The St. Martin Athletic Association is committed to compliance with Ohio HB 143 as it pertains to concussions.
All coaches for the St. Martin Athletic Association must complete training on concussions and the requirements of Ohio law prior to beginning to coach.
If a player exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with having sustained a concussion or head injury while participating in practice or a game, then the player must be removed from the practice or game and parents must be notified of the injury immediately.
If a player is removed from practice or competition, then the player is not permitted to return to practice or competition on that same day. Prior to returning to practice or competition, the athlete's condition must be assessed by a physician or other licensed health care provider and receive written clearance that it is safe to return to practice or competition.
Signing below indicates that you have gone online to and you have reviewed the information on concussions and you have successfully completed the training course. The Concussion Training Course can be found
Coach's Printed Name
______________________________________ __________________
Coach's Signature Date