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Wootton Patriots, 2012 Maryland 4A State Champions !

important dates/EVENTS

UPDATED, July 22, 2021

End of School Year "Candidates Meeting" (none held for June 2021, due to Covid restrictions)

All interested Varsity and Jr. Varsity candidates should attend this meeting, to be held in the Wootton Cafeteria.  Information on Summer activities will be provided at this time.

"All-School" Summer Fitness and Conditioning Program
NOTE:  this program is not being held for Summer 2021.  the information below is what we anticipate for future summers.

This program is open to all Wootton students, and Wootton soccer candidates are encouraged to participate.  Sessions are held on the Wootton track on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, 7:15-8:45 (the last session will be .....).  Each session consists of approximately 60-90 minutes of physical training, often including 30 minutes of intense yoga.  Benefits include better physical preparation for the heat and strenuous nature of tryouts, improved injury prevention, better flexibility, etc.  Participants should bring plenty of water, as well as a yoga mat or very heavy/large beach towel.  In addition, participants will be required to submit the following forms on the morning of the first fitness session they attend:  Pre-Participation Physical Exam (dated within one year), Emergency Medical Form, and Parent Permission Form (indicating "Fitness and Conditioning").

VARSITY Pre-Season Registration and Tryouts

  • All tryout candidates are required to have submitted all necessary forms (including the Clearance Form from the doctor's physical) via the MCPS ParentVUE online portal, not later than August 9, 2021.  See the Wootton Athletics website ( for detailed information.
  • Actual Varsity Tryouts begin on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 (again, you MUST submit all required forms online in advance).
  • No student will be allowed to participate in tryouts without having submitted ALL required forms ONLINE.

A complete schedule of tryout sessions, scrimmages, and other preseason activities may be viewed by clicking on the Navigation link labeled "Training Schedule" (to be updated close to the first day of tryouts).

JUNIOR VARSITY Pre-Season Registration and Tryouts Registration

  • All tryout candidates are required to have submitted all necessary forms (including the Clearance Form from the doctor's physical) via the MCPS ParentVUE online portal, not later than August 9, 2021.  See the Wootton Athletics website ( for detailed information
  • Actual Junior Varsity Tryouts begin on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 (again, you MUST submit all required forms online in advance).
  • No student will be allowed to participate in tryouts without having submitted ALL required forms ONLINE.

A complete schedule of tryout sessions, scrimmages, and other preseason activities may be viewed by clicking on the Navigation link labeled "Training Schedule" (to be updated close to the first day of tryouts).

Player/Roster Selection
Selections will be done incrementally, with a final rosters to be announced about 10 days after tryouts begin. View detailed player selection criteria by clicking on this website's header labeled "General Info", then selecting the drop down labeled "Player Selection Criteria".

MCPS Extracurricular Activity Fee (ECA Fee) 
Players no longer are required to pay the ECA Fee, effective with the 2017/18 school year.

Team Photo Day
Will be scheduled for late August.  This exact schedule will be announced to players once it is established by the Athletic Department.  Typically, it is sometime during the first week of school.  Players should wear full uniform (white/blue/white), including cleats, socks, shinguards, and will be able to place individual orders for pictures with the photography company at that time.

Meet the Coaches Night
This is scheduled for an evening in late August, typically beginning at 6:00 or 6:30 pm, at Wootton's Cafeteria.  An informal dinner and formal team meeting will be held for all players and parents. All players and at least one parent are required to attend, and dinner will be served. Parents should bring their checkbook, and be prepared to join the Wootton Booster Club and to purchase individual player items (team socks and other personal apparel that players may choose/optional to obtain). 

Regular Season Schedule 
The regular season schedule may be viewed by clicking on this website's header labeled "Schedule of Games" (updated as soon as it is published by MCPS, generally by early August).