primarily because of the additional training time with professional trainers.

Age group: U9 - U10
Roster size: 10 to 12
Practices: Two to three practices a week, 75 minutes in length (either Monday and Wednesday with additional Fridays or Tuesday and Thursday with additional Fridays)
Game day: Saturdays
Game structure 7 vs. 7, Two twenty-five minute periods.
Coaches: Parent Volunteers and Trainer
Uniform: Adidas Select uniform kit (separate purchase required)
Equipment needed: Size 4 ball (separate purchase required)
Team formation: By invitation based on assessment, there are no requests in this program.

Are you interested in becoming a Select Coach?  Click here for the Select Coach Application.


We typically hold mixers during May.  However, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, mixers have been postponed.  Please trust that the second we are safely cleared to participate in soccer activities we will resume training in some capacity.  Registration is required.

The purpose of mixers is to assess players for the Select program. (If a player is not interested in the Select program, they need not attend the mixer. They would simply register in June for the Rec program in the fall or December for the Rec program in the spring.) 

How do I learn more?

In years past, we have hosted a parent meeting for all incoming U9 players.  The meeting for 2012 players for spring of 2020 has been cancelled.  However, you can click here for the powerpoint with the information for the upcoming 2020-2021 Select season.

Is Select right for my child?

At both levels, Select and Rec, the primary focus is on player development.  As players get older and the level of play increases the amount of time and space a child has to play in becomes more limited. 

We strongly encourage you to watch your child play and assess your child’s current ability level to see which program you think is the best fit for your child.  Below is an assessment chart to use when watching your child play during a game that might be helpful with your assessment.

How to assess players during the game:



Ball Control

Passing and Receiving




What the coach should look for.

What does the player do when they are presented with a 1v1 situation?

How confident is the player when in possession of the ball.

What does the player do when they receive the ball?

Is the player activity involved in the game?

How does the player approach attacking?

How does the player approach defending?

Gold Standard

Attacks the defender at speed and uses foot skills to beat an opponent.

Player uses different surface of the foot and body to manipulate the ball.

Controls the ball and keeps it close to them so they can play the ball with their next touch.

Influences the pace and tempo of the game. Always looking to be involved in the game.

Rarely give the ball away. Often tries to attack players trying to get to goal.

Pressures the ball. Forces attackers away from goal or often separates attacker from ball.

Silver Standard

Only attempts to try and dribble past an opponent 50% of the time.

Player moves with the ball only when not under pressure of another player.

Needs a couple of touches to prepare the pass. Unsure where the pass is going.

Slow to react to the changing pace of the game. Spends more time chasing the ball.

Tries to join the attack. First touch is usually to long putting them into tackles.

Good starting position but has moderate success stopping players going to goal.

Academy Standard

Prefers to pass or kick the ball away.

Gets rid of the ball as quickly as possible. Heavy touch – not comfortable with the ball.

Loses possession of the ball without much pressure.

Rarely involved in the play.

Stays in a stationary position waiting for the ball to find them

Does not chase ball or attacker. Unbalanced starting position. Usually standing waiting to defend.


Select Calendar

July 6: U10 Select Summer Sessions, Boys 5:00 - 6:00, Girls 6:15 - 7;15p
July 7: U9 Select Summer Sessions, Boys 5:00 – 6:00, Girls 6:15-7:15p
July 13: U10 Select Summer Sessions, Boys 5:00 – 6:00, Girls 6:15-7:15p
July 14: U9 Select Summer Sessions, Boys 5:00 – 6:00, Girls 6:15-7:15p
July 20-24: Academy All Star Camp (optional), Registration Required
July 27: U10 Select Summer Sessions, Boys 5:00 – 6:00, Girls 6:15-7:15p
July 28: U9 Select Summer Sessions, Boys 5:00 – 6:00, Girls 6:15-7:15p
August 3: Fall Training Begins
Aug 13-16: Broomfield Shootout
August 22 or August 29: Tournament TBD
Front Range League Games: Sept 12 – Nov 7.
Winter Futsal League: Nov 9 – Dec 18

January: Rest
February: Outdoor Sessions TBD
Spring Season Training: March 1 – mid May
Front Range League Games: March – May 16


Broomfield Soccer Club

2150 W. 6th Ave, Suite F
Broomfield, Colorado 80020

Phone: 303-466-0096

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