Dear Local Business Owner,
We welcome you to 3B Baseball. Our names are Courtney Dec and Kim Sanders, and we are the Sponsorship Directors for 3B.
3B, is a non-profit, co-ed, little league baseball organization which has served the Bedford Community for over 50 years. Last year, we had just over 1,000 player registrations, ages 5-adult. We have players from northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan, including our rapidly expanding men’s league.
We are contacting local business owners in hopes that you and your company can help sponsor the 3B program with a charitable donation. As you may know, 3B relies heavily on local businesses for donations of money and/or products and supplies to keep our registration fees at an affordable level and to keep our facilities, uniforms, equipment and umpires, at the high level of quality our players and parents have come to expect.
Over the last few years, donations from companies like yours allowed us to purchase much needed equipment, maintain and improve facilities and fields, and keep registration fees affordable for our players. This included, but is not limited to:
-replacement of park-wide PA system,
-installation of epoxy floor in bathrooms,
-replacement of catcher's gear for all of our teams,
-safety equipment for umpires,
-batter's box template for our diamonds,
-repairs and paint for 12 dugouts,
-critical bathroom repairs,
-tree service for unsafe limbs,
.-first aid kits for all coaches/teams,
-financial assistance for players,
-Fall Pumpkin Bash,
-Park beautification and improvement,
-Annual free community event to celebrate Independence Day,
-and more
We have several outstanding projects planned this year and need your help.
Below is a list of possible contribution packages or click on the following link, 3B Sponsorship Form and Package Options. Any level of support would be greatly appreciated by the children of 3B. Also, please remember that 3B is a non-profit organization, so your donation may be tax deductible and that NO gift or donation is too small. Please help us keep our children playing the Best Baseball in the area!
If you have any questions, contact Courtney or Kim by email at [email protected]. You can also visit the home page at our website, or Facebook page
On behalf of 3B Baseball, we appreciate your continued support.
Courtney Dec and Kim Sanders
Sponsorship Directors