Guardian Angels Athletics


Director: Devin Lawler

Assistant Director:Jim Costello


Soccer is offered for boys and girls in grades K-8 during the Spring Season.  No prior experience is needed.  The teams play in the SAY East Cincinnati organization which is a recreational soccer program; there are no tryouts, everyone plays. All Divisions emphasize the SAY philosophy of fun, maximum participation and player development.

 All player parents must register and sign liability and other waiver forms on the Guardian Angels Athletics website.

Team Selection & Game Information
The SAY Divisions are based on a player’s age as of July 31 in the current year, not the grade. Based on the number of players, teams are formed by “Blind Draw” procedures balancing the number of players by age and number on each team.

All SAY East Cincinnati Divisions are non-competitive in the Spring Season, meaning they don't keep score or hold post-season tournaments.  The Spring Season runs from late March/early April to the end of May (8 games). 

In the Fall Season SAY East Cincinnati considers the Passers (age 6-7) and Wings (age 8-9) as non-competitive Divisions, meaning they don't keep score or hold post-season tournaments. The Strikers (age 10-11), and Kickers (age 12-13) are considered competitive.

Each parent volunteer must be VIRTUS trained, with a background check completed and up to date on Virtus bulletins as required by the Parish and Archdiocese. SAY also has a Volunteer Background Check Release Form that needs to be completed. Both VIRTUS Compliance & SAY Volunteer Form must be completed before any parent volunteer will be assigned to a team. If you are interested in volunteering to coach, please complete the volunteer section of the Player Registration. If any questions, please contact the Soccer Booster Director.

SAY and the Archdiocese require 2 adults to be at every practice; at least one adult must be the same gender as the players. The Parish & Archdiocese require they be Virtus Trained.

Additional information can be found on the SAY East Website.