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Townsend-Ashby Youth Soccer Association

Townsend-Ashby Youth Soccer Association

About Travel Teams

Travel Divisions

TAYSA is a proud member of the Nashoba Valley Youth Soccer League (NVYSL), which is a Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association affiliated league.  TAYSA Travel teams compete against other teams in the Nashoba Valley Youth Soccer League (NVYSL). All travel players are evaluated near the end of the spring season for the following fall/spring team placements. See Player Evaluations for more information.

Grades 3/4

Qualifications: In 4th grade or lower
Teams: Separate boys and girls teams.
Format: 7v7 (with goalie)
Girls’ Games: Saturday @ 9:00 AM
Boys’ Games: Saturday @ 10:30 AM
Practices: Two practices per week. Day and time are chosen by the coach.

Grades 5/6

Qualifications: In 6th grade or lower
Teams: Separate boys and girls teams.
Format: 9×9 (with goalie)
Girls’ Games: Saturday @ 12:00 PM
Boys’ Games: Saturday @ 1:30 PM
Practices: Two practices per week. Day and time are chosen by the coach.

Grades 7/8

Qualifications: In 8th grade or lower
Teams: Separate boys and girls teams.
Format: 11v11 (with goalie)
Girls’ Games: Saturday @ 3:00 PM
Boys’ Games: Saturday @ 4:30 PM
Practices: Two practices per week. Day and time are chosen by the coach.

Boys High School (spring only)

Qualifications: In 12th grade +1 year or lower
Teams: Boys teams.
Format: 11v11 (with goalie)
Games: Sundays at 1:00, 3:00, or 5:00 PM. Occasional games on Saturdays at 6:00 PM
Practices: Two practices per week. Day and time are chosen by the coach.

Girls High School (spring only)

Note: Girls High School players register and play with Pepperell Youth Soccer.
Qualifications: In 12th grade +1 year or lower
Teams: Girls teams
Format: 11v11 (with goalie)
Games: Sundays at 1:00, 3:00, or 5:00 PM. Occasional games on Saturdays at 6:00 PM
Practices: See Pepperell Youth Soccer for more information.


  1. Division 1 (D1) is for teams to compete to represent NVYSL at the Division 1 Massachusetts Tournament of Champions (MTOC) Tournament in the spring season.
  2. Division 2 (D2) is for teams to compete at the NCUP tournament in the spring season.
  3. Recreational is Non-Outcome based play for Grades 3/4 (U10) and Outcome based for Grades 5/6 (U12) and older. 
  • Recreational play is offered for players in Grades 3/4 (U10) 
  • D1, D2, and Recreational play are offered for Grades 5/6 (U12) and Grades 7/8 (U14) 
  • D1 play is offered for Grades 9/11 and Grades 9/PG (Post Graduate) in the spring season


  • Promote good sportsmanship. 
  • Do not tolerate unsportsmanlike behavior by coaches, players or spectators. 
  • Promote good soccer through the development of ball and game skills. 
  • Maintain rosters. 
  • Provide a list of potential candidates for voting and nonvoting members of the Board. 
  • For the FALL playing season for all teams, and for all Recreational teams in both the Fall AND Spring seasons, ensure that all players on all teams play at least half of each match during games. Exceptions shall only be for injuries, sickness or discipline. 
  • A player shall only play for one team in the Nashoba Valley Youth Soccer League.


Townsend-Ashby Youth Soccer Association
P.O. Box 589 
Townsend, Massachusetts 01469

Email: [email protected]

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