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Hillgrove Hawks Cross Country

Hillgrove XC Hill Training

Hill training will help us build speed and strength. When the training plan says "Hills" you will need to do one of the following workouts.

Strength Hills

- find a hill that is 300m-400m long. You want to make sure that there is a gradual slope and that the slope is not too steep. 
1. Go for a warm-up run of 2-3 miles.
2. Do the dynamic warm-up drills (Under the training tab)
3. Do 4-10 hill repeats. (New runners closer to 4, Varsity runners closer to 8. As the summer goes on, increase the amount of hills you do each week)
a. Run up the hill at a steady pace. The pace should be faster than your normal running pace but not sprinting. When running up the hill remember to pump your arms, lean forward slightly and drive your knee upwards! STAY ON YOUR TOES!! At the top of the hill you should feel a burn in your quads but and you should be winded but you should not be exhausted. Once you get to the top of the hill jog slowly back down and wait for 1 minute. Repeat this until you have done 4-8 repeats.
4. Go for a cool down of 1-3 miles.
5. Stretch.

Speed Hills

- find a hill that you can sprint up in 8-10 seconds. If you cannot reach the top of the hill in 8-10 seconds, FIND ANOTHER HILL!
1. Go for a warm-up of 2-3 miles.
2. Do the dynamic warm-up drills (Under the training tab)
3. Do 4-8 hill repeats. (New runners closer to 4, Varsity runners closer to 6. As the summer goes on, increase the amount of hills you do each week)
a. Run up the hill FAST!! You do not have to be all out sprinting but you should be very close. Remember it is only for 8-10 seconds. When running up the hill remember to pump your arms, lean forward slightly and drive your knee upwards! STAY ON YOUR TOES!! At the top of the hill catch your breath and jog back down. Once you get back down, rest until you feel recovered. You should not feel winded or have you heart rate high. It is important on these hills that you have full recovery. Repeat this until you have done 4-8 repeats.
4. Go for a cool down of 1-2 miles.
5. Stretch.