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Work Bond Program

WE NEED YOUR HELP!  There is a great deal of organization and work that goes on “off the field” to make sure the League operates successfully.  As a volunteer organization, Capitol Little League relies on participating families to operate efficiently.  A bit part of that expectation as a parent, in addition to getting your kids to practices and games, is volunteering. In order to encourage volunteer participation and to be equitable to all families, Capitol Little League implemented a Work Bond Program in 2014.

In order to have a successful season, each family is asked to provide a deposit of $50 to guarantee your commitment to helping. This Work Bond check is then held as collateral against 6 hours of total time spent volunteering in various capacities with the league over the course of the season. As a component of the 6 hours, each family is being required to work 4 hours, or the equivalent of 2 games in the concessions. Please note that 1) your concession hours do not have to be during your child’s game, but must be at a game within your child’s division and 2) only family members 18 years of age or older are allowed to work in concessions. Concession slots will be available for signup online starting on 4/1/15 once schedules are available for your player's team.  You are responsible for insuring that your family covers this shift. Please note the concession funds support all levels in the league including teams that do not play on fields where concessions are sold.

Additionally, each family is asked to provide an additional 2 hours of time. This time can be as a manager, coach, team parent, umpire, scorekeeper, work on Field Clean Up Day, Picture Day, Opening Day, or other opportunities that may be presented during the year. For positions such as coach, manager and team parent, credit will be given based upon the official Team Rosters maintained by the Player Agent. If the official roster is incomplete, no credit will be issued.

All volunteer hours must be completed by July 31st. Once all 6 hours of volunteer time for each family has been recorded, the $50 work bond check will be destroyed according to your instructions on the Work Bond Reimbursement form that you completed at registration. No partial refunds will be made. Every family is required to work these hours in order to receive the work bond back. No family will be exempted from this requirement.

Any questions regarding the work bond can be directed to the work bond coordinator at [email protected].

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