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St. Martin of Tours

Athletic Association

COVID-19 Operations Plan


St. Martin Of Tours will fully comply with the Ohio Department of Health’s Director’s Order signed on August 18, 2020. The Director’s Order provides the mandatory requirements for youth sports in the State of Ohio in regard to preventing the spread of COVID-19.


The full Director’s Order can be found at:



In order to comply with the Director’s Order, the St. Martin Athletic Association has created this specific plan to highlight the specific requirements regarding the St. Martin Athletic Association, its venues and its members who include players, coaches, volunteers, parents/guardians and spectators.


Sport Practices:

1.     Team practices will be scheduled with a minimum of 15 minutes between each scheduled practice period. This time allows for the ending team to exit the gym before the arriving team is permitted to enter. During those 15 minutes, high touch areas in the gym and equipment will be sanitized. It is the responsibility of the ending team’s head coach to ensure that the sanitizing is complete.

2.     All players must enter through the glass lobby doors to the Parish Center/Gym.

3.     All players and coaches must exit through the Parish Center/Gym doors between the bleachers on the west side of the gym that exit into the parking lot.

4.     Only players, coaches and Athletic Association officials may be in the gym during practices. Parents and siblings will not be permitted in the gym. Parents must drop off players in the parking lot and wait in the parking lot until players are dismissed at the end of practices.

5.     Parents must pick their players up promptly at the end of the scheduled practice time.

6.     Players will be required to wear a face mask while entering and exiting the gym and when not engaged in active play.  Coaches and adult volunteers must wear face masks at all times while inside the gym.



1.     Games will be scheduled at the St. Martin gym with a minimum of 15 minutes between each game or the time period guideline established by the governing league. This time allows for the ending team and all spectators to exit the gym prior to the arriving team and spectators entering.   During those 15 minutes, high touch areas in the gym and equipment will be sanitized.

2.     Capacity is restricted in the Parish Center / Gym, therefore, each player will only be permitted to have a maximum of 2 spectators attend each game.

3.     Spectators must maintain social distancing and sit only on designated areas in bleachers that are marked with an “X.”  

4.     Spectators are expected to not congregate before or after games in the Parish Center/ Gym nor the parking lot.  All spectators must exit the facility immediately upon the end of the game.

5.     All spectators must wear face masks at all time while in the Parish Center/Gym.

6.     Everyone will enter the gym through the glass lobby doors to the Parish Center/Gym. Everyone must exit through the gym doors between the bleachers on the west side of the gym that exit into the parking lot.



Drinks and Personal Equipment:

1.     The concessions stand will not be open during the 2020/21 fall and winter sports season.

2.     Drinking fountains will not be available for use.

3.     Players should bring their own water bottle. Water bottles cannot be shared.

4.     Players must keep their water bottles and all personal equipment distanced from other players’ equipment.


Health Checks:

1.     Players, coaches, volunteers and spectators must conduct daily symptom assessments before each practice or game.

2.     Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home. Symptoms include: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. The CDC will continue to updates these symptoms.


Suspected and Confirmed COVID-19  Cases:

1.     Players and coaches who had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, must self-quarantine for 14 days following exposure.

2.     St. Martin of Tours will contact the local health department about any positive cases or exposures.

3.     St. Martin of Tours will notify all players and parents/guardians associated with a team that had a positive test.

4.     Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 may not return to sports activities until cleared by a medical professional.


St. Martin of Tours Parish Center/Gym:

1.     Hand sanitizer will be made available in the gym.

2.     Signs will be posted that include rules for compliance with this plan.


Compliance Officer:

The President of the St. Martin of Tours Athletic Association has been designated as the Compliance Officer to ensure that the Director’s Order and this St. Martin Operations Plan are followed. The Compliance Officer will serve as the contact for the local health department and any person having questions.


Compliance Officer:     Mr. Nick Shukas

                                    [email protected]
