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Hillgrove Hawks Cross Country

Winter Break Workout

Printable Version: track winter break workout.pdf
(When in doubt just go out and get a 30-45 minute run in)

**Please follow this workout plan over the winter break in order to be ready for the spring track season!  If you are out of town and you don’t know distances for your run or you can’t find a hill to do repeats on then just run for time.  Please be sure to drink water before and after your workout!  This is very important because you can still get dehydrated even in the cold weather.  Your body might not feel like it needs water but you still need to drink water to replace fluids lost during the workout.  Please stretch before and after you run.  It is easy to pull or hurt things in the cold.  If it is too cold to stretch outside after you run go inside to stretch.**

Please RUN over the break we don’t want you to lose all the gains you have made during your running so far over!!

We will meet Monday 12/22/14 and Monday 12/29/14 at Cheatham Hill to do a long run.  This is optional but the coaches will be there to run with you if you are in town.  We will meet at 9:30 am in the parking lot where we meet during cross country season.

Training Plan for the weeks of 12/22 and 12/29 (We will use the same workouts for each week.) This plan will be similar to what we will do during our last weeks of track conditioning in the beginning of January so it is good to get your body used to running these workouts now.


Long Run Boys 5 to 8 miles depending on how you feel and where you are to run.  Girls 5 to 7 miles depending on what you have been running during conditioning.  Please make sure you do dynamic stretching before you run and static stretching after you run! 


30-45 minute recovery run + 4-6 strides after you run.  Then you need to do the core ab workout exercises we have been doing during conditioning a minute for each exercise.  The exercises are double crunch, planks on each side, bicycle, and leg throws.  These exercises will help to keep you in shape!!  Make sure to static stretch!


Tempo workout.  You need to warm up for 1 mile if you don’t know distance than (10 to 15 minutes).  Then you need to do 30 minutes of up tempo work.  This workout is what we did the first week of conditioning.  This workout will work rather you are on the track or just a grassy area.  Please, please, please don’t do this workout on the road!!  Run around your house if you have to; find a soccer field to run at, if you can’t find anything run on the edge of houses grass in your neighborhood.  Then cool down for 15 minutes.  You need to static stretch after your warm up and after your cool down!


30-45 minute recovery run + 4-6 strides after your run.  Then you need to do the core ab workout exercises we have been doing during conditioning a minute for each exercise.  The exercises are double crunch, planks on each side, bicycle, and leg throws. These exercise will help to keep you in shape!!  Make sure to static stretch!


Hill Workout.  Warm up for 1 to 2 miles depending on what group you are in (this is 10 to 20 minutes depending on how fast you run).  Then boys you have 8 to 10 hill repeats and girls 6 to 8.  Please rest for 45 seconds to 1 minute between each repeat.  Just find a decent hill somewhere where you are to run up.  Then you have a 1 mile cool down which is 10 to 15 minutes if you don’t know distance.  Please static stretch before and after your warm up and cool down run.


30-45 minute recovery run + 4-6 strides after your run.  Then you need to do the core ab workout exercises we have been doing during conditioning a minute for each exercise.  The exercises are double crunch, planks on each side, bicycle, and leg throws.  These exercise will help to keep you in shape!!  Make sure to static stretch!


You get the day off!!