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3B Baseball

Welcome to the Umpire Page

Welcome to the 3B Umpire Page, which is divided into the following Content Sections:

Section 1- Important Dates, From the Director
Section 2- Umpire Mechanics
Section 3- Umpire Pay & Bank Information
Section 4- Concussion Certification

3B is always looking to add new umpires to our organization. We offer training and guidance to dedicated individuals looking to learn and grow as an umpire with 3B baseball. Come join our family and make a difference!

If you have any questions or need further information. Please contact the umpire director, Scotty Young, at [email protected].

Thank you for visiting the page.

Important Dates, From the Director

WHO: Rules Committee Members
WHAT: Rules Committee
WHEN: 1/28/23 - 9:30am
WHERE: Bedford Library Quilt Room
WHY: To review and update rules for the upcoming season
We will be covering rules, rule changes and communicating information for the upcoming season.  

WHO: Umpire Supervisors
WHAT: Supervisor Meeting
WHEN: 2/18/23 - 10:00 am

WHY: Cover rule changes and updates for upcoming season

WHO:  All Umpires
WHAT:   Umpire Meeting
WHEN:  3/4/23- 10:00 am

WHERE:   Bedford Library Community Room (subject to change)
WHY:  Concussion Certificates
Please make sure you are ALL in attendance, have your concussion certificates (Unless submitted in last 3 years) and a pen! Make every effort to be there, so we can be prepared for the season

WHO:           All Umpires
WHAT: Umpire Field Clinic
WHEN: 4/15/23 10:00 am (4/16/23, rainout date)
WHERE: White Park Fields
WHY: To prepare for the upcoming season

If you have any questions, issues or cannot make either of the meetings, please send me an email by clicking HERE.

Welcome to our staff for the upcoming season. I look forward to working with each one of you! See you all soon. 


Umpire Mechanics

Click on the links for OHSAA suggestions for both 2-Umpire and 3-Umpire Rotations. 

Please remember these are for High School baseball. Many of the fields we play on are smaller, so they won't necessarily all apply, but please understand the basics of where umpires should stand, according to where the runners are located.

2-Umpire Mechanics

3-Umpire Mechanics

Umpire Pay & Bank Information

   - Click HERE to download a W-9 form
   - Click HERE to download a Direct Deposit form.

Please complete forms, ASAP, by one of the following ways:
1. Mail or drop off:    Collins Accounting and Tax Service, 3352 Dean Road, Lambertville MI 48144 (just West of Secor Road)
2. Bring with you to the Umpire Clinic on 3/4/2023

Concussion Certification

Remember...In order for you to umpire in 3B in 2020, you MUST be Concussion Certified.  Certification MUST be done every 3-years, so if you need to update your certificate, get more info on the 3B League Information and Rules page. 

If you did not accomplish this previously, please get a head start on this season and be ready!

The State of Michigan, in 2013, voted into law, sports concussion legislation.  This law requires all coaches, employees, volunteers, and other adults involved with a youth athletic activity to complete a concussion awareness on-line training program, which must be re-taken every three years, or more frequently as determined by DHHS.

Click HERE to go to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services web page to get more information.

Click HERE for the Center for Disease Control's Concussion Information sheet.

Click HERE to go to the CDC's Concussion Training Site, or

Click HERE to go to the National Federation of State High School Associations Concussion Training Site.

Both training sites are free and expect to spend 30 minutes to achieve your certificate.  

Save, print and hand your certificate in to your coach, Division Director or mail to the 3B office.

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