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League Safety Officer 


League Name 

League # 208-02-06 

2021 ASAP / Safety Plan Capitol Little League 

P.O. Box 5351 Wilmington, DE 19808 Phone: 302-999-1184 

Email: [email protected] 

League # 2080206 

Table of Contents 


Introduction - Importance of Safety 


Capitol Little League Safety Officer 

A. Role of League Safety Officer B. Capitol Little League Safety Plan C. Safety Responsibilities within the League 

1. League President 2. League Safety Officer 3. Managers / Coaches 4. Umpires 5. Parents 


Safe Weather Conditions 

A. Rain B. Hot Weather C. Sunburn D. Lightning Safety & Inclement Weather Procedures 


Emergency & League Officials Contact Information 

A. Capitol Little League Board of Directors B. Emergency Phone Numbers 


Volunteer Background Checks 


Fundamentals Training 

A. Coaching Coordinator B. Umpire in Chief 


Minimizing Unsafe Practices 

A. Conditioning B. Try-Outs C. Warm ups D. Safe Ball Handling E. Collisions F. Warning Tracks G. Grounds Clear of Equipment H. Sliding Safety 1. Batter Safety J. Bat Safety K. Catcher Safety L. Inattention / Horseplay 


First Aid Training 


Field Duty for Hazards 


Field and Facility Inspections 

A. Public Address System B. Sanitary Facilities 


Facility Survey - Online for 2021 


Concession Stand / Snack Shack Safety Procedures 

A. Rules of Safe Food Handling 


Equipment Safety Inspections 


Accident Reporting 

A. What / When/ Who - To report B. Claim Form C. Form Processing 


First Aid Kit at Each Game / Practice 


Enforce Little League Rules 


League Player, Coach and Manager Registration Data / Roster 

A. 2021 Capitol Little League Roster 


Answer survey questions 


Qualified Safety Plan Registration Form (online this year) 

A. 2021 Completed Qualified Safety Plan Registration Form 



A. Capitol Little League Registration Form 

** (Online registration only this year- no form) B. Capitol Little League Parent Code of Conduct Form C. Capitol Little League Photographic Release Form D. Little League Medical Release Form E. Lightning Safety Flyer - General Precautions F. 2021 Volunteer Background Application G. Public Address System - Announcing Duties Protocol H. Field Duty Requirements I. Hey Coach / Facility & Field Inspection Checklist J. Facility Survey K. Safe Food Handling - General Precautions L. Incident / Injury Tracking Form M. Accident Claim Form & Instructions N. General Liability Form 0. What Parents Should Know About Little League Insurance P. 2021 Qualified Safety Plan Registration Form (Online this year) Q. 2021 Capitol Little League Roster 


In 1995, Little League Baseball introduced A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) with the goal of re-emphasizing the position of a Safety Officer to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League Baseball”. This program has been very successful by dramatically decreasing little league baseball related injuries. 

The purpose of this document is to emphasize the importance of safety in the Capitol Little League and to identify important safety issues of which all individuals involved should be aware. This safety plan is qualified by the ASAP program. There are several points addressed in this document that are required for an approved ASAP Safety Plan as well as additional safety issues/concerns that Capitol Little League feels are important. 

The following is a list of the 15 mandatory requirements for an approved ASAP plan: 

1. Active Safety Officer on file with Little League International. 2. Publish and distribute a paper copy of the applicable safety manual to all appropriate and 

applicable volunteers. 3. Post and distribute emergency and key officials phone numbers. 4. Use the Little League official Volunteer Application Form for background checks. 5. Provide and require Fundamentals Training. 6. Require First Aid Training for Managers & Coaches. 7. Require Coaches & Umpires to walk fields for hazards before use. 8. Complete the annual Little League Facility Survey. 9. Written safety procedures for Concession Stand. 10. Require regular inspection and replacement of equipment. 11. Implement prompt accident reporting and tracking procedures. 12. Require a First Aid Kit at each game and practice. 13. Enforce Little League Rules including proper equipment. 14. Submit League Player/Manager/Coach registration/roster data to National Little League 

Data Center. 15. Answer survey question. 


League administrators, coaches, parents and players should 

take safety issues very seriously. 

Capitol Little League Safety Officer 

The Capitol Little League program has an active Safety Officer on file with Little League Headquarters. This Safety Officer for the 2021 season is: 

Michael E. Zielinski 4008 Old Capitol Trail Wilmington, DE 19808 

302-683-9392 (h) 302-577-8314 (w) 302-299-3634 (c) [email protected] 

Any questions regarding this plan and Capitol Little League safety can be directed to the Safety Officer or the League President. 

Role of the League Safety Officer 

• Selected by the league president, the officer must possess a sufficient knowledge of 

baseball to evaluate and suggest corrective actions for any hazards encountered. The candidate should have an understanding and appreciation of safety and be a leader in promoting a safe operation of the league and coordinating safety efforts of others in the organization. 

The League Safety Officer's authority is mainly advisory with strong support given by the league president and its board of directors. The officer is a focal point when introducing new safety programs to the league. They are encouraged to facilitate training and understanding to all volunteers who will be managing the programs. 

Capitol Little League Safety Plan A written plan is developed to document the specific programs used by the Capitol Little League (CLL) to promote a safe, incident free baseball season. 

The existence of this plan demonstrates a clear commitment by CLL to safety. This plan encompasses all fields, games, practices for all levels of play within Capital Little League. Copies of this plan are distributed to all Board Members of CLL. Copies are also distributed to all Managers, Coaches, Volunteers and the District Office. It is also posted on the CLL website and a copy located in the CLL Club House. Updates to the plan will be made as deemed appropriate by the governing board of CLL. Each year a new plan will be submitted to the Little League International. Included in this plan are site surveys for fields used by the organization for games and practices. 

Safety Responsibilities within the League 

League President 

Has the primary responsibility for safe conditions. The president will appoint or delegate some of this responsibility to others specified below: The safe maintenance of fields and accompanying facilities to the Facilities Director and their assistants. All pre-season checks, distribution of, purchasing of new and maintaining conditions of all equipment are the responsibility of the Equipment Manager. Establishing a good dialogue and advising managers/coaches on proper techniques and 

methods of instructions is the responsibility of the Coaching Coordinator. 

• A safe concession stand operation is the responsibility of the Concession Stand Manager. 

League Safety Officer 

• Develop and implement the league s safety program. 

• Spot checks at games and practices to insure the proper safety protocols are being 

followed and assist whenever possible with proper advice. 

Insure the first aid facilities and kits at the field are available and are properly maintained. 

• Advise and follow up on inquiries related to the control of unsafe conditions. This is 

done by routinely inspecting the field, grounds, player equipment, and concession stands to look for conditions that may cause accidents and near misses. Review procedures and methods of instructions used by manager and coaches to control the human elements that may be the root cause of accidents. This includes information on team warm-ups, baseball drills, and other aspects of baseball to insure that the techniques used are proper and in accordance with Little League Baseball. 




They routinely check for any unsafe conditions on the field or with the equipment used by the players and coaches. 

If an unsafe condition is noticed, it is their responsibility to take appropriate action to address the situation immediately, even if it may result in delay or rescheduling of a game. Insure that a first aid kit is available to all members of the team during games or practices. They are to notice any change in facility or equipment conditions that occur during the course of the game which can create unsafe conditions. Examples may be turf torn creating a tripping hazard or a crack in a bat or helmet. 



Walk around the field before the game taking special note of any unsafe conditions within the playing facility and getting it addressed before starting the game. Work closely with the managers and coaches to identify and correct any unsafe conditions or equipment noticed or created during the course of the game. 



Parents are strongly encouraged to review and sign the “Parent Code of Conduct" and to follow its contents. This is listed in the Appendix Section. 

Safe Weather Conditions 

Capitol Little League realizes that during the course of the season, weather will become a factor in determining safe and proper conditions with which to play baseball. 

The specific conditions and steps taken to properly address weather issues are given below. 


If rain begins, it is the responsibility of the managers, league VP's and umpires to closely monitor the extent of the rain and the filed conditions that result from it. Storm direction, forecasts, strength of the rain, and the playing field conditions as the field becomes more saturated are all factors that must be considered by all. If playing conditions develop which makes the field unsafe, then play will either be interrupted or the game postponed. It is expected that team managers, umpires and league VP's will use common sense and avoid any unsafe conditions. 

Hot Weather 

Precautions are to be taken to prevent field personnel from becoming dehydrated. Managers and coaches must closely monitor this and encourage their team to drink plenty of fluids when coming off and going on the field in between innings. Umpires must also be aware of this condition and taken proper steps to keep themselves hydrated. Water is available through the concession stand. If a player has symptoms heat exhaustion they should be removed from the field and given proper first aid. If necessary, emergency steps such as calling 911 for medical assistance is required. 


Prolonged exposure to the sun during the hot afternoons is something that all managers and coaches need to be aware of and insist their players to take proper precautions. The threat of skin cancer (melanoma) is real. CLL encourages the use of appropriate sunscreen for exposed areas around the face, neck, and arms for all participants. 


Lightening Policy 

Every coach and manager is required to download and use the Little League WeatherBug App that possesses a "Sparks" lightening indicator. Please encourage your parents to download the application as well. The App is free of charge. The app will send a notification to your device if you're in the path of a "dangerous thunderstorm" that might not have yet prompted a severe thunderstorm warning. 

At the sound of thunder or detection of lightning within 10 miles of the field, umpires or coaches will immediately stop the game or practice. Once 30 minutes have passed without any lightning within 10 miles, coaches or umpires may resume play. All practices are immediately cancelled in the event of thunder or detection of lightning within 10 miles. If a flash of lightening is seen, get the players off the field immediately. 

All players and spectators must take shelter in a car with the windows rolled up, board room, or concession stands. Players may not shelter in the dugouts. 

Once the game has begun, it will be the umpire's discretion on whether or not to cancel the game. 


These policies must be strictly enforced and followed at all times. 

Rain Out Procedures for questionable weather 

1. Capitol LL will be utilizing the New Castle County Parks and recreations weather line to 

provide prompt information to parents, coaches and managers about game cancellations. After 4:30pm, an announcement will be placed on the Inclement Weather Message Line (302-395-5891) notifying the cancellations of games in New Castle county. If the county cancels their games, Capitol little League games will be cancelled as well. There will not be a specific announcement regarding CLL games. If the game has not been cancelled by 5pm, both teams and umpires should arrive at the field. The weather line number should be provided to all of your team parents. 

2. From 5pm until the beginning of the game, the decision to cancel due to field conditions 

lies with the managers of both teams if it is a game between two CLL teams. If the game is an interleague game, it cannot be cancelled by the CLL manager without the prior approval of the VP of that division or the League President if the VP is not available. If there is disagreement between two CLL managers about the need to cancel a game, the VP of that division will make the final decision. 

Every effort should be made to get the fields ready. Rakes and field dry have been provided at both the BSS and Catalina field sites. 

3. Once the game has begun, the decision to stop the game due to unplayable conditions is the umpires alone. 

• The plate umpire has final authority to stop or continue a game involving rain or 

lightning. If there is a league official present, the umpire should confer with him, but the decision is up to the umpire. 

The umpire, after stopping or failing to start a game for weather related reasons, should instruct the players to remain at the site until a final decision to suspend the game is made (if the field is still playable at the time the game is stopped). The umpire should also remain at the site. At any time the field is declared unplayable by the umpire, he shall advise the teams and Umpire in Chief that the games are suspended. 

Emergency and League Officials Contact Information 





Andrew Brantley 


President / Secretary Equipment Director, VP Rookie Minor & TBall 

Dave Doyle 


Dana Piazza 

Concessions Coordinator / Volunteer Coordinator 


Steve White 


VP Minors / Umpire in Chief 

Player Agents

Melissa Juarez and Susan Montafia 




Dave Jennings 

Jimmy Lynch 

VP Majors / Coaching Coordinator 

VP Juniors 


Susan Montafia 

Mike Zielinski 

Vice President / Safety Officer / Fields & Buildings Director Fundraising / Sponsorship 


Emergency Phone Numbers 

• Police/Fire/Ambulance - 911 

• Local Police Non-Emergency: New Castle County Police Department 302-573-2800 

• Local Police Non-Emergency: Delaware State Police Troop #6 302-633-5000 

• Newark Emergency Room (324 E. Main Street) - 738-4300 . Christiana Hospital Emergency Room – 733-1601 

Power Outages - Delmarva Power* - 366-7050 

• Water/Sewer – Artesian Water* - 366-7055 

* For service after 5PM or on weekends call 366-7000 

This list will be posted in the concession area and dugout areas. 

Volunteer Background Checks 

Volunteers are an important part of Little League Baseball. The dedication and commitment of individuals serving on the board, coaching, umpiring, and assisting with parental duties, is critical to insure a safe and rewarding experience for the children and families of the organization. 

The Capitol Little League will use the Little League Official Volunteer Application Form or the JDP QuickAPP to screen all of our volunteers. Attached in Appendix Section. Managers, coaches, board members and any other volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to or contact with players or teams will be required to fill out an application form as well as provide a 

government-issued photo identification card for ID verification. 

• The league President must retain these confidential forms for the year of service. 

• CLL has a two-step program for selecting appropriate volunteers for their organization: 1. Application - All people who wish to volunteer for the organization in any capacity must 

complete an application (included in the Appendix). This document contains details about proper identification, references, criminal records, and provides the authority for a criminal background check to be conducted by CLL. Criminal Background Checks - All volunteers are checked by a person designated by a responsible person selected by the league president to check the backgrounds of each volunteer using the vendor of JDP, as designated by National Little League. In addition, one must insure the information provided on the application by the volunteer is accurate and meets the requirements. This is done before any individual is allowed to take part in 

any activities. 

Failure of any individual to not provide accurate information or have a history which is considered unacceptable by Little League volunteer standards will result in an individual to be denied involvement in CLL activities. This information will be kept on file by CLL for 1 calendar year. New volunteer forms and background checks will be performed each year at the beginning of the spring season to insure that the information on this critical subject is current. Forms from the previous year are destroyed. If during the course of the season, a child or individual reports inappropriate behavior, they are encouraged to report the issue promptly. CLL and its administrators will then see that the proper law enforcement agencies are notified for proper action. 

Fundamentals Training 


Capitol Little League stresses good coaching and baseball techniques to insure a safe game and an enjoyable experience for the players and their families. CLL will hold two Fundamental Training Sessions - in March & April of each year. The location will be determined by the CLL Coaching Coordinator. At least one Manager or Coach from each team must attend the training. CLL will document the date, location and who is required to attend as well as who actually attended. A minimum of one participant per team must attend training annually. 

ualifies a volunteer for 3 years; but one team representative is still required each year to attend the training. The training will be specific to the divisions of play and will be appropriate to the age/skill level of players involved. 



Coaching Coordinator 

• The league has a position on the board of directors entitled, “Coaching Coordinator." 

The responsibilities of this individual are to work with managers and coaches at all levels 

to ensure proper fundamentals are being covered. 

• A coach clinic covering the fundamentals of baseball will be held for coaches and 

managers in March and again in April. 

• Some of the topics covered in the fundamentals training program are as follows: 

1) Organize practices for maximum effectiveness. 2) Demonstrating drills to make practices fun and enjoyable. 3) Proper throwing, pitching, and fielding skills. 4) Sliding and base running techniques. 5) Batting/bunting techniques and associated drills. 

6) Defensive position skills and drills (example: Catcher, 1st Base, etc.) 7) Stretching, conditioning, and warm-ups 

In addition, throughout the course of the season, information learned from games and practices is coordinated and distributed by the Coaching Coordinator to coaches at all levels within CLL. Appropriate information from the Little League International (newsletters, etc.) is also circulated and provides additional information to managers and coaches. 

Umpire in Chief 


An Umpire-in-Chief position is also part of the board of directors. This person coordinates umpiring training, scheduling, and works with league VP's to ensure the rules are being followed and understood. This role is intended to seek out volunteers who wish to learn the skill of umpiring, District wide clinics conducted by the head umpire from the Little League headquarters are conducted annually and attended by many umpiring volunteers from CLL. In addition, CLL holds a series of local clinics conducted by the Umpire-in-Chief to provide further instruction for volunteers filling this critical role at the beginning of the spring season. Among the topics discussed are proper positioning, new rules in effect for the upcoming year, using/inspecting equipment, handling disagreements, and other topics. 

To prepare for the season, training sessions about these subjects will be conducted by the district. The Umpire-in-Chief for CLL provided additional training for the local league umpires in April 

Minimizing Unsafe Practices 

Unsafe acts and practices are far more difficult to control and manage due to the human element involved. However, part of CLL's commitment to safety is not only to provide safe conditions and equipment, but also to address exposure to a players own or someone else's unsafe acts. Below is an identification of some potential unsafe acts by people and the rules that are in place to prevent such actions. 


Conditioning (warm-up and stretching) is considered critical to minimizing injuries and also teaching young players important sports training that will stay with them for their entire lives. Managers and coaches are urged to perform proper stretching and warm-up drills before rigorous practice drills and games are conducted. 

Team type warm-ups and stretching make this more enjoyable and helps improve team unity 


and morale. Drills should be patterned after natural baseball movements such as reaching for the ball with your arms or stretching for a ball in the "hole". 


Tryouts are conducted indoors due to the time of they are held (early spring). Tryouts are performed with players of similar age with abilities that are closely matched. This is to insure that any drills where two or more players handling the ball is done where everyone is comfortable with the speed and distances of the ball. Volunteers running such hitting, catching, and throwing drills must be aware of a wide variety of ability and practice common sense to insure that the players skills are clearly demonstrated without exposing h them to safety risks. Running drills should be done in small groups or individually running against a clock rather than as a large group to prevent pile ups and the tripping hazards that can result. 

Warm-Ups (Ball Handling) 

• Players are stressed by their coaches that their eyes should be on the ball at all times. 

• Warm-up areas should provide enough space and distance from people which are not part of 

the drill (spectators) to insure that they will not be hit by a misdirected ball. . Unauthorized people should be clear of the team to minimize an unsuspecting person getting 

struck. Helmets are to be worn by anyone batting a ball regardless of the abilities of each drill participant. Throwing and catching drills should be done with 2 lines of players facing one another. This minimizes the chances of someone getting hit by a misdirected ball. Also random throws 

should be strongly discouraged by coaches and all players who are participating in the drill must be alert when throws are directed at them. Special soft balls will be used in situations until the player demonstrates the ability to safely handle the harder type. Generally the balls used in Tee Ball will be the soft type with all other leagues using the regulation hard ball style. 

Safe Ball Handling 

• Fly ball drills will be conducted by instructing players in easy flies and gradually making he 

catches more challenging as their abilities improve. 

• Players are instructed to keep their eyes on the ball at all times and top position the glove and 

body properly to make a safe catch. Infielders are instructed to field short hop grounders by keeping their "nose pointed towards the ball” with their eyes focused on it. 


Players are instructed to communicate with each other over who is going to catch a fly ball which is considered between the fielders typical area. Players are drilled to shout out load in a forceful voice any ball that they considered theirs to catch. 


Coaches will establish guidelines within their fielders over what zone each person is to take charge of. This will vary from team to team due to the abilities and physical skills of the players. Once the coverage areas and zones are established, the coaches are to work with the players to insure they are familiar with the areas and protocols establish within the team. 

Warning Tracks 


Drills are conducted with players to insure they are comfortable with the fell of the warning track under their feet. This area is important to provide players with an idea about how close they are to a fence of immovable barrier. Judging and working within these distances are leaned through repetition. In addition, reaching over the fence also presents some hazards and coaches are encouraged to consider this in their instructions. 

Grounds Clear of Equipment 

All player s are instructed to pick up after themselves and to not leave their equipment lying around, creating tripping hazards. All equipment should have a designated place where it is to be placed so as to not create a hazard. 

Sliding Safety 

Sliding is an important part of the game. It helps minimize base collisions and in some cases also prevents runners being struck hit by a thrown ball. A correct technique by coaches is critical to doing this safely. Safe sliding drills should include the following: 

o Perform drill in long grass. o The base sliding to should not be anchored down. o Sliding pads or long pants should be used by the players. o When first starting out, the player should approach the base at half speed and put 

his hands and feet in eh air. o Tennis shoes should be used for beginners to improve sliding until they are 

comfortable with the basic techniques. o Head first sliding is not allowed except to return to a base. 

Batter Safety 

A batter's greatest exposure to this is from wild pitches therefore a well fitted helmet is required to provide protection for the head area. Jumping around the plate or crowding the plate is discouraged. This helps to distract the pitcher creating more potential for wild pitches and also puts the batter in a difficult position for getting out of the way of inside pitch. Proper butting techniques are show to batters to make sure their fingers and hands are not too far over the plate and well out toward the end of the bat. 


Bat Safety 


Batters are instructed on how to safely let go of the bat after hitting the ball so that the catcher and umpire are not struck by it. Bats should have proper grips so that they do not slip out of the batters hands. Any player who does not properly release their bat after hitting the ball should be immediately reminded about this and instructed before their next at bat. Any time a batter or coach is swinging a bat they must be aware of the area that they are swinging in and insure that it is clear. Some precautions that can be taken are as follows: 

o player used for catching balls for a coach hitting flies or grounders can be used 

to warn off unsuspecting people who come too close to the hitter. o On deck areas for practice swings have been eliminated. o Soft toss and hitting drills are conducted only in caged areas where entry into is 

not allowed until the player swinging has completed their drill. This should be policed by the coach working with the players. 

Catcher Safety 


Proper gear and conditions of that gear are acceptable. The back of the throwing hand is toward the pitcher when in position to catch. When going after a fly ball or preparing for a play at the plate, the mask is to be discarded in the direction opposite of the approach or away from the play and the path of the oncoming runner. A safe distance is to be used by the catcher so as to not interfere with the batter's swing. 

Inattention and Horseplay 


Practices should involve plenty of variety and fun activities to minimize the potential for horseplay and inactivity. Practices and drill should be limited in time so as to hold the team's interest. Idle players should be given activities to assist the team or manager. Horseplay and other non-baseball type activities should not be tolerated. This can result in injury or allowing someone to lose concentration on the field resulting in an accident. 



First Aid Training 

• A strong first aid program is critical to any safety program. Key factors in a good 

program is training and having the correct equipment readily available to properly respond to an emergency involving an injury. Although impractical to have a completely trained and experienced first aide responder available at all times, efforts are made to have alternate people who have been given basic first aid treatment training. CLL will hold one Basic First Aid, CPR and AED training class each year. The 

training session will take place in March or April of each year. 

• Location will be determined by the League Safety Officer in conjunction with vendor 

providing training. Typically, the location will be a local Volunteer Fire Company Station. CLL will require at least one Manager or Coach from each team to attend. Training qualifies volunteer for three (3) years, but one team representative still needed to attend each year. CLL will document the date, location, and who is required to attend as well as who did attend. The intent is to provide training to ALL team Coaches / Managers. The training will be conducted by the New Castle County Department of Public Safety Paramedics. Due to the nature of their training and education, it is not necessary for licensed medical doctors, licensed registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, paramedics, fireman, emergency medical technicians and police officers to attend first aid training in order to meet requirements. Other individuals who attend various outside first aid training and courses are not exempt. 


Field Duty for Hazards 



Procedural guidelines for volunteers who prepare the field for play have been developed and are listed in the Appendix under Field Duty Checklist & “Hey Coach." Using these guidelines insures that the field surfaces, particularly around the bases, home plate and pitcher's mound are in good shape and meet the leagues standards for acceptable conditions. CLL will require a Coach or Manager from each team to walk and inspect the fields for hazards, prior to practices or games. 

CLL will also require Umpires to walk and inspect the fields for hazards before each game. 


Field and Facility Safety Inspections 

Regular inspections of field and facilities by managers, coaches, league VP's and umpires will insure that unsafe conditions are recognized and addressed properly before they can harm someone. The inspections done routinely by volunteers before games are listed in this section. In addition, the Manager of each team will encourage his/her team to be on the lookout for these items and to let him/her know if and when they are recognized. 



All bleachers will have side and back safety rails. 

Field conditions such as holes, ditches, slippery spots, and long grass will be corrected before play occurs. 

Foreign objects such as bottles, glass, stones, etc. will be removed from the playing surface. Damaged or ripped screens used to deflect foul balls will be reviewed and if necessary repaired to prevent a spectator from getting hit with a ball. Wire or chain links fences will be inspected to insure there are no pinch points of sharp edges. The tops of the fences where a player can come in contact with it will have a safety barrier covering all exposed edges. The officials will check to insure that this covering is secure. Any board fences will be checked for any splinters or protruding nails. A section in the outfield will be painted a dark color to provide a contrast with balls thrown towards home plate. The warning track will be identified with a different surface than grass and will be maintained to minimize weed growth and other debris which can pose a tripping hazard. Each dugout will have a rack for helmets and bats and will be used accordingly. This minimizes the chance of someone tripping over equipment in the dug out. Each dugout will be clear of debris and inspected to make sure there are no splinters or protruding nails. All dugouts will have a trash can to insure that any waste is properly stored. The backstop will be padded and painted green to provide a guard against the catcher running into the fence. Home plate will be checked to insure that there are no tripping hazards or unacceptable holes which can cause ankle injuries. 

The bases and pitching rubber will be checked to insure that they are properly secured and that there are no unacceptable hazards such low spots which can cause uneven and soft footing conditions. 

The batting cage and pitcher warm-up areas will also be checked using the appropriate guidelines above to insure the safe conditions. All CLL fields are considered to be non-smoking areas. Signs alerting pe 

-smoking areas. Signs alerting people to this rule are posted around the facility and it is the responsibility of all volunteers. 


Public Address System 


Procedural guidelines for volunteers who use the public address (PA) system have been developed and are listed in the Appendix under "Announcing Duties." Using these guidelines insures that the field is properly lit (document provides details on when to turn on the lights), provides game information to the public, and may act as an emergency communication system to the spectators and the players if necessary. The volunteers who operate the PA system are also responsible for keeping the scoreboard up-to-date with game information. 

Sanitary Facilities 


CLL will provide sanitary facilities at all of their game ready fields. These facilities will be maintained by volunteers from CLL. Each facility will have an appropriate locking device on the door to insure privacy. In the event that any of the facilities is deemed inoperable, a portable facility will be provided. 

Facility Survey 

Each year, a facility survey of all fields used by the CLL will be conducted and included in the safety manual. This survey will be conducted by a person appointed by the league president and board of directors. This survey was developed by Little League Baseball, and is a standard used by all its members and affiliates. The purpose of this survey is to provide information about the fields and grounds and identify improvement plans. This survey will assist CLL with identifying and correcting facility concerns in a safe and timely manner. A current copy of the CLL Facility Survey will be kept on file within the CLL clubhouse safety manual A copy of this survey is included in the Appendix under "Little League Facility Survey". 



Concession Stand / Snack Shack Safety Procedures 

The menu shall be posted and approved by the CLL Safety Officer and the CLL President. CLL will operate a concession stand at Catalina Field and a Snack Shack at Pyle/Vaught Fields. CLL will post Concession Safety Procedures within the Concession Stand area Volunteers working in the concession stand will be trained in safe food preparation. Training will cover the use of the equipment. The training will be provided by the Concession Stand Manager and given to the Team Parents at the beginning of each season. Cooking equipment will be inspected periodically and repaired or replaced if needed. Cooking grease will be stored safely in containers away from flames or other heat sources. Cleaning chemicals must be stored in a locked container. A certified fire extinguisher suitable for grease fires must be in plain sight at all times. All concession stand workers are instructed in the use of fire extinguishers. A fully stocked First Aid Kit will be placed in the concession stand. The concession stand main entrance door will not be locked or blocked while people are 


• No one under the age of 16 is permitted inside the stand for any reason. . No one under 18 is permitted to use the deep fryer. 

• All equipment, counters and condiment dispensers will be cleaned at the end of each day. 

Everyone must wash his or her hands before handling food product and after handling money. Someone should be assigned duties in which someone handles food and someone else handles money. 


Rules of Safe Food Handling 

1. Practice good personal hygiene. Always wash hands thoroughly 

with soap and water before starting or resuming the handling of food. 

2. The use of gloves is required for all food handling. 

3. Never handle food if you have any type of skin infections. 

4. You should never handle food if you have a cold or sore throat 

since coughing and sneezing can contaminate food via airborne particles. 

5. Always be aware of Temperature Danger Zone. This range of 

temperature is an ideal breeding environment for bacteria. This range is 40-140 degrees. Foods held in storage must be held above or below this range. 

6. Food should always be properly covered when stored. 

7. Hot food should be kept hot and cold food cold. Remember that 

food not served should be promptly refrigerated below 40 degrees. 

8. Leftovers are a common source of food poisoning outbreaks. Food 

should only be held heated for no more than 3 hours and then discarded. 

9. When washing cooking utensils, you should not only remove the 

visible soil, but the items should be dipped in sanitizing bath and allowed to air dry. 

Equipment Safety Inspections 

• Regular inspections of equipment by managers, coaches, league VP's, and umpires will 

insure that unsafe conditions are recognized and addressed properly before they can harm 


• CLL Safety Officer will inspect all equipment in the pre-season. CLL Safety Officer will 

make all necessary and appropriate recommendations to the CLL Equipment Manager. Coaches and Managers will inspect equipment prior to, during each game/practice and after each game/practice. In addition, the manager will encourage his team to be on the 

lookout for these items and to let him know if and when they are recognized. 

• Umpires will be required to inspect equipment prior to each game. 

Equipment such as bats, helmets, balls, etc. is to be kept off the ground as much as possible to avoid tripping hazards. Provisions should be made insure that proper storage before and during games is used (ie. Bat racks, helmet racks, buckets for balls). Officials should continuously be on the lookout for lack or poor fit pf personal protective equipment. Helmets and masks fitting snug, catcher's equipment straps tightened, and proper shoes are some of the specific situations where a player can be using equipment which is not proper fitted. All catchers must wear an approved face mask, catcher's helmet, chest protector, proper mitt, throat protector, shin guards, and plastic cup supporter when playing the position. Wearing of athletic cup supporters for all players is also recommended. It is the responsibility of the manager and coach to insure that catchers are equipped with this personal protective equipment. Corrective eyewear that players wear should be designed for sports and active wear” and are equipped with industrial safety lenses. Flip-type sunglasses are also recommended for players to improve vision during sunny days. Bats are to be approved by Little League rules, meeting the required bat barrel dimensions. A visual check of proper gripping and absence of cracks or dents in the bat are standards that must be met. Any bat not meeting these criteria will be removed from service. Uniforms worn must also be properly fitted and have the proper appearance for all 

players. Uniforms must also have the approved Little League emblems on them. Shirts are to be tucked in neatly worn to reflect the pride and standards required by Little League baseball. Setting proper appearance standards helps instill upon all league 

members a culture of greater feel of play at thus improved safety performance. . Congestion or having too many individuals on the bench and field will be monitored by 

the managers, coaches, and umpires to improve upon having too many people in too small a space. This can lead to unsafe acts and conditions. Personal jewelry used by participants must be properly worn and kept contained to avoid 

it creating a hazard for the players. 

• Proper shoes are required of all players. Metal spikes are not allowed. 


Accident Reporting 



CLL will use the provided Incident / Injury Tracking Form from the Little League website. 

Completed Accident Claim Forms will be provided to the CLL Safety Officer within 24-48 hours of the incident. Despite proper steps taken to reduce injuries and near misses, accidents can happen. When they occur, they must be properly documented so that we can learn from each incident in order to correct the unsafe condition of behavior and prevent it from occurring in the future. Accurate tracking of accidents will provide us with a better idea of how safe our league is and how to make it safer for all participants involved. 

Accident Reporting 

What to Report - Anything that results in a player, manager, coach, umpire, or volunteer receiving medical treatment. It is the responsibility of all league officials to abide by this rule. This not only covers what happens on the field, but also the snack shack, parking lot, bleachers, or any other area assumed part of the CLL facilities. If a player gets hurt in a game/practice, someone falls out of the stands, or a volunteer gets their hand burned in the concession stand are further examples of what must be reported. When to Report - All accidents must be reported within 24-48 hours of when they occur. They are to be reported to the League Safety Officer by email or telephone. If the Safety 

Officer is not available then the accident must be reported to the League President. 

• Who is to Report - The manager or coach must report all injuries to any member of their 

team (including coaches and are required to complete an "Incident/Injury Tracking Form" which provides details of the accident. A copy of this report is included in the Appendix. 

Claim Form 

The manager or coach must also complete an Incident / Injury Tracking Form. Instructions specific to these forms and the forms themselves are included in the Appendix. This information is used to submit the accident to the Little League Headquarters. 

Form Processing 

CLL has designated a locker in the clubhouse where the Incident / Injury Tracking Form and Accident Claim Forms are to be dropped off as soon as possible following the accident. The League Safety Officer will collect these forms and take the following steps: o Verify the information on the forms is correct and check for completeness. o Collect any other information required. O Advise the family of the injured party about CLL's insurance coverage policy. 


First Aid Kit at each game and practice 


CLL will ensure that ALL teams are provided with a standard first aid kit and a set of cold packs. CLL will require these to be with the team at all games and practices. The CLL Clubhouse provides additional first aid equipment such as running water, unlimited supply of ice (ice machine), a telephone, and fire extinguishers. CLL will also have an AED stored in the clubhouse. Managers and coaches are also encouraged to have a cell phone readily accessible at all times in order to contact professional emergency response people. 

Enforce Little League Rules - Including proper equipment 

• CLL will require ALL TEAMS to enforce ALL LITTLE LEAGUE RULES. 

CLL Managers and Coaches will ensure players have required equipment at all times. . CLL will require all catchers to have proper equipment even during infield warm up. . CLL will ensure Coaches and Managers enforce rules at practices as well as games. 

• No on deck batters. 

• Coaches / Managers will not warm up pitchers. 

• All playing fields utilized by CLL will have bases that disengage from their anchors. 

CLL will issue an official Little League Rules book/ manual to each team Coach / Manager within the league. 

League Player, Coach and Manager Registration Data / Roster 

League Plaver Registration Data or Player Roster Data, Coach and Manager Data must be submitted yearly to the Little League Data Center at Mandatory requirement for an approved ASAP Plan. 

Answer Survey Question Posed in Data Center 


If COVID-19 restrictions allow, is your league comfortable participating in the Little League International Tournament, including travel to tournament locations? 

Are there any additional actions that Little League International can take or resources it can offer to local leagues to supplement local COVID Safety Plans that would make the league more comfortable participating in the Little League International Tournament? 

2021 ASAP / Safety Plan 

Capitol Little League 



Little League 

Parents Code of Conduct 

Capitol Little League (CLL) believes strongly in the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and leadership through example. The program's overall goal of player development both on and off the field relies heavily on our ability, as a group of families, to create and maintain a safe, fun and positive environment for our players. 

CLL is taking this opportunity to both ask for your support in this effort and to remind you that proper conduct and sportsmanship is expected of all families at all times. 

Parent / Legal Guardian Code of Conduct Agreement 

As a parent / legal guardian of a child involved in CLL, I agree to abide by and follow the rules of the guidelines below. 



I will be a role model for my player and others around me. I will not tolerate poor behavior by others around me. I will notify the team manager or league officials of improper behavior by children or adults. I will bring my player to practice & games, on time and if my player is unable to attend I will notify the coach in advance. I will leave the coaching to the coaching staff. I will encourage my child to play in a manner consistent with the team's strategy or plans. I will not undermine the coaches' authority by trying to be a coach instead of a parent. I will provide support for coaches and others working with the players to provide a positive experience for all. I understand that coaching is a difficult endeavor, and I will always give coaches the benefit of the doubt and treat them with respect. I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of any desire to win. I will encourage my player to play according to the rules. I will never ridicule or yell at my child for making a mistake or losing a game. I understand that making mistakes is a key part of learning. 

I will remember that children learn by example. I will applaud good plays by both my child's team and their opponents. I will not be critical of, or embarrass any player, including opposing players. I will not question an umpire's or coach's judgment or honesty in public. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players. I will never yell, taunt, threaten or inflict physical violence upon any player, coach, umpire or spectator. I will refrain from the use of abusive or vulgar language, racial, ethnic or gender-related slurs at any. I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from games or practices. I will not use or possess alcohol at any CLL complex or at any CLL event. Anyone suspected of using alcohol at a CLL event or on the premises will be asked to exit the grounds immediately. I will smoke only in designated areas, away from players and the playing field. I will inform my guests of the leagues of expectations of behavior. Since they are my guests, I am responsible for their behavior. 

I understand that by signing this document I am agreeing to support and promote this Parent / Legal Guardian Code of Conduct Agreement. Further, my failure to comply with this agreement or continued violations of this Code of Conduct will result in board discipline which can include my son/daughter and I being dismissed from my team and the league for the season. 

Parent(s)/Legal Guardian Name(s) 



Capitol Little League:P.O.Box5351 Wilmington De 19808.302-999-1184. · [email protected] 


Little League 

Photographic Release 

Thereby grant to the Capitol Little League, and their respective board members, licensees, successors and assigns, the right and permission, with respect to those photographs taken of the minor named below on whose behalf I am signing, and with respect to any printed matter in connection therewith, to do the following: 

1. To include such photographs in all local print editions of newspapers as well as 

promotional products, Facebook posts and website posts maintained and printed 

by Capitol Little League's Board of Directors. 2. To use the name of the minor on whose behalf I am signing, in connection with the 


I hereby release, discharge and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Capitol Little League and their respective board of directors/officers, legal representatives, licensees, successor and assigns, from all claims and demands whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the foregoing, and waive any right to inspect or approve the same. 

Printed Name of Minor Player 

Address of Primary Residence 

Thereby certify that I am the [parent and/or guardian) of minor under the age of eighteen years, and hereby consent on behalf of said minor to the use of any of the photographs taken of said minor pursuant to the terms set forth in this Photographic Release, including, without limitation, the release, discharge and hold harmless provisions thereof. 

Signature of Parent or Guardian of Minor Subject of Photograph 

Printed Name and Address 

Capitol Little League · P.O. Box 5351 Wilmington De 19808.302-999-1184. . [email protected] 

Little League Baseball and Softball MEDICAL RELEASE 






NOTE: To be carried by any Regular Season or Tournament Team Manager together with team roster or International Tournament affidavit. 

· OY 


Date of Birth: 

Gender (M/F): 

Parent (s)/Guardian Name: 


Parent (s)/Guardian Name:_ 


Player's Address: 




Home Phone: 

_Work Phone: 

_Mobile Phone: 



In case of emergency, if family physician cannot be reached, I hereby authorize my child to be treated by Certified Emergency Personnel. (i.e. EMT, First Responder, E.R. Physician) 

Family Physician: 





Hospital Preference: 

Parent Insurance Co: 

_Policy No.: 

_Group ID#:_ 

League Insurance Co: 

Policy No. 

_League/Group ID#: 

If parent(s)/legal guardian cannot be reached in case of emergency, contact: 



Relationship to Player 



Relationship to Player 

Please list any allergies/medical problems, including those requiring maintenance medication. (i.e. Diabetic, Asthma, Seizure Disorder) 

Medical Diagnosis 



Frequency of Dosage 

Date of last Tetanus Toxoid Booster: 

The purpose of the above listed information is to ensure that medical personnel have details of any medical problem which may interfere with or alter treatment. 


Authorized Parent/Guardian Signature 



League Name: 

_League ID: 




WARNING: PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT CANNOT PREVENT ALL INJURIES A PLAYER MIGHT RECEIVE WHILE PARTICIPATING IN BASEBALL/SOFTBALL. Little League does not limit participation in its activities on the basis of disability, race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual preference or religious preference. 


What to do if someone is struck by lightning 

Coach's and Sports Official's Guide to Lightning Safety... 

► Lightning victims do not carry an 

electrical charge, are safe to handle, and need immediate medical attention. 

Call for help. Have someone call 9-1-1 or your local ambulance service. Medical attention is needed as quickly as possible. 

Listen to NOAA Weather Radio for the latest forecast and for any severe thunderstorm WATCHES or WARNINGS. Severe thunderstorms produce winds of 58 mph or greater, or hail 3/4 of an inch or larger in diameter. A severe thunderstorm WATCH is issued when conditions are favorable for severe weather to develop. A severe thunderstorm WARNING is issued when severe weather is imminent. National Weather Service personnel use information from weather radar, satellite, lightning detection, spotters, and other sources to issue these warnings. 

Give first aid. Cardiac arrest is the immediate cause of death in lightning fatalities. However, some deaths can be prevented if the victim receives the proper first aid immediately. Check the victim to see that they are breathing and have a pulse and continue to monitor the victim until help arrives. Begin CPR if necessary. 




Weather Radio 

► If possible, move the victim to a safer 

place. An active thunderstorm is still dangerous. Don't let the rescuers become victims. Lightning CAN strike the same place twice. 

LIGHTNING... the underrated killer! 

Remember that all thunderstorms produce lightning and all lightning can be deadly to those outside. 



Lightning Safety Awareness Week is the last full week of June. For additional information on lightning or lightning safety, visit NOAA's lightning safety web site: 








or contact us at: 

National Weather Service P.O. Box 1208 Gray, Maine 04039 


Gray, Maine 



This safety guide has been prepared to help coaches and sports officials recognize the dangers of lightning and take appropriate safety precautions. 


GYX 0301 (August 2003) - Revised 


Play It Safe! 

To avoid exposing athletes and spectators to the risk of lightning take the following precautions 

Avoid open areas. Stay away from trees, towers, and utility poles. Lightning tends to strike the taller objects. 

Stay away from metal bleachers, backstops and fences. Lightning can travel long distances through metal. 

Each year in the United States, more than four hundred people are struck by lightning. On average, about 70 people are killed and many others suffer permanent neurological disabilities. Most of these tragedies can be avoided if proper precautions are taken. When thunderstorms threaten, coaches and sports officials must not let the desire to start or complete an athletic activity hinder their judgment when the safety of participants and spectators is in jeopardy. 

Postpone activities if thunderstorms are imminent. Prior to an event, check the latest forecast and, when necessary, postpone activities early to avoid being caught in a dangerous situation. Stormy weather can endanger the lives of participants, staff, and spectators. 

Do not resume activities until 30 minutes after the last thunder was heard. 

Plan ahead. Have a lightning safety plan. Know where people will go for safety, and know how much time it will take for them to get there. Have specific guidelines for suspending the event or activity so that everyone has time to reach safety before the threat becomes significant. Follow the plan without exception. 

As a further safety measure, officials at outdoor events may want to have a tone alert NOAA Weather Radio. The radio will allow you to monitor any short-term forecasts for changing weather conditions, and the tone-alert feature can automatically alert you in case a severe thunderstorm watch or warning is issued. To find your nearest NOAA Weather radio transmitter, go to and click on "Station Listing and Coverage.” 

► Keep an eye on the sky. Pay attention to 

weather clues that may warn of imminent danger. Look for darkening skies, flashes of lightning, or increasing wind, which may be signs of an approaching thunderstorm. 

If you feel your hair stand on end (indicating lightning is about to strike) 

It is important for coaches and officials to know some basic facts about lightning and its dangers 

All thunderstorms produce lightning and are dangerous. In an average year, lightning kills more people in the U.S. than 

either tornadoes or hurricanes. 

► Lightning often strikes outside the area 

of heavy rain and may strike as far as 10 miles from any rainfall. Many deaths from lightning occur ahead of storms because people wait too long before seeking shelter, or after storms because people return outside too soon. If you hear thunder, you are in danger. Anytime thunder is heard, the thunderstorm is close enough to pose an immediate 

lightning threat to your location. 

► Lightning leaves many victims with 

permanent disabilities. While only a small percentage of lightning strike victims die, many survivors must learn to live with very serious, life-long disabilities. 

Listen for thunder. If you hear thunder, immediately suspend your event and instruct everyone to get to a safe place. Substantial buildings provide the best protection. Once inside, stay off corded phones, and stay away from any wiring or plumbing. Avoid sheds, small or open shelters, dugouts, bleachers, or grandstands. If a sturdy building is not nearby, a hard topped metal vehicle with the windows closed will offer good protection, but avoid touching any metal. 

► Crouch down on the balls of your feet, 

put your hands over your ears, and bend your head down. Make yourself as small a target as possible and minimize your contact with the 


Do not lie flat on the ground. 


meth 900 to 

3 M 



ET 10051 

Little League Volunteer Application - 2021 


Do not use forms from past years. Use extra paper to complete if additional space is required. 

This volunteer application should only be used if a league is manually entering information into JDP or an outside background check provider that meets the standards of Little League Regulations 1(c)9. THIS FORM SHOULD NOT BE COMPLETED IF A LEAGUE IS UTILIZING THE JDP QUICKAPP. Visit for more information. A COPY OF VALID GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO IDENTIFICATION MUST BE ATTACHED TO COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION. 

7. Have you ever been refused participation in any other youth programs and/or listed on the SafeSport Centralized Disciplinary Database or USA Baseball Ineligible List? 

Yes No If yes, explain: (If volunteer answered yes to Question 7, the local league must contact the Little League Security Manager.) 

All RED fields are required. 





Middle Name or Initial 



in which of the following would you like to participate? (Check one or more.) League Official Umpire 

Manager O Concession Stand Coach 

Field Maintenance Scorekeeper 

Other Please list three references, at least one of which has knowledge of your participation as a volunteer in a youth program: Name/Phone 




State __ 

_ Zip 

Social Security # (mandatory). Cell Phone Home Phone: Date of Birth 

Business Phone E-mail Address: 

Occupation Employer Address Special professional training, skills, hobbies: 

IF YOU LIVE IN A STATE THAT REQUIRES A SEPARATE BACKGROUND CHECK BY LAW, PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THAT STATE'S BACKGROUND CHECK. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATE LAWS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE: State Laws AS A CONDITION OF VOLUNTEERING, I give permission for the Little League organization to conduct background check(s) on me now and as long as I continue to be active with the organization, which may include a review of sex offender registries (some of which contain name only searches which may result in a report being generated that may or may not be me), child abuse and criminal history records, I understand that, if appointed, my position is conditional upon the league receiving no inappropriate information on my background. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless from liability the local Little League, Little League Baseball, Incorporated, the officers, employees and volunteers thereof, or any other person or organization that may provide such information. I also understand that, regardless of previous appointments, Little League is not obligated to appoint me to a volunteer position. If appointed, I understand that, prior to the expiration of my term, I am subject to suspension by the President and removal by the Board of Directors for violation of Little League policies or principles. 

Community affiliations (Clubs, Service Organizations, etc.): 

Previous volunteer experience (including baseball/ softball and year): 

Date Date 

1. Do you have children in the program? 

If yes, list full name and what level? 


Applicant Signature If Minor/Parent Signature Applicant Name (please print or type) 


2. Special Certification (CPR, Medical, etc.)? If yes, list: 3. Do you have a valid driver's license? 

Driver's License#: 

Yes Yes 

No No 

NOTE: The local Little League and Little League Baseball, Incorporated will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation or disability. 



4. Have you ever been charged with, convicted of, plead no contest, or guilty to any crime(s) involving or against a minor, or of a sexual nature? If yes, describe each in full:_ 

Yes No (If volunteer answered yes to Question 4, the local league must contact the Little League Security Manager.) 5. Have you ever been convicted of or plead no contest or guilty to any crime(s)? 

Yes No If yes, describe each in full: 

(Answering yes to Question 5, does not automatically disqualify you as a volunteer.) 6. Do you have any criminal charges pending against you regarding any crime(s)? 

Yes No If yes, describe each in full: (Answering yes to Question 6, does not automatically disqualify you as a volunteer.) 

LOCAL LEAGUE USE ONLY: Background check completed by league officer System(s) used for background check (minimum of one must be checked): Review the Little League Regulation 1(c)(9) for all background check requirements JDP (Includes review of the SafeSport Centralized Disciplinary and USA Baseball Ineligible list) * 

OR National Criminal Database check O SafeSport Centralized Disciplinary Database and/or National Sex Offender Registry 

USA Baseball Ineligible List Sex Offender * Please be advised that if you use JDP and there is a name match in the few states where only name match searches can be performed you should notify volunteers that they will receive a letter or email directly from JDP in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act containing information regarding all the criminal records associated with the name, which may not necessarily be the league volunteer. Only attach to this application copies of background check reports that reveal convictions of this application. 

Last Updated: 10/28/2020 

Announcing Duties 

1. One parent / representative from each team is responsible for working the clubhouse 

during each game. 2. You will need to get a line up from each team manager/coach prior to the start of the 

game. 3. If you are volunteering for the first game of the day, you will need to set up the CD 

player to play the National Anthem prior to the start of the game. (Instructions are in the 

clubhouse) 4. You will need to announce the team, the number and the name of each player as they 

come to the plate to bat. Also mention the team sponsor from time to time throughout the 

game. Just like you, they are an important part of the league's success. 5. Promote or highlight the Concession Stand. Mention some of the items available or 

specials that might be available. Mention that the Concession Stand is a vital part of CLL success and assists in the costs of many areas such as: lower registration costs, uniforms, 

field maintenance and equipment. 6. TBall & Rookie Minor teams do not keep score. You may use the scoreboard to keep 

track of innings and outs. For all other divisions, please keep score; track innings, along 

with all strikes and balls. 7. You may ask trivia questions throughout the game at breaks in play. You may also 

utilize your smartphone to play baseball theme music such as songs or sounds of the 

game. This will increase the enthusiasm and interest in the game. 8. Turn the lights on approximately 30 minutes before dusk. (Instructions are in the 

Clubhouse) 9. After the last game of the day/night, the score board needs to be turned off along with all 

other electronic equipment used for announcing duties. All windows need to be closed. The home team manager will lock up and turn off the field lights. 

Field Duty Requirements 

** All equipment needed for field duty will be stored in the following areas ** 

Catalina Field - Storage building behind first base line. Pyle / Vaught Field - Storage shed located between both fields. NCC Fields - Lock box behind backstop/home plate. 

Prior to Game: 

1. Rake home plate area, 1st & 3rd base foul lines and pitcher's mound. 

2. Line batter's box (items needed are shown below). 

a. Box template (outline outside of template) b. Line machine 

3. Line 1st & 3rd base foul line (items needed are shown below). 

a. String Line b. Screwdrivers to anchor string line c. Line machine 

4. Remove plugs and install bases. 

5. Install helmet and bat racks in each dugout (if applicable) 

6. Return all tools and equipment to appropriate area prior to game starting. 

End of Game: (if yours is not the last game of day) 

1. Assist with raking of home plate area and pitcher's mound. 

2. Drag infield (from 1st to 3rd base). Drag is located in storage building / shed. 

3. Return drag to storage building / shed. 

End of Game: (if yours is the last game of the day) 


1. Rake or broom sweep pitcher's mound, home plate area and area around bases. Be sure 

to fill in any holes. 

2. Remove bases, re-install plugs and put bases in storage building / shed. 

3. Remove helmet and bat racks and return to storage building / shed. 

4. Ensure all equipment is stowed in storage building / shed and lock up. 




Walked field for debris/foreign objects 

Inspected helmets, bats, catchers' gear 

Made sure a First Aid kit is available 

Checked conditions of fences, backstops, bases and warning track 

Made sure a working telephone is available 

Held a warm-up drill 


Little League 

Facility and Field Inspection Checklist 

Facility Name: _ 




€ Holes, damage, rough or uneven spots € Slippery areas, long grass € Glass, rocks and other debris / foreign objects € Damage to screens or fences € Unsafe conditions around backstop, pitcher's mound or playing area € Warning Track condition € Dugout condition before and after games € Make sure telephones are available € Area's around bleachers free from debris € General garbage clean-up € Who's in charge of emptying garbage cans € Conditions of restrooms and restroom supplies € Concession Stand inspection 

Notes / Hazards 


SEPARATE Don't cross contaminate. 

CLEAN Wash hands and surfaces often. 

CHILL Refrigerate promptly. 

COOK Cook to proper temperatures. 


Keep Foot 



From D 



Thermy" says: 

"It's Safe to Bite When The Temperature is Right!" 

Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA 

For Local League Use Only Activities/Reporting 

A Safety Awareness Program's Incident/Injury Tracking Report 

League ID: 

League Name: Field Name/Location: Injured Person's Name: Address: 

Incident Date: 

Incident Time: Date of Birth: 


Sex: O Male Home Phone: ( ) Work Phone: () 




City: Parent's Name (If Player): 


Parents' Address (lf Different): Incident occurred while participating in: 

Intermediate (50/70) 

o Special Event 

A.) Baseball Softball 

] Challenger O TAD 

B.) O Challenger OT-Ball 



O Junior 


Big League C.) Tryout o Practice 

] Game 

Tournament Travel to a Travel from Other (Describe): Position/Role of person(s) involved in incident: D.) Batter 

Baserunner J Pitcher O Catcher Third 

Short Stop 3 Left Field Center Field Umpire O Coach/Manager J Spectator Volunteer Type of injury: 

0 First Base O Right Field 


Second Dugout 

Was first aid required? J Yes O No If yes, what: 

Was professional medical treatment required? J Yes I No If yes, what: (If yes, the player must present a non-restrictive medical release prior to to being allowed in a game or practice.) 


Type of incident and location: A.) On Primary Playing Field 

Base Path: Running or 3 Sliding Hit by Ball: o Pitched or o Thrown or Collision with: Player or Structure Grounds Defect 

Other: Please give a short description of incident: 

B.) Adjacent to Playing Field 

Seating Area 

Parking Area C.) Concession Area 

Volunteer Worker Customer/Bystander 

D.) Off Ball Field 


Car or a Bike or o Walking O League Activity 


Could this accident have been avoided? How: This form is for local Little League use only (should not be sent to Little League International). This document should be used to evaluate potential safety hazards, unsafe practices and/or to contribute positive ideas in order to improve league safety. When an accident occurs, obtain as much information as possible. For all Accident claims or injuries that could become claims to any eligible participant under the AC cident Insurance policy, please complete the Accident Notification Claim form available at asap/AccidentClaim Form.pdf and send to Little League International. For all other claims to non-eligible participants under the Accident policy or claims that may result in litigation, please fill out the General Liability Claim form available here: sets/forms_pubs/asap/GLClaim Form.pdf. Prepared By/Position: 

Phone Number: ( ) Signature: 


Volunteers Must Wash Hands 




Wash your hands before you prepare food or as often as needed. 


. Ik 

warm water 


Wash 20 seconds Use soap 

Wash after you: 

use the toilet 

► touch uncooked meat, poultry, fish or eggs or other 

potentially hazardous foods interrupt working with food (such as answering the phone, opening a door or drawer) 

eat, smoke or chew gum 

► touch soiled plates, utensils or equipment 

take out trash 

touch your nose, mouth, or any part of your body 

► sneeze or cough 

Do not touch ready-to-eat foods with your bare hands. 


Use gloves, tongs, deli tissue or other serving utensils. Remove all jewelry, nail polish or false nails unless you wear gloves. 

Wear gloves. 

when you have a cut or sore on your hand when you can't remove your jewelry 

Use single-service 

paper towels 

If you wear gloves: 

► wash your hands before you put on new gloves Change them: 

as often as you wash your hands 

► when they are torn or soiled 




Developed by UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program with support from US. Food & Drug Administration in cooperation with the MA Partnership for Food Safety Education. United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating. UMass Extension pro vides equal opportunity in programs and employment. 





Little League International ACCIDENT NOTIFICATION FORM 

539 US Route 15 Hwy, PO Box 3485 

Williamsport PA 17701-0485 INSTRUCTIONS 

Accident Claim Contact Numbers: 

Phone: 570-327-1674 

Accident & Health (U.S.) 1. This form must be completed by parents (if claimant is under 19 years of age) and a league official and forwarded to Little League 

Headquarters within 20 days after the accident. A photocopy of this form should be made and kept by the claimant/parent. Initial medical/ 

dental treatment must be rendered within 30 days of the Little League accident. 2. Itemized bills including description of service, date of service, procedure and diagnosis codes for medical services/supplies and/or other 

documentation related to claim for benefits are to be provided within 90 days after the accident date. In no event shall such proof be 

furnished later than 12 months from the date the medical expense was incurred. 3. When other insurance is present, parents or claimant must forward copies of the Explanation of Benefits or Notice/Letter of Denial for 

each charge directly to Little League Headquarters, even if the charges do not exceed the deductible of the primary insurance program. 4. Policy provides benefits for eligible medical expenses incurred within 52 weeks of the accident, subject to Excess Coverage and 

Exclusion provisions of the plan. 5. Limited deferred medical/dental benefits may be available for necessary treatment incurred after 52 weeks. Refer to insurance brochure 

provided to the league president, or contact Little League Headquarters within the year of injury. 6. Accident Claim Form must be fully completed - including Social Security Number (SSN) - for processing. 

League Name 

League I.D. 


Name of Injured Person/Claimant 


Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) Age Sex 

Female Male Home Phone (Inc. Area Code) Bus. Phone (Inc. Area Code) 

Name of Parent/Guardian, if Claimant is a Minor 

Address of Claimant 

Address of Parent/Guardian, if different 

The Little League Master Accident Policy provides benefits in excess of benefits from other insurance programs subject to a $50 deductible per injury. "Other insurance programs" include family's personal insurance, student insurance through a school or insurance through an employer for employees and family members. Please CHECK the appropriate boxes below. If YES, follow instruction 3 above. Does the insured Person/Parent/Guardian have any insurance through: Employer Plan Yes ONO School Plan DYes No 

Individual Plan Yes No Dental Plan Yes No 

Date of Accident 

Time of Accident Type of Injury 

DAM OPM Describe exactly how accident happened, including playing position at the time of accident: 

Check all applicable responses in each column: O BASEBALL 














your approval from 

Little League 0 JUNIOR (12-14) 



Incorporated) SENIOR (13-16) a VOLUNTEER WORKER O OTHER (Describe) 

O BIG (14-18) I hereby certify that I have read the answers to all parts of this form and to the best of my knowledge and belief the information contained is complete and correct as herein given. I understand that it is a crime for any person to intentionally attempt to defraud or knowingly facilitate a fraud against an insurer by submitting an application or filing a claim containing a false or deceptive statement(s). See Remarks section on reverse side of form. I hereby authorize any physician, hospital or other medically related facility, insurance company or other organization, institution or person that has any records or knowledge of me, and/or the above named claimant, or our health, to disclose, whenever requested to do so by Little League and/or National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. A photostatic copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original. Date 

Claimant/Parent/Guardian Signature (In a two parent household, both parents must sign this form.) 


Claimant/Parent/Guardian Signature 

For Residents of California: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for the payment of a loss is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in state prison. 

For Residents of New York: Any person who knowingly and with the intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime, and shall also be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars and the stated value of the claim for each such violation. 

For Residents of Pennsylvania: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and civil penalties. 

For Residents of All Other States: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or knowingly presents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in prison. 

PART 2 - LEAGUE STATEMENT (Other than Parent or Claimant) 

Name of Injured Person/Claimant 

League I.D. Number 

Name of League 

Name of League Official 

Position in League 

Address of League Official 

Telephone Numbers (Inc. Area Codes) Residence: ( ) Business: ( ) 


Were you a witness to the accident? 

DYes No Provide names and addresses of any known witnesses to the reported accident. 

Check the boxes for all appropriate items below. At least one item in each column must be selected. 









0 02 BATTING O 03 3RD 


O 03 ARM 




04 BACK 






06 EAR 







08 EYE 



09 FACE 







11 FOOT 



12 HAND 



13 HEAD 



14 HIP 




15 KNEE 



16 LEG 



0 17 LIPS 










22 SIDE 





Does your league use batting helmets with attached face guards? OYES ONO If YES, are they (Mandatory or Optional At what levels are they used? I hereby certify that the above named claimant was injured while covered by the Little League Baseball Accident Insurance Policy at the time of the reported accident. I also certify that the information contained in the Claimant's Notification is true and correct as stated, to the best of my knowledge. 

League Official Signature 


General Liability Claim Form 

Send Completed form to: Little League Baseball and Softball 539 US Route 15 Hwy P.O. Box 3485 Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701-0485 (570) 326-1921 Fax (570) 326-2951 

Telephone immediate notice to Little League 



LULUI League I.D. Number (Used as location code) Position in League 


Name of League 

Name of League Olficial (please print) 

Address of League Official (Street, City, State. Zip) 

Phone No.(Res.) 

Phone No. (Bus.) 

Date of Accident 


Accident occured at (Street, City, State, Zip) 

Time and Place of Accident 


Arising out of Operations conducted at 

Was Police Report made? If yes, where? 

0 Yes 

O No State cause and describe facts surrounding accident (Use reverse side if needed) 

Description of Accident 

Who owns Premises 

Person in charge of Premises 


Coverage Data 

Limits BI/PD: Policy Number 

Products: Yes 

Med. Pay: None 


Elevator: Yes Policy Dates: Begin: 


Is there any other insurance applicable to this risk? 


O No Name of Owner 

Description of Property 

Property Damage 

Address (Street, City, State, Zip) 

Name of Insurance Co. 

Nature and Extent of Damages and Estimate of Repair 


Phone No. (Res) 

Insured Person and Injuries 

Address (Street, City, State, Zip) 





Phone No. (Bus) 

Employers Name and Address 

Attending Doctor's Name and Address 

Did you provide or authorize medical attention? Yes No 

Description of Injury 

Where was the injured taken after accident? 

Probable length of Disability 


Name Address, Phone Number 

Name, Address, Phone Number 

Name, Address, Phone Number 

Date of 

Signature of League Official: 



Applicable in Arizona 

For your protection, Arizona law requires the following statement to appear on this form. Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss is subject to criminal and civil penalties. 

Applicable in Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, 

South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia 

Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or another person, files a statement of claim containing any materially false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact, material thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime, subject to criminal prosecution and [NY: substantial] civil penalties. In DC, LA, ME, TN and VA, insurance benefits may also be denied. 

Applicable in California For your protection, California law requires the following to appear on this form: Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in state prison. 

Applicable in Colorado 

It is unlawful to knowingly provide false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to an insurance company for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the company. Penalties may include imprisonment, fines, denial of insurance, and civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insurance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or misleading facts or information to a policy holder or claimant for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the policy holder or claimant with regard to a settlement or award payable from insurance proceeds shall be reported to the Colorado Division of Insurance within the Department of Regulatory Agencies. 

Applicable in Florida and Idaho 

Any person who knowingly and with the intent to injure, Defraud, or Deceive any Insurance Company Files a Statement of Claim Containing any False, Incomplete or Misleading information is Guilty of a Felony.* 

* In Florida - Third Degree Felony 

Applicable in Hawaii For your protection, Hawaii law requires you to be informed that presenting a fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit is a crime punishable by fines or imprisonment, or both. 

Applicable in Indiana 

A person who knowingly and with intent to defraud an insurer files a statement of claim containing any false, incomplete, or misleading information commits a felony. 

Applicable in Minnesota A person who files a claim with intent to defraud or helps commit a fraud against an insurer is guilty of a crime. 

Applicable in Nevada 

Pursuant to NRS 686A.291, any person who knowingly and willfully files a statement of claim that contains any false, incomplete or misleading information concerning a material fact is guilty of a felony. 

Applicable in New Hampshire 

Any person who, with purpose to injure, defraud or deceive any insurance company, files a statement of claim containing any false, incomplete or misleading information is subject to prosecution and punishment for insurance fraud, as provided in RSA 638:20. 

Applicable in Ohio 

Any person who, with intent to defraud or knowing that he/she is facilitating a fraud against an insurer, submits an application or files a claim containing a false or deceptive statement is guilty of insurance fraud. 

Applicable in Oklahoma 

WARNING: Any person who knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud or deceive any insurer, makes any claim for the proceeds of an insurance policy containing any false, incomplete or misleading information is guilty of a felony. 

ACORD 3 (2006/02) 

It is suggested this memo should be reproduced on your league's letterhead over the signature of your president or safety officer and distributed to the parents of all participants at registration time. 

WARNING: Protective equipment cannot prevent all injuries a player might receive while participating in Baseball / Softball. 


The Little League Insurance Program is designed to afford protection to all participants at the most economical cost to the local league. The Little League Player Accident Policy is an excess coverage, accident only plan, to be used as a supplement to other insurance carried under a family policy or insurance provided by an employer. If there is no primary coverage, Little League insurance will provide benefits for eligible charges, up to Usual and Customary allowances for your area. A $50 deductible applies for all claims, up to the maximum stated benefits. 

This plan makes it possible to offer exceptional, affordable protection with assurance to parents that adequate coverage is in force for all chartered and insured Little League approved programs and events. 

If your child sustains a covered injury while taking part in a scheduled Little League Baseball or Softball game or practice, here is how the insurance works: 

1. The Little League Baseball and Softball accident notification form must be completed by parents (if the 

claimant is under 19 years of age) and a league official and forwarded directly to Little League Headquarters within 20 days after the accident. A photocopy of the form should be made and kept by the parent/claimant. 

Initial medical/dental treatment must be rendered within 30 days of the Little League accident. 2. Itemized bills, including description of service, date of service, procedure and diagnosis codes for medical 

services/ supplies and/or other documentation related to a claim for benefits are to be provided within 90 days after the accident. In no event shall such proof be furnished later than 12 months from the date the initial 

medical expense was incurred. 3. When other insurance is present, parents or claimant must forward copies of the Explanation of Benefits or 

Notice/ Letter of Denial for each charge directly to Little League International, even if the charges do not 

exceed the deductible of the primary insurance program. 4. Policy provides benefits for eligible medical expenses incurred within 52 weeks of the accident, subject to 

Excess Coverage and Exclusion provisions of the plan. 5. Limited deferred medical/dental benefits may be available for necessary treatment after the 52-week time limit when: 

(a) Deferred medical benefits apply when necessary treatment requiring the removal of a pin /plate, applied to transfix a bone in the year of injury, or scar tissue removal, after the 52-week time limit is required. The Company will pay the Reasonable Expense incurred, subject to the Policy's maximum limit of $100,000 for any one injury to any one Insured. However, in no event will any benefit be paid under this provision for any expenses incurred more than 24 months from the date the injury was sustained. (b) If the Insured incurs Injury, to sound, natural teeth and Necessary Treatment requires treatment for that Injury be postponed to a date more than 52 weeks after the injury due to, but not limited to, the physiological changes of a growing child, the Company will pay the lesser of: 1. A maximum of $1,500 or 2. Reasonable Expenses incurred for the deferred dental treatment. Reasonable Expenses incurred for deferred dental treatment are only covered if they are incurred on or before the Insured's 23rd birthday. Reasonable Expenses incurred for deferred root canal therapy are only covered if they are incurred within 104 weeks after the date the Injury occurs. No payment will be made for deferred treatment unless the Physician submits written certification, within 52 weeks after the accident, that the treatment must be postponed for the above stated reasons. Benefits are payable subject to the Excess Coverage and the Exclusions provisions of the Policy. 

We hope this brief summary has been helpful in providing a better understanding of the operation of the Little League insurance program. 

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