Please read the following:
As a parent or guardian of the player applicant, I hereby give my consent for his/her participation in any and all activities of the Cedar Hill Youth Basketball Association (“CHYBA”) during the upcoming CHYBA basketball season. On behalf of the player applicant, I hereby assume any and all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including, but not limited to, transportation to and from any related sports activities. We hereby waive, release, indemnify, and agree to forever hold harmless CHYBA, its officers and board members, and persons affiliated with CHYBA transporting the player to and from sports activities, for any and all injuries to him/her. In the event of registrant injury involving participation in a scheduled CHYBA game, the registrant’s medical or vision insurance will be considered primary coverage. In the event of registrant injury involving participation in a scheduled CHYBA game, the registrant’s medical or vision insurance will be considered primary coverage. The CHYBA insurance policy is utilized as secondary coverage after a minimum deductible is met (e.g. your bill must be over the deductible amount for insurance consideration).
I further agree to abide by the guidelines in the CHYBA Code of Conduct below, and will assume similar responsibility for any of my guests at CHYBA-sponsored events.
A team and/or player are subject to immediate disqualification from the League for any misconduct deemed inappropriate,
unacceptable, unsafe and/or abusive by the Team Officials. This includes but is not limited to defacing and/or destruction of playing site property, trashing team bench area, fighting, un‐sportsman like play and/or conduct, acts of use of words to incite, profanity, intimidation, baiting or any form of taunting design to embarrass, ridicule or demean others under any circumstances, including race, religion, gender or national origin could face disciplinary action by the CHYBA BOARD.
It is the ultimate decision of the Coaching Staff and/or the CHYBA Board to determine if the conduct of an athlete warrants disciplinary action including loss of participation time, suspension from a practice, game, activity, or team, and/or removal from the team.
1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and CHYBA officials at every game or practice.
2. I will place the emotional and physical well‐being of my child ahead of any personal desire to win.
3. I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment and will do my best to make youth sports fun for all.
4. I will provide support for the coaches and officials working with my child to provide a positive, enjoyable experience for all.
5. I Agree to a drug, alcohol, and tobacco‐free sports environment for all staff and players and will assist by refraining from their use at all CHYBA sports events, including practice. CHYBA restricts and bans any alcohol or tobacco use at all CHYBA sports events, including practice facilities and parking areas.
6. Staff reserves the right to refuse entry into the event for non‐compliance of the dress code. No excessively low or baggy/saggy pants such that a person's undergarments or buttocks are exposed. No house shoes or pajamas shall be worn. Clothing with derogatory, offensive and/or lewd messages either in words or pictures. This code applies to players, parents/guardians, guests, coaches and staff. I will remember that the game is for the benefit of the children and not for the adults.
7. I understand that guests will be charged a fee for entry to all CHYBA related games. CHYBA Players are not required to pay entry fees while in uniform.
8. I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability.
9. I will promise to help my child enjoy the youth sports experience with my personal constraints by assisting with the coaching, being a respectful fan or whatever I am capable of doing.
10. I will encourage my child’s coach to agree to and abide by the CHYBA Rules of Conduct for Coaches.
Failure to agree to or abide by the CHYBA Code of Conduct can lead to a technical foul(s) and/or an ejection from the game or practice facility. All violations are subject to an immediate suspension from all CHYBA involvement for an agreed upon period of time up to one (1) year at the discretion of the Board.