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Saint Edward CYO Athletics

News Detail


Apr, 2009

CYO Player Eligibility

CYO eligibility rules are designed so that CYO teams are parish-based or Catholic school-based, not "club" or city teams. Children should not practice nor participate on a team until the parish athletic director verifies their eligibility. Use of an ineligible player, knowingly or unknowingly, shall result in forfeiture.

Below is the section for Player Eligibility regarding residence, grade and age. For the complete requirements, please see the Oakland Dioces CYO sport page here..

PLAYER ELIGIBILITY (from CYO Bylaws, Article VI) The following are the Oakland Diocese CYO Athletic Program standards of eligibility for all sports. Children who wish to participate in a parish CYO program shall meet the criteria established in this article. 

Section 1. Residence

1. Parish CYO programs may be open to children who meet one of the following criteria: 

a. PARISH BOUNDARIES: All children (Catholic or nonCatholic) residing within the parish boundaries, as established by the Bishop of Oakland parish boundary here.  
NOTE: The parish boundaries for St. Edward are the Newark city limits in the North, West and East.  The Southern boundary is Mowry Avenue (Newark residents living south of Mowry Avenue are in the parish boundaries for Our Lady of Guadalupe). See map below.

b. CATHOLIC SCHOOL: All children (Catholic or non-Catholic) who attend the parish parochial school. 

c. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: All children (Catholic or nonCatholic) who do not live within the parish boundaries but are currently regularly attending the parish religious education classes and have done so the entire previous school year (or who attended that parish Catholic school the previous school year and are currently regularly attending the parish religious education classes.) Such children must present a letter annually signed by the religious education coordinator certifying regular attendance prior to the beginning of the season. Such children may be removed at any time by the Religious Education Coordinator of the parish for lack of attendance. Under this criteria (c), children may not play for a different parish than the previous season without permission of the parish athletic director from the previous season. 

2. Children may participate for a parish only if they meet the residence criteria above. Waivers may not be granted by a parish or by a league because of the lack of a program in a parish. Only the Diocesan CYO Office shall determine criteria and may grant permission individually for participation of a Catholic child from a parish too small to host a CYO program . 

3. The residence of a child is the residence of the parent(s) or guardian(s) with legal custody of the child and with whom the child resides. 

4. The parish Athletic Director shall provide substantial proof of residence on request of the league or the Diocesan CYO Office. 

Section 2. GRADE 

1. A child may participate in a grade higher than the actual grade in which he/she is enrolled. 
2. A child may not participate in a grade lower than the grade in which he/she is enrolled. 


1. Any child who is 15 prior to September 1 of the current school year is not eligible to compete in the 8th grade league. 
2. Any child who is 14 prior to September 1 of the current school year is not eligible to compete in the 7th grade league. 
3. Any child who is 13 prior to September 1 of the current school year is not eligible to compete in the 6th grade league. 
4. Any child who is 12 prior to September 1 of the current school year is not eligible to compete in the 5th grade league. 
5. Any child who is 11 prior to September 1 of the current school year is not eligible to compete in the 4th grade league. 
6. Any child who is 10 prior to September 1 of the current school year is not eligible to compete in the 3rd grade league.

Map appendix:


There are no full refunds for CYO participants. If the season game opener has not started yet for the sport activity than a 50% refund is allowed. Once the first game of the season has started there are no refunds after that start date. For additional information please contact your athletic director.

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Contact Us

Saint Edward CYO

5788 Thornton Avenue 
Newark, California 94560

Email: [email protected]

Saint Edward CYO

5788 Thornton Avenue 
Newark, California 94560

Email: [email protected]
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