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Hillgrove Hawks Cross Country

Hillgrove Cross Country Booster Club By Laws

Article I – Organization

The name of the organization shall be Hillgrove Cross Country (XC) Booster Club.

Article II – Purpose(s)

Section 1

.        The purpose of this organization shall be to promote and support the Hillgrove High School Hawks Cross Country Program.  The Hillgrove Hawks Cross Country Booster club will assist by providing financial assistance through fundraising projects, future operational and educational activities, and community service projects that promote and support the development of good sportsmanship, squad unity and mutual respect.

Section 2.  

      The Hillgrove Hawks Cross Country Booster Club shall specifically refrain from being involved in or attempting to intervene in any decisions concerning:

1.      Selection of uniforms

2.      Selection of competitions

3.      Selections of captains, advisors, and coaches

4.      Team awards

5.      Time trials, or cuts

6.      Selection of running camps

7.      Discipline

8.      Team Training Methodology

Section 3. 

       This organization shall promote a congenial relationship among members, athletes, coaches, school administration, other school organizations, and the community in general.

Article III – Membership

Section 1.

        Membership in this organization by all parents and guardians of any cross country runner is not required but highly recommended.

Section 2.

        Dues should be paid by the first week of school unless otherwise voted on by the executive board.  The membership dues of $250.00 entitle each member/family to attend each schedule meeting and give one vote per family.

Section 3. 

      Dues will not be refunded.

Section 4.

       Dues collected will be used for the cross country program at Hillgrove High School.

Section 5. 

      All adult booster club members shall have the right to vote (One vote per family), and/or hold office.

Section 6. 

      It is the duty of each member to conduct themselves in accordance with the By-laws of this organization and in a manner that will bring credit to the organization, the school, and the participating students.

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1. 

       The schedule of general membership meetings will be communicated by the Executive Committee at the first meeting for the new school year.

Section 2.   

     Executive Committee meetings will be determined as needed by the majority of the executive Committee.

Section 3.

        A general meeting will be held a minimum of one time a season.  Meetings may be called more often as necessary with notification made to the membership.

Section 4.

        No general meeting shall conduct business without a quorum of the Executive Committee present.

Section 5.

        All actions will be by two-thirds majority vote of the members present

Section 6.

        All members shall lend their support to all activities participated in the organization.

Section 7.  

      All meetings should follow Roberts Rules of Order

Section 8. 

       The Order of business at all meetings shall be as follows:

a.       Call to order

b.      Reading of minutes from last meeting

c.       Reports of Officers

d.      Reports of Committees

e.       Unfinished business

f.       New business

g.      Adjournment

Article V – Voting

Section 1.

        At all meetings, except the election of officers, all votes shall be by voice.  For election of officers, ballots will be provided.  YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO VOTE.

Article VI – Officers

Section 1. 

       Officers of the organization shall be elected for a period of twelve months from the first cross country booster club meeting in the school year.

Section 2.   

     The Officers of the organization by virtue of their office make up the Executive Committee. They are as follows:

President- shall preside at all meetings and shall exercise general supervision and control over the business affairs.  The President shall appoint committee chairpersons and see that all of the committees follow through on completion of their duties. 

Vice-President- shall assist the president(s) in their duties and perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and shall become President should the office for any reason, become vacant. 

Secretary- shall keep the minutes of the Club’s meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the Club. The secretary should also see to it that meeting minutes are posted to the HHS cross country website. 

Receiving/Disbursing Treasure- will be responsible for receiving and accounting for all incoming funds and deposit them into the bank account of the Club. The RT should be prepared for a written report of deposits monthly. Will be responsible for paying the club’s bills and keeping an account of all expenses. A written financial statement shall be presented at each meeting. All annual reports shall be prepared at year-end. Bank Statements shall be reconciled and signed in a timely manner by two members designated by the Club. These monthly financial statements should be made available to the membership and the Principal.

 Article VII- Executive Board

Section 1.

        The Executive Board can act on expenditures that call for immediate action up to $500.  Any other expenditure should be voted on by Club members at either a regular meeting or a special called meeting. Approval must be by a simple majority of those in attendance.

Article VIII – Finances

Section 1. 

       All funds collected are to be deposited in the Hillgrove Hawks Cross Country Booster Club account.  Distribution of funds (general funds/individual accounts) shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2.

        Approval of the budget will be by two-thirds vote of the membership present at the first general membership meeting.

Section 3. 

       Upon request of any member, the Treasurer(s) shall allow such members to review their individual accounts and/or booster club’s general income and expense report.  Such request must be in writing.

Section 4.

        Major fundraisers sponsored by the boosters will be determined at the first general meeting of the new school year.

Section 5. 

       Funds accumulated from fundraisers will go to the general booster club fund.

Article IX – Committees

Section 1.

        All committees of this organization shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. 

       Committees shall be formed as necessary to support fundraising, banquets, etc.

Section 3.  

      Executive Committee can call committee meetings.

Section 4.   

     Committees will be established based on need and will be comprised of club members.

Article X – Amendments

Section 1.   

     The by-laws may be amended, altered, repealed, or added to by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present provided that such amendment has been submitted in writing and read at a previous meeting and further provided that the adoption is included as a regular part of the agenda of the meeting.

Article XI – Standing Rule

Section 1. 

       The fund of this organization may be spent on any approved budget item or any other items approved by the executive board or majority of the membership present at a regular meeting.

Section 2.

        Final authority of all activities of this organization shall rest in the coaches and representatives of Hillgrove Hawks Cross Country Organization.

Section 3.

        Any officer may be recalled for neglect of duty or misconduct in office.  A recall for any office shall be initiated by submission of a recall petition signed by 2/3 of the members of the club and submitted to the president.  The Secretary shall verify signatures and membership status.  If the recall petition is valid, the President shall call a recall vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the club or call a special meeting.  The recall shall require an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the membership present.

Section 4.  

      If for any reason this club should be dissolved, all funds remaining in the Treasury after liquidation of all obligations, shall be deposited into the account of the HHS Athletic Department, and/or HHS Cross Country account, and designated for uses only in connection with the cross country program of the school.

Section 5. 

       The Executive Board and the Head Coach will work together to establish the budget.  The president will then present the final budget to the Club for approval.