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Recommended Reading

2018-19 NCAA Guide for the College Bound Student

Click here to download.

This free guide from the NCAA may overwhelm parents initially when they see 40 pages packed with information, but rest assured that it is a user-friendly, must-read guide for any student athlete and their family who may be considering a school affiliated with the NCAA.  With sections covering eligibility, the certification process, recruitment regulations, and athletic-related financial aid, families can print the guide and take advantage of helpful worksheets and checklists to ensure they follow the appropriate steps on the path to NCAA eligibility.  

Committing to Play for a College, Then Starting 9th Grade
A startling look from The New York Times at the shift college recruitment, and particularly women’s soccer, has taken in recent years. 

How to get recruited to play college football: A signee on what works
An excellent article that players can apply to any sport, including soccer.  Insightful tips from the perspective of a high school senior who’s navigated the recruitment process help students examine their own attitudes, academics, and social interactions with adults, peers, and on social media.  A must-read!

The Making of a Student Athlete
By Ray Lauenstein & Dave Galehouse
“In this comprehensive athletic recruiting and college selection guide, The Making of a Student-Athlete, Ray Lauenstein and Dave Galehouse dispel the myths surrounding the college athletic recruiting process and show how common assumptions can get in the way of your success.”


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