Tryouts for the 2021-2022 season are as follows: Click here to register for tryouts!
18U Girls - We do not plan to host an 18U Girls team this season.
17U Girls - Tryouts for our 17U PREMIER and 17U Elite teams have already taken place for the 2021-2022 season. If you are interested in joining our TNT (training and tournaments) program beginning in November more information will be available soon.
16U Girls - Tryouts for our 16U PREMIER and 16U Elite teams have taken place for the 2021-2022 season. If you are interested in joining our TNT (training and tournaments) program beginning in November more information will be available soon.
15U Girls - Tryouts for our 15U PREMIER and 15U Elite teams have taken place for the 2021-2022 season. If you are interested in joining our TNT (training and tournaments) program beginning in November more information will be available soon.
14U tryouts are scheduled for August 20th, 2:30-5:30pm. If you know any athletes going into 8th grade please send this tryout information their way. Click here to register! There will be a second tryout for 14U on December 11th 1:30pm-3:30pm. You only need to register once.
13U tryouts are scheduled for December 11, 11am-1pm, at Westhill High School. Online pre-registration is required - click here to register:
12U Co-ed Youth Program will start in January at three different locations (12U North, 12U East, 12U West). Click here to register:
If you are not sure what your USA Volleyball "age" is for 2021-2022 Check the attached chart.
We will offer TNT (training and tournaments) programs for all ages. More information about that program will be coming soon.
*All Club SyrV events, including tryouts, will be at
Midstate Athletic Community Center (5575 Meltzer Ct #1, Cicero, NY 13039) unless otherwise noted.