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Hamilton Little Lads Basketball

Hamilton Little Lads Basketball

Code of Conduct



In order to promote good sportsmanship, teamwork and mutual respect between players, coaches, officials and spectators, the Hamilton Little Lads Basketball Executive Board established this Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct shall act as a guide in setting clear expectations for the actions of players, coaches, and spectators of Hamilton Little Lads Basketball, and is intended to provide behavioral guidance for all involved.

The Code of Conduct was not designed to address every possible behavioral situation; however, it shall serve as Hamilton Little Lads Basketball’s standard for behavioral evaluation. It shall be the obligation of all program participants, spectators, and volunteers, to comply with the terms and provisions of the Code of Conduct. Any person violating the Code of Conduct shall be subject to administrative action, up to and including termination of his/her privilege to participate in, or attend, any or all Hamilton Little Lads Basketball sponsored activities.

While we always anticipate a great season, we expect that you will embrace this Code of Conduct and assist Hamilton Little Lads Basketball in providing our community with a superior recreational basketball experience for the children of the Hamilton Twp. area.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Hamilton Little Lads Basketball Executive Board


Coaches shall remain supportive of Hamilton Little Lads Basketball’s commitment to the ideals of good sportsmanship, team play, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for authority. Likewise, coaches shall remain sensitive to the physical and emotional well-being of the players on his/her team. It is further expected that coaches:

  • Will be positive role models and agree to treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with dignity and respect in language, attitude, behavior, and mannerisms.
  • Will display and instill in their players the principals of good sportsmanship and team play.
  • Will conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the interests of the players and do their best to provide the players with a positive experience while helping to develop the player’s skills and abilities.
  • Will ensure that winning and/or losing teams do so in a manner which exhibits respect and good sportsmanship.
  • Will provide instruction in a manner that is constructive and supportive.
  • Will not tolerate behavior that endangers the health or well-being of a child.
  • Will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policies, and procedures as established or endorsed by Hamilton Little Lads Basketball. 
  • Will not demonstrably disagree with an official's ruling.
  • Will not interact with the opposing coach in a negative manner.
  • Will teach the game of basketball to the best of their ability.
  • Will be drug and alcohol free while at any Hamilton Little Lads Basketball athletic event.
  • Will respect the property and equipment used at any facility where Hamilton Little Lads Basketball event is hosted.
  • Will acknowledge the need to demonstrate fundamental proficiencies with respect to the game of basketball and first aid. Consequently, all coaches agree to attend any skill sessions that may be required, and moreover, any first aid courses that may be mandated by the Executive Board.
  • Will treat my son/daughter no differently during practices and games than any other player on the team.


It is expected that all Parents/Guardians, Volunteers, and Spectators:

  • Will be positive role models and agree to treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with dignity and respect in language, attitude, behavior, and mannerisms.
  • Will display and instill in all players, the principals of good sportsmanship and team play.
  • Will conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the interests of the players.
  • Will do their best to provide the players a positive experience.
  • Will not ridicule or demean players, coaches, or referees.
  • Will treat all players, coaches and referees fairly and with respect regardless of play, decision or call respectively.
  • Will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policies, and procedures as established or endorsed by Hamilton Little Lads Basketball.
  • Will respect the opponent and avoid any confrontation with opposing players, spectators, or coaches.
  • Will be drug and alcohol free while at any Hamilton Little Lads Basketball athletic event.
  • Will respect the property and equipment used at any facility where a Hamilton Little Lads Basketball athletic event is hosted.
  • Will be responsible for the actions and behaviors of guests at games.

It is also expected that all Parents/Guardians:

  • Will make certain that their children show respect for all other players, coaches, officials, referees, and spectators.
  • Will inform the coach of any disability or ailment that may affect the safety of their child or the safety of others.
  • Will make every attempt to have their child attend practices and games on time.
  • Will provide the league with accurate and truthful information.

Please note: If a player misses 50% or more of practices prior to the first game (including Player Evaluations), or misses 50% or more of games in December, the League reserves the right to remove the player from the League and replace with a player from the Wait List.


It is expected that all players:

  • Will display and encourage good sportsmanship and team play through their actions, by demonstrating positive support for all players.
  • Will put the emotional and physical well-being of their teammates and opponents ahead of any personal desire to win.
  • Will follow the direction of the coaching staffs and officials..
  • Will treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with dignity and respect in language, attitude, behavior, and mannerisms, and agree to refrain from the use of profanity or abusive language.
  • Will make every attempt to be on time and ready to play for all games and practices.
  • Will respect the property and equipment used at any facility where a Hamilton Little Lads Basketball athletic event is hosted.

Conduct Subject to Discipline

Examples of words or actions, which will constitute a violation of the Code of Conduct, may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Purposely and intentionally not following the guidelines of the Program Preparedness Plan.
  • Using social media to express negative opinions about the league, coaches, players, officials, or any other person associated with Hamilton Little Lads Basketball. This includes comments on live streams.
  • Making extraneous physical contact with any player, coach, official, league representative, or spectator outside that of which would be reasonably expected in the course of game play.
  • Taunting or threatening any player, coach, official, league representative, or spectator.
  • Using profane and/or vulgar language or mannerisms.
  • Entering onto the basketball court during play, except during playing time for player.
  • Throwing of any object onto the basketball court or at another individual.
  • Defacing or damaging property belonging to any individual, team, or school.
  • Being involved in any activity that would warrant the summoning of law enforcement officials.
  • Inciting any person(s) to become involved in any of the above-listed behaviors.

Administration of the Code of Conduct

The administration of the Code of Conduct is ultimately the responsibility of the executive board although the expectation is that all coaches, players, parents/guardians, volunteers, and spectators will do their best to support, model, and encourage these ideals.  In order to assist in that effort, the following guidelines shall be followed with respect to the administration of the Code of Conduct:

This document will be made available to all parents with registered players.

A signed copy (either actual or electronic) must be submitted to the league by every parent prior to the first game of the season.

Failure to return a signed acknowledgment of the Code of Conduct by any party could result in the suspension of a player/coach until such time as the executive board receives the signed consent for that party.

This document will be posted on the Hamilton Little Lads website,, for everyone’s access.  If/When available a digitally signed Code of Conduct shall be accepted in lieu of a hard copy to indicate a party’s acknowledgement and consent.

It is the responsibility of the executive board to collect and maintain copies of the Code of Conduct throughout the season so that it can be easily referenced in the event that any incident that may be deemed as having violated, or approaching violation, shall be discussed with the offending party by a member(s) of the executive board.

It is anticipated that all board members and coaches will work cooperatively to ensure that the Code of Conduct is distributed and adhered to by all participants in our program in a positive and respectful manner.

Code of Conduct Acknowledgement and Consent

I understand that by signing this document I am agreeing to support and promote the Hamilton Little Lads Basketball Code of Conduct, have reviewed and discussed it with my team and/or child and that any failure to comply may result in the permanent removal of my right and/or the right of my child or team member, to attend and/or participate in any or all athletic events hosted by Hamilton Little Lads Basketball.


Hamilton Little Lads Basketball
PO Box 3425 
Hamilton, New Jersey 08619

Email: [email protected]

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