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Volunteer With Us

As you know, our league requires volunteers to function and to provide a good baseball experience for our kids.  We ask each family to make a commitment to provide 6 hours of volunteer time (2 hrs of which is to be served in concessions).  And as assurance toward the completion of that commitment, the league holds a $100.00 work bond check from each family.  If over the course of the Spring season, your family has met the required hours, the check will be destroyed. In order to be eligible to volunteer, you must have a completed and and verified Background Check on file with the League.  Background Checks must be completed by anyone who will be volunteering to work in the Concession Stand or to be a Manager, Coach, Team Parent or Umpire.  If you have not completed a background check for this year, please email us at [email protected] and we'll get the necessary info to you immediately. 

Tracking the hours is a large task unto itself, as you may imagine.  In order to assist your family in getting their hours tracked and check returned, we have sign-in sheets in each of our concession stands.  We do not want to cash anyone’s check.  Especially those families who have put in the time.  But it is your responsibility to log in your hours worked and the tasks undertaken.  The information will then be verified by the team moms and coaches.  In short, if it’s not on the sheet, it didn’t happen. Please log your hours so we can return your check at the end of the season.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting us at [email protected].

Note: Youths may volunteer if they are between 13 and 18 Years of age but, they must be accompanied by a registered adult at all times.


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