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Capitol Little offers the following baseball divisions:
          Rookie Minors


Ages 4-5-6
T-Ball introduces players who have never played before to the game of baseball. This division emphasizes fun and instruction. Familiarity with the field, defensive positions and the most basic fundamentals of fielding, throwing, catching and hitting are stressed. There is no scorebook, no playoffs and a 1-½ hour time limit per game. All batting is done with a stationary ball placed on a tee with every player having a turn to bat every inning.  Batters try to get on base and advance to home; fielders try to prevent that from happening.  The elimination of pitching allows children to participate without the fear of being hit by a pitched ball. The players gain an understanding of the fundamental rules, which allows minimally competitive league play at all age levels.  Safety and proper use of safety equipment is stressed from the very beginning and continues throughout every level of play.  Players learn about teamwork and have fun in an environment free of any competitive pressure. If possible, an effort is made to place friends on the same team in order to facilitate coaching duties and/or car-pooling and to make first-time players more comfortable in a team atmosphere.

For T-Ball rules, regulations and coaching tips download T BALL RULES 2015.

Rookie Minors (Coach Pitch)

Ages 7-8
This division emphasizes instruction rather than competition. Players will build upon the fundamentals learned in T-Ball.  Coaches will pitch to their own players using a "flexiball" which is softer than a regulation baseball. This division uses a continuous batting order, free substitutions, no standings and no playoffs. Players are not drafted onto these teams; however, if possible, an effort will be made to place players together if it will help parents with coaching duties and/or car-pooling.
*6 year olds can play in this division if they have already played one year of T-Ball in Capitol Little League.

For Rookie Minors rules and regulations, download ROOKIE MINORS RULES 2015


Ages 8-11
This division emphasizes instruction in a competitive atmosphere. This division uses a continuous batting order.  All players must play the Little League minimum of six continuous outs in a defensive position. Standings are kept and end of season playoffs are held. Players are drafted onto these teams and requests for pairing players together cannot be accommodated. Under Little League Rules, 12 year olds cannot pitch in this division.
* League age 12 year olds may play in the Minor divisions per parent request & via a written waiver from Little League.

Pitch Count Rules:
   • If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 51 - 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 36 - 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 21 - 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 1 - 20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

Maximum Pitches:
   • League age 11 and 12: 85 pitches
   • League age 9 and 10: 75 pitches
   • League age 7 and 8: 50 pitches

Exception: If a pitcher reaches a day(s) of rest threshold while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1. That batter reaches base; 2. That batter is retired; 3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold he/she reached during that at-bat, provided that pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter.

For Minors rules and regulations, download MINOR DIVISION RULES 2015.


Ages 9-12
This division emphasizes instruction in the finer points of the game in a very competitive atmosphere. All players must play the Little League minimum of six continuous outs in a defensive position and have one at bat. Standings are kept and end of season playoffs are held. Players are drafted onto these teams and requests for pairing players together cannot be accommodated. Once a team selects a player that player remains with that team until they move to the next division.

Pitch Count Rules:
   • If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 51 - 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 36 - 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 21 - 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 1 - 20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

Maximum Pitches:
   • League age 11 and 12: 85 pitches
   • League age 9 and 10: 75 pitches
   • League age 7 and 8: 50 pitches

Exception: If a pitcher reaches a day(s) of rest threshold while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1. That batter reaches base; 2. That batter is retired; 3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold he/she reached during that at-bat, provided that pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter.

For Majors rules and regulations, download MAJORS RULES 2015.


Ages 13-14
The Junior League at Capitol is the first time a player will experience the 90 foot diamond in the Little League program. Teams of players age 13-14 participate in a highly competitive interleague. Games are played at various sites around Wilmington. Coaches instruct players on 90 foot specific mechanics including leads, pitching from the stretch, and avoiding balks. The season is traditionally 16-20 games, including an 8 team playoff format, lasting from April through June. The Junior tournament team will consist of players age 13-14 and will begin play in late June and will last through elimination from the International Tournament.

Pitch Count Rules:
   • If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 51 - 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 36 - 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 21 - 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 1 - 20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

Maximum Pitches:
   • League age 13 and 14: 95 pitches  


Ages 15-16
The Senior League at Capitol is designed for players age 13-16 to participate in a highly competitive interleague. While players continue to improve mechanics and on field development, team building, strategy, and knowledge of the game are equally important and are a main focus. Players selected to a team remain on that team throughout their time in the Senior division. The season is traditionally 18-24 games, including a 6 team playoff format. The playoff champion will participate in a playoff against the Southern Interleague champion to identify a Regular Season District Champion. The Senior Tournament team will consist of players 15-16 and will begin play in late June and will last through elimination from the International Tournament.

Pitch Count Rules:
   • If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 51 - 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 36 - 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 21 - 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.
   • If a player pitches 1 - 20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

Maximum Pitches:
   • League age 15 - 16: 95 pitches  

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