Click here for the Hook Park field map
All games are played at Hook Park in Victorville unless otherwise noted on the game schedules.
Field 1 is for U10
Field 2 is for U8
Field 3 is for U12/U14/U16/U19
Field 4 is for U12
Field 5A is for U10 and VIP
Field 5B is for U8 and VIP
Field 5C is for U6
Field 5D is for U6
Field 6 is for U14/U16/U19
At no time shall the spectators/players for opposing teams occupy the same side of the field. This is for all ages. The home team shall occupy the North or West side of the field. The away team shall occupy the South or East side of the field. The home team is the first team listed on the game schedule match ups.