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Practice Field Locations and Maps

Practice Fields and Current Conditions

Practice fields are listed in the table below. Current conditions are posted and will be updated by 8:00 AM most days. Note that in most cases, the City of San Marcos closes some fields in inclement weather. If there has been significant rain during the last 24 hours, you can expect that the fields will be closed.

Listed below are the dates and times that fields are available for practices. Coaches, please leave the fields in a neat condition. Please pick up any empty water bottles, soda cans, snack wrappers, etc. and put them in the trash. The schools and school district are kind enough to make these fields available for our use, so let’s leave them neat and clean.

NOTE: Note that the days that a specific field are available may change based on sharing proposals handled through the City of San Marcos' Youth Sports Council. The Youth Sports Council is an advisory committee to the City of San Marcos' Parks and Recreation Department. Questions regarding the field allocations for Fall and Winter Seasons of 2015-2016 should be directed to our Commissioner. Contact your City Council representative for more information about the Youth Sports Council.

All Fields Open for Practices in August - first games begin at the end of August.

Note that field permits are not usually available until the week before school starts. Field permits will be posted here for you to download as soon as they are available from San Marcos Unified School District.

Practice Schedules for Fall 2016 - Winter 2017

Park Name Practice Days Available Times Field Permit Map
Alvin Dunn Elementary Tuesday/Thursday 5PM - Sunset Field Permit Map
Knob Hill Elementary Tuesday/Thursday 5PM - Sunset Field Permit Map
Paloma Elementary Tuesday/Thursday 5PM - Sunset Field Permit Map
San Marcos Middle - Fields 1 & 2 Tuesday/Thursday 5PM - 9PM Field Permit Map
Joli Ann Elementary Tuesday/Thursday
5PM - Sunset
Field Permit
Walnut Grove Park - North Fields Tuesday/Thursday 4PM - Sunset Not Required Map
Walnut Grove Park - South Fields
Monday/Wednesday 4PM - Sunset
Not Required

Las Posas Park - Stadium
4PM - 9PM Not Required Map
Las Posas Park - Upper Fields Monday/Wednesday/Friday 4PM - Sunset Not Required Map

Field Status

Closed Closed

Las Posas Park  (12:08 PM | 11/28/16)

Closed Closed

Walnut Grove Park - North (12:08 PM | 11/28/16)

Closed Closed

Hollandia Park (12:08 PM | 11/28/16)