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Hillgrove Hawks Cross Country

Hillgrove XC TEMPO Training

We will use Tempo training to help us get used to running fast. When the training schedule says "Tempo" (which is Saturday for summer training) choose one of the following workouts. DO NOT CHOOSE THE SAME WORKOUT EACH DAY!!! SWITCH IT UP AND ALTERNATE DAYS!!

Tempo Run

- experience will determine how far your tempo effort will be.

1. Dynamic Warm-Up Drills (found under training tab)

2. Begin run. Use the first 2 miles of your run as a warm up. After that, pick up the pace for 1-3 miles. New runners will choose 1 mile at the beginning and progress to 3 by the end of the summer. Varsity runners will start with 1 mile but then progress to 3 miles by the beginning of July. The pace for the tempo effort should be faster than normal running pace but a pace you can hold for that distance. You should not be able to carry a conversation during the tempo interval. If you have a GPS watch, you can email Coach Gambrell and he can give you a specific pace to run. After you have completed the tempo interval, finish the run to fill out the prescribed mileage for that day.
3. Stretch.


- Swedish word for "Speed Play". This workout will help us get used to running fast but also changing our pace while running.
1. Dynamic Warm-Up Drills (found under training tab)
2. Start your run. Use the first 1-2 miles to warm up. Then for the rest of the run (leave one mile for a cool down) you will be changing up your pace. You can run 30 sec up tempo then 60 sec rest. Then do 60 sec up tempo and 45 sec rest. The time intervals do not really matter just change it up. Your up tempo time intervals should range from 30 sec to 2 minutes. Your rest intervals should be roughly equal. 
3. Use the last mile of your run as a cool down.