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Kansas Rush Soccer


Referees can be but are not required to be certified to work in the Kansas Rush U6-U8 Recreational League. If you wish to get certified, certification classes are implemented by the Kansas Referee Association.  For more information on certification, please click on the link to go to their website.

In order to receive information and sign up emails, referees must be registered for the Referee program for the appropriate league season.  Go to your Rush account and register there. Referees who have not worked out leagues before are required to attend the referee meeting for that season.

Age Groups
Kansas Rush will utilize a one man referee system for the following age groups:

Referees (especially new referees) should study The Kansas Rush Referee Guidelines

Details about all age groups including game lengths and rules can be found using the links below:
U6 Rules
U7 Rules
U8 Rules

Referees MUST be Eleven years old in order to referee for Kansas Rush Soccer Club.

For Spring 2022 the meeting is on Sunday, March 2oth at 3:30pm at the Kansas Rush Indoor Facility, 623 N Lindenwood Dr, Olathe

*Referees who are BOTH Returning Rush League Referees AND Certified Referees - do NOT need to attend this meeting.  

If you have any questions, please contact the Rush Office 913-764-4111 or [email protected]

GAME SIGN UP - will go live Mondays by 5:00PM.  It is first come, first to sign up. Email will be sent to all registered referees with the link and passcode to the sign up.  Be ready at 5pm because it fills up fast.  The first week the sign up may not go out until Tuesday at 5pm.

*NEW referees please only sign up for the U6 age group.
*EXPERIENCED but NOT Certified referees, can sign up for any age group.
*CERTIFED referees cab sign up for any age group, but we encourage them to sign up for U8.  

You will be allowed to sign up for a maximum of 3 Games per day.  Unless you are a certified ref signing up for U8 games.

Sign up emails are sent out each Monday at 5pm for that week's games.

You must arrive at check in a minimum of 20 minutes before your game time to get your game card.  If your are late, then you will not be able to sign up for the following weeks games.  If you are late a second time then you are done for the season.  The coaches, players, parents, and Rush are all counting on you!

If you do not show up at all, then you are automatically done for the rest of the season.  We realize things happen, but there are lots of people depending on you!  Make sure in advance that you have you have everything planned properly.  Also, We know some of you ref other places on the same day.  Just make sure you do not sign up for games without more than enough time to get here on time.

Any abuse of the sign up process, the referee will be taken OFF THE LIST for the Season. 

You will need an 'ACCESS CODE' for each sign up.  This will be provided once sign ups OPEN via an email to ALL registered referees.  If you did not REGISTER, you will not get the email with the access code.  Please register through your Rush account.

*Referee checks will be processed approximately EVERY TWO WEEKS (We try our best to cut checks after every two weekends of game days, sometimes there is a weekend with no games and this may mean 3 weeks between checks)

*In Order to GET PAID - it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to SIGN & TURN-IN each GAME CARD to the Field Marshall Tent/Area where you checked-in.  NO GAME CARD; NO PAYMENT; NO EXCEPTIONS!!

*Each referee MUST COMPLETE & SUBMIT AN IRS W-9, for the current calendar year.  CLICK HERE for W9 form (PDF).  Email to  [email protected]

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


623 N. Lindenwood 
Olathe, Kansas 66062

Phone: 913-764-4111
Email: [email protected]


10:00 am - 3:00 pm Monday - Friday
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