As part of Little League International, Coventry Little League has a defined territory. You can confirm whether your child is eligible to play at CLL at the following link: League Finder - Little League
- CLL territory includes areas within the following townships: South Coventry, North Coventry, East Coventry, East Vincent, East Nantmeal, Warwick, Birdsboro, Douglasville, Amity Gardens, Amityville and Yellow House
- Eligibility to participate in CLL can be based on either your home address or the address of your local public school
A child who does not live or attend school within the CLL territory may still be able to play under the following circumstances:
- The family lives in an area where there is no chartered Little League
- The desired program is not offered by local league, e.g. Challenger, Softball, Intermediate Baseball
***NEW FOR 2025***
- Children who are Little League age 7 and below are eligible to play in any Little League, regardless of geography
- Older siblings of children Little League age 7 and below are eligible to play in the same league as their younger sibling, regardless of geography
If you have questions regarding your eligibility to play at CLL, please contact us at
[email protected]