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Volunteer Job Descriptions

Parents, you support the league by volunteering for one of the many tasks required to keep the league operating. The tasks fall into one of the the following 4 categories. Click on a category to learn more about the options available within that group.  This page is for reference only, you will signup for a specific job as part of the Registration process during Step 2.

The league cannot operate efficiently (if at all) without a strong set of Board volunteers. We have many Board openings so please seriously consider stepping into one of the many open Board slots.


The Board positions are essential to running the region. We cannot operate the league without them. They require a full year’s commitment for both Fall and Spring soccer seasons. The period typically runs through the soccer year which is August 1st through July 31st of the following year. You are expected to participate in monthly board meetings as well as the Annual planning meeting in January. Although not required, it is hoped that board members choose to participate in the annual Section meeting held in various locations in the Western US in February. Expenses incurred to attend the Section meeting are covered by the Region.

Even if a position is currently filled, please let us know if it interests you as we can always use a new assistant in training!

Click HERE to review Board positions


Want to support the Region but have a busy schedule? These jobs may be just right for you! Remember that all AYSO volunteers are expected to provide about 16 hours of time for each soccer season.

Many of the volunteer jobs require you to be on a schedule. For example, anything to do with the games would need you to be available at game times. Or anything to do with fields may require you to be at the fields at certain times.

However, there are a number of jobs that, while they do have a deadline, are pretty much administrative jobs that can be done on your schedule. Maybe it works for you to have a few minutes of spare time in the morning. Or maybe in the evenings after the kids are in bed. What ever the case may be, these jobs can be done almost any time as long as you have some basic organization skills and are comfortable working on the computer.

Click HERE to review Administrative positions


Want to be more involved with the operations of the league? These volunteers are essential to making the games possible. If you like to be outdoors or like to do some physical work, these jobs may be for you. Remember that all AYSO volunteers are expected to provide about 16 hours of time for each soccer season.

Click HERE to review Logistics positions


Want to be right next to the action? Love soccer and want to be more involved in the game? Do you enjoy being around the kids? If so, these jobs may be for you!

Click HERE to review Games positions

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