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3B Baseball

Registration Information

Online Registration for 2024 is now open so click HERE to take you to the Log-In page or click on the QR code in the flyer. 

Registration fees include a complete player uniform (jersey with name and number, pants, belt and hat) for Farm, Pee Wee, Minor, and Colt divisions. Rookie players receive a hat and jersey. The season consists of 10+ games with a post season tournament for all divisions except, Rookie. Catcher's equipment is provided for all divisions, except Knothole.

Players will need:
-batting helmet, cage or jaw guard optional,
-baseball mitt,
-cleats preferred, but tennis shoes are allowed, 
-baseball protective cups are highly encouraged,
-Rookie division players will need to provide baseball pants or a comfortable alternative

General & Division Rules

3B's 2024 General and Division Rules as well as the coach's code of conduct can be viewed by clicking below...

2024 3B Rules
3b coach code of conduct.pdf
Updated 2/27/23

Changes from 2023 rules are highlighted in RED!

Keep in mind, 3B follows National Federation of High School (NFHS) rules in situations not covered under the 3B General or Division Rules.

3B Baseball Draft Rules

The Farm, Pee Wee, Minor and Colt Divisions all follow a standard draft process.  Please review the following document for the draft rules.

3B Baseball Standard Draft Rules

Here is a visual representation of the draft.  The shaded cells in the picture indicate the number of players on the roster at the start of the draft.  This is just an example.  Click on the link below for the draft visualization.

Draft Visual Example

Concussion Information

The State of Michigan, in 2013, voted into law, sports concussion legislation.  This law requires all coaches, employees, volunteers, and other adults involved with a youth athletic activity to complete a concussion awareness on-line training program, which must be re-taken every three years, or more frequently as determined by DHHS.

Click HERE to go to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services web page to get more information.

Click HERE for the Center for Disease Control's Concussion Information sheet.

Click HERE to go to the CDC's Concussion Training Site, or

Click HERE to go to the National Federation of State High School Associations Concussion Training Site.

Both training sites are free and expect to spend 30 minutes to achieve your certificate. 

Save, print and hand your certificate in to your coach, Division Director or mail to the 3B office.

3B League Information

3B Baseball is a non-profit baseball program and has been serving youth and adult players of SE Michigan and NW Ohio, ages 5 and up, for over 50 years.  Along with recreational divisions, 3B's All Star teams have experienced great local and regional success. 3B is now also proud to offer a 18+ league for adults still wanting to play hardball.

3B is a co-ed league and the divisions are divided by player age, as of May 1st of the current year.  With just a few exceptions, all games are played at White Park (6 fields) in Temperance, Michigan.

Practices begin the first week of April, or sooner, depending on weather.  Your coach will contact you with practice days and times.

Games begin around the first week of May.  Come back to the website for more details and updates.

All-Star teams are selected in Farm, Pee Wee, Minor and Colt Divisions and selected players are able to play in area tournaments at little to no additional cost (click on Division Director to view a list of Board members for more details.)

Good sportsmanship, participation and player development are stressed at all levels of baseball in 3B.  Siblings and/or friends can play on the same team, but sponsorship restrictions apply.

For more information on each division (including details on cost and basic rules), please hover over "League Information & Rules" in the top banner and select the appropriate Division (by player age).

Bedford Community Education

If your player is too young to participate in 3B Baseball, or if 3B isn't the right organization for you and your family, please take the time to visit our friends at Bedford Community Education.

Community Education offers three different programs for kids aged 3 1/2 years-old to 2nd grade.  Their registration is later than 3B, so if you've missed our registration, Community Education might still be available.

You can visit Community Education's website by clicking HERE.
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