Click here to see the most current list of referee points. The list is updated as of 10-15-15. Some of the points for attending the referee class have not been included yet.
The list will be updated regularly and will be available at the Region tent on Saturdays. Please track your progress regularly.
For U10, U12, and U14, each team must earn 20 referee points to be eligible to participate in the playoffs. Each team has the opportunity to earn 2 points a week by refereeing their assigned game. A maximum of 4 points per week can be earned. All teams are required to officiate their assigned games even if they have already met their 20 points. Failure to do so may result in the loss of points.
If you are unable to referee the assigned game, please notify the Region asap.
The sign in book will be at the Region tent every Saturday. Please sign in at least 30 minutes prior to the game to be officiated. Turn in game cards immediately after the game is complete to receive credit for officiating.
Information passed out at the Coach Meeting-
click here
Additional information emailed to all coaches-
- All teams in the U10, U12, U14, U16, and U19 divisions are required to obtain 20 points to be eligible for post season play. Not all teams are assigned to officiate 20 points worth of games. It is your responsibility to volunteer for other games to meet the 20 point requirement. Please volunteer in your division first. If no referees are needed, please check within other divisions.
- The VIP games do not count as game 1. Game 1 on the field is the first game to be officiated.
- There is an odd amount of games on some fields. When this happens, the last game of the day may not be assigned to officiate that week. If those teams could help on another field, please do so. Points will not be given for the week unless a game is officiated. Some of these coaches may also be assigned to another field to officiate. Please check the schedule for all fields for your assignments.
- Any registered volunteer with proper training is allowed to officiate a game. It does not have to be the coach to meet the assignment. This will be very critical on picture day.
- For coaches with multiple teams, every effort was made to spread out games to allow for the coaches to be at all their games. Referee assignments may conflict with a game because of this. The coach is still responsible for finding a replacement referee(s) if points are to be earned.
- The referee book will be at the region tent every Saturday. Please check in 30 minutes ahead of time; send someone else to check in if you are not able to. We want/need all games to start on time. If you are not able to referee and have not found a replacement, please let us know asap so the region can find replacements.
- Points cannot be given if we don't know you are officiating. Game cards must be turned in every week also.
- If anyone wants to sign up for games ahead of time, please write your name in the book in the available spots or email [email protected].
- If you know someone will be refereeing for you, please write that in the book ahead of time as much as possible. We would like to know who is responsible to be there and who is available for other open assignments.
- Points will be updated every week and will be available with the referee book at the tent
Please encourage your players (12 years old or older) to be part of our youth referee group. Aidan Olivarez has volunteered to mentor our new youth referees to make their experience a positive one.
Referee shirts will be available at the region tents for volunteers helping out.
Any questions, please contact
[email protected].