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Sacred Heart CYO Baseball/Softball is affiliated with Cal Ripken Baseball / Babe Ruth Softball.

Sacred Heart CYO Baseball & Softball

Code of Conduct

Sacred Heart CYO Baseball and Softball League

Code of Conduct

Sacred Heart CYO Baseball and Softball League (Sacred Heart CYO) Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to our program. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to outline our goals for the season while establishing some expectations of all involved.

Sacred Heart CYO Baseball & Softball presents many challenging situations and a number of opportunities to develop the skills of strong character, courage and loyalty in our league and in our community. As parents and coaches, we are in an excellent position to influence the development of our youth by acting as positive role models on and off the field. As the league of Sacred Heart CYO, we are expected to treat every person in this organization with respect and dignity.

We ask, at registration, that all coaches and parents read the following and acknowledge your agreement through your actions over the course of the season.

Sacred Heart CYO expectations of Parents:

Each Parent will ensure that his/her conduct sets examples for their child and other spectators. To satisfactorily meet these responsibilities, As a parent, I will make every effort to:

•        Maintain control of my emotions

•        Avoid the use of abusive or profane language, taunting or humiliating remarks, and/or gestures

•        Refrain from physical assault upon another player, coach or parent at any time

•        Attend my child’s games

•        Be a supportive parent for the coach and team

•        Cheer for all of the players on each team

•        Show respect and courtesy to umpires, coaches and players at all times

•        Respect the rules of the game and the league, and abide by the rulings and instructions of all league officials

•        Be supportive when my child is successful or when struggling for success

•        Play and practice the skills of the game with my child

•        Be positive and supportive whether the team wins or loses

•        Remember that the game is for the players and that the Coaches and Umpires are volunteers

Sacred Heart CYO expectations of volunteer Coaches:  

Each Coach will ensure that his/her conduct sets examples for team members and spectators. To satisfactorily meet these responsibilities, as a coach, I will make every effort to:

•        Maintain control of my emotions

•        Avoid the use of abusive or profane language, taunting or humiliating remarks, and/or gestures

•        Refrain from physical assault upon another player, coach or parent at any time

•        Create a safe and caring place for players to learn, practice and play

•        All coaches must complete the mandatory “Virtus – Protecting God’s Children” training and be fingerprinted prior to the start of the season.

•        Know the rules and abide by them. Instruct the players in the rules and motivate each player to compete according to the rules at all times.

•        Respect the game umpires. Refrain from questioning their decisions in a hostile or abusive manner.

•        Ensure that all field rules and regulations are followed by all players and spectators

•        Ensure that fans of his/her team exhibit sportsmanship and maturity at all times and assist league officials and umpires in maintaining control of spectators during games.

•        Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team during the play of the game and at its conclusion.

•        Take appropriate steps to minimize scoring in runaway games, in the spirit of sportsmanship.

•        Teach each player, especially through personal example, to be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat.

•        Maintain control of his/her emotions and avoid actions, language, and/or gestures that may be interpreted as hostile and humiliating.

•        Instruct team support personnel (e.g., assistant coaches, scorekeepers, and team parents) in their responsibilities as prescribed by rules & procedures.

•        Realize, accept, and practice the principle that a team's reputation is built not only on its playing ability but also on its sportsmanship, courtesy, and manner.

Sacred Heart CYO expectations of Players: As a player, I will make every effort to:

•        Do my best and have fun

•        Maintain control of my emotions

•        Avoid the use of abusive or profane language, taunting or humiliating remarks, and/or gestures

•        Refrain from physical assault upon another player, coach or parent at any time

•        Know and respect the rules of the game.

•        Show respect and courtesy to umpires and coaches by following their instructions and directions

•        Respect the game umpires and refrain from addressing them or commenting on their decisions during the play of the game.

•        Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team and display sportsmanship at the conclusion of a game

•        Be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat.

We strive to meet these goals in everything we do, from practice to games, to playoffs and tournament teams. Our volunteer head coach and coaches are dedicated and give generously of their time and attention. The players are generally well behaved and respectful of their teammates. However, we realize that in a season that lasts several months and includes hundreds of players and adults, disagreements may occur. In order to help resolve any issues quickly and appropriately, we suggest the following procedures:

1.       Contact the team head coach and discuss the issue. Generally speaking, the head coach is the person closest to most issues and, in most cases, is probably the person most familiar with the details and the personalities involved. We expect that most issues can be adequately addressed through the head coach.

2.       Each division has a coordinator, who can be reached by emailing the league’s main email address, [email protected] or directly through personal contact. If the matter cannot be settled by a discussion with the head coach, then the division coordinator should be contacted.

3.       Our league’s Board of Directors, elected by the members, governs Sacred Heart CYO. When required, the division coordinator will bring issues to the Board for review. When the board has been notified that an issue is being presented by a coordinator involving disciplining of a coach, parent or player, the parish will be notified as soon as possible and prior to the board meeting.

During each game, a Board Member is assigned to oversee activities and is available to address any issues that arise during play.

Sportsmanship Code of Babe Ruth League, Inc. - The principles outlined above are consistent with and in support of the Sportsmanship Code of Babe Ruth League, Inc. established in 1954:

•        Develop a strong, clean, healthy body, mind and soul.

•        Develop a strong urge for sportsman-like conduct.

•        Develop an understanding of and respect for the RULES.

•        Develop courage in defeat, tolerance and modesty in victory.

•        Develop control over emotions and speech.

•        Develop a spirit of cooperation and team play.

•        Develop into real, true CITIZENS.


Parents/Players/Coaches may be subject to disciplinary action that could include but is not limited to the following:

•        Verbal warning by umpire, coach, and/or Board Member or other League Official

•        Written warning.

•        Parental game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file.

•        Parental season suspension.

•        Parental disbarment.

•        Player removal / Coach removal.

Harassment or Abusive Language

One of the most common problems / complaints is harassment of an umpire or coach and / or use of foul language. Even though fan harassment isn't really the head coach's responsibility, the enforcement of this problem involves the head coach. If a fan (usually a parent or grandparent) harasses the umpire, players, etc. unduly, and it happens to be a fan (parent) from your team, the enforcement procedure will be as follows:

•        The Umpire will take that Head coach to the respective fan.

•        The fan will be advised that they need to refrain from the harassment, or they will be asked to leave the park.

•        If the harassment continues, the Umpire and Head coach will ask the person to leave. If they do not leave, their child will be removed from the game.

•        If the parent persists at that point, the game will be forfeited to the opposing team.

•        Any warnings need to be reported to the Board Member on Duty and will be recorded by the league.

•        If the harassment is from a coach or assistant coach, the Umpire along with the opposing coach will follow the same procedures.

•        For repeat offenders, the Umpire has the right to skip any warnings and immediately ask the harasser to leave the field. The harasser will be required to meet with the Board prior to being allowed to return to the fields.


We have our coaches sign a coach’s contract that provides guidelines that they should operate under. Coaches who routinely operate outside of these guidelines, dependent on the seriousness of the circumstances, will:

1. Be made aware of any verbal or written complaints for feedback and input

2. Be asked to take steps to address any identified problems

3. May be put on official probation

Behavior found to be abusive physically or verbally to any player or league official shall be grounds for immediate termination with a 2/3 vote of a quorum at a board meeting. The parish will be notified as soon as possible and prior to the board meeting.

Coaches should keep in mind that it is rare not to receive negative feedback at some point from a parent who disagrees with coaching style, the playing time of their child or even the position their child should play. Board members will encourage parents with those types of complaints to address coaches directly, and coaches should respectfully receive constructive criticism.

Umpires, opposing coaches and spectators may be interviewed regarding issues of unsportsmanlike conduct, treatment of players, etc. The coach may be asked to be interviewed by the Board.

Smoking / Alcoholic Beverages / No Pets Policy

Alcohol consumption and smoking of any kind are strictly prohibited on the Sacred Heart CYO Complex grounds - including parking lots and stands. Also, we ask that you not bring pets to games. Following these rules will help us ensure that families can enjoy the games in a comfortable, safe environment.

A portion of our games are played offsite, at the Westampton Sports Complex.  While our organization does not set the rules there, we ask that you follow the same guidelines playing anywhere offsite as you are expected to follow at the CYO Complex.

If you should notice fans that are violating these rules, please inform them, in a courteous manner, of our policy and ask them to please abide or contact a league official.

There is a perception in youth sports that parents and coaches are overbearing and unruly. We believe this is not deserved, as the majority of us participate without incident. We as an organization will not tolerate behavior from coaches, players or parents that would contradict this Code of Conduct. Please be conscience of your behavior at all times. You are representing not only yourself, but your child’s team and our organization.

Finally, children playing at this level are not expected to be superstars. Let’s allow them to make their mistakes - and hopefully learn from them - but always be there with positive support to lift their spirits. If we eliminate the negative, the children will have an opportunity to play without any unnecessary pressures and will learn the value of sportsmanship and have f-u-n!

Let’s have a great season! Thank you for your support.

Contact Us

Sacred Heart CYO Baseball & Softball

P.O. Box 515 
Hainesport, New Jersey 08036

Email Us: [email protected]
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