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Parent/Player Code of Conduct



1.  I will exhibit a spirit of friendship, cooperation, good will and a high standard of sportsmanship on and off the field.


2.  I will maintain a high standard of good moral character at all times.


3.  I understand that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the Head Coach if an athlete will be absent from a practice or game.   


4.  I understand that coaches are in charge of their teams, will determine line-ups, starting positions, substitutions and any team changes that become necessary.


5. I will show respect and courtesy to head coaches, assistant coaches, and all others associated with the team, as well as opposing teams.


6.  I will not engage in argumentative behavior with referees, umpires or other game officials.


7. I will exhibit courtesy and respect for the person and property of others. I will not vandalize, steal or destroy property at any athletics venue.


8. I will not use any inappropriate, insulting, disrespectful, bullying and demeaning language or behavior before, during or after meetings, practices or games.


9.  I will not engage in any use of profane, vulgar, abusive or sexually-oriented language, in oral, written or electronic forms of communication (such as texting, social media or email).


10. I will not use alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal controlled substance at practices, league competitions, or tournaments where children are present.    


11. I understand that parents/guardians are responsible for supervision of athletes prior to the official start time for practices and games and immediately following the official end time of a practice or game. Athletes should not be left unsupervised at practices and games prior to or after games or practices.  


12.  I understand that athletes will not be considered registered to play until fees are paid and registration/consent form is completely filled out and signed by a parent/legal guardian.


13. I commit to support the coaches and officials in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.


13.  I understand that the chain of command for grievances is as follows: Head Coach, Coordinator, President of Athletics, Grievance Committee, Pastor. No deviations from this chain of authority will be tolerated.


I have read and reviewed the Code of Conduct with my child(ren).





___________________________________              ______________________________

 PARENT  PRINTED NAME                                               PARENT SIGNATURE