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Big Spring Girls Softball Association (BSGSA)

Local General Rules

Revised 2-14

1. All managers, head coaches, and assistant coaches must read the local rules, read the ASA/USA rule book, and obtain a background check through the ASA/USA Website before the tryouts.

2. All players will return to the draft each year with the following exceptions:

   ▪  A manager/coach, or assistant coach’s daughter, or a manager/coach designated by a parent who is being used as an option. If a manager or coach has two daughters in the same division, one daughter will be designated as an option and the other daughter will be the automatic selection in Round 3.

   ▪  Each team can come into the draft with 2 options. A team coming into the draft with less than two options will be allowed in the second round to fulfill their options. Example: A team coming to the draft with only one option player will get 2 consecutive picks in round 2 during their normal draft slot.

3. Games will be one hour and twenty minutes long. Excluding 6U, any inning that has been started will be completed after time expires unless the home team is ahead after the top half of the inning is completed. Game times will be 6:00 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. Forfeit time will be 15 minutes after starting time. Infield practice will not be allowed prior to games.

4. Divisions 6U, 8U, and 10U will have a five (5) run rule per inning. Divisions 12U and 14U will have a seven (7) run rule per inning.

5. All division bases will be set at 60 feet.

6. Pitchers entering the game or returning to the pitcher’s plate will be given five warm-up pitches or 1 minute to warm up.

7. Any player warming up a pitcher on the playing field must wear a mask. During practice and games, players must use full catching equipment when playing catcher. Batters must wear helmets with face masks and chinstraps that have been tightened. According to field position, equipment must be worn at all times during practices and games.

8. Open Innings: Divisions 8U, and 10U will have a seven run rule in the 5th inning. Divisions 12U and 14U will not have an open inning. 12U and 14U will have a seven run rule in the 7th inning. If the game is still tied at the end of regulation play, the international tiebreaker rule will be implemented. Definition of the international tiebreaker rule is that the last batter out of the previous inning will be placed on 2nd base to start the next inning. Then the regular three out inning is played. When the home team comes to bat, the same rule is used. This will be repeated until a winner is declared.

9. Run Rules are as follows for all Divisions:
15 run lead after 3 innings, 10 run lead after 4 innings, 8 run lead after 5 innings,
Once time expires and a team is behind by more runs than they can score in their half of the inning, the game will be declared over.

10. The umpire is in charge and will have complete control over the game and conduct of players, managers, coaches and spectators. If an umpire observes uncontrollable behavior from any of these, it is his or her responsibility to stop the game and confer with the manager of the offending team and to restore order. If this does not control the problem then a forfeit is in order. The Board will stand behind the umpire. The umpire should find (or have someone find) a board member when the problem is out of his or her control.

11. Players and spectators may chant, or say, positive things to their own team. Negative or unsportsmanlike comments directed toward opposing players will not be tolerated and is a violation of the BSGSA Code of Conduct.(see #10)

12. Players will be in full uniform with shirts tucked in, hair pulled back or tied back from their faces. Visors must be the same but are optional. No jewelry will be allowed on the field.

13. Players will remain in the dugout during games, except with the chaperone or manager’s permission. Players will not be allowed to sit in the entrance to the dugout.

14. Each team must furnish water at all games and practices.

15. Teams may not pick up non-roster players for local BSGSA tournaments. Players must be registered with BSGSA.

16. There will be no more than one manager, two coaches and a chaperone in the dugout during games. Only members of the team will be allowed to enter the dugout (exceptions see rule 17).

17. Only designated managers and coaches are allowed on the field during the game. In the absence of one of the above, the chaperone or a parent will be allowed to fill in. There must be a female parent substituting in the dugout if the chaperone is absent or on the field.

18. The Manager and Head Coach must obtain an approved background check through the ASA/USA Website prior to tryouts. Any permanent coaching staff changes made after the draft must be Board approved. Only coaching staff’s that have been Board approved will be able to coach during the regular season and take the team to tournament play, including All-Stars.

19. Managers/Coaches who are Divisional winners will have the first option to take the All Star team for their Division; unless there is a valid reason they should not take the All Star team. This role will be offered in order of the final standings if a Manager declines. The Board has the final authority to decide who will take the All Stars teams.

20. Permission will not be granted to a player asking to be placed on a certain team because she needs transportation to practice or a game; unless both Managers agree to a trade.

21. BSGSA will not be responsible for any orders or purchases made by managers, coaches, or parents on “behalf” of BSGSA.

22. An adult female must be present at all practices, games, meetings, and team functions.

23. Smoking or any form of tobacco is strictly prohibited on the playing field and in the Complex. Alcoholic beverages and profane language will not be allowed on or around the Complex premises. It is encouraged to refrain from smoking or any form of tobacco use at practices.

24. Player participation in practices and games is optional on evenings before STAAR testing. Participation is at the discretion of the parent. Practices and/or games are limited to a total of 3 events per week. Players should not be required to participate on Wednesdays.

25. Managers and coaches will not be allowed to umpire a game within the division they coach. The only exception will be if the game had to be postponed and both coaching staffs are in agreement.

26. Team names and logos on shirts must be Board approved.

27. Players being benched for disciplinary reasons must be noted on the team’s line-up card. The coaching staff must notify the opposing team and umpire before the start of the game. Once it has been noted that the player is not playing for a disciplinary reason, she cannot enter the game for any reason and must remain on the bench.

28. Any team member, including coaching staff, who throws batting helmets, bats, or other equipment in anger will incur an out. If the player made an out prior to the conduct an additional out will be charged to the team. If the player out was the 3rd out of the inning, that team will start the next inning with one out. A second similar offense in the same game will earn an automatic ejection from the game and a two game suspension for that player or coach (in tournament play, the offender would be ejected for the remainder of the tournament).
These rules will also be applied to the defensive team on the field. Throwing of any equipment could result in an unsportsmanlike conduct out being called against the team during their next inning at bat. Managers/Coaches who exhibit “unsportsmanlike conduct” will be reviewed by the Board.

29. The home team’s scorebook will be considered the official scorebook. The visitor team must work the field scoreboard.

30. Must have at least 7 players to play. If 6, or less, show up the game is a forfeit. An out will be taken for each player after 7 up to the 9th player at bat. 
Players can be pulled up from lower Divisions. A pulled-up player cannot pitch. A pulled-up player must wear their league uniform and will bat at the end of the line-up. Pulled up players will be replaced in the line-up if a late arriving team player shows up and makes a full roster (9 or 10; depending on the division).

31.The entire line-up will bat the entire game. No player will sit out defensively more than one inning in a row.

32.Managers/Head Coaches must exchange line-ups prior to the game (except 6U).

33.Teams are given one timeout per inning; excluding for injuries.


Big Spring Girls Softball Association

PO Box 3151 
Big Spring, Texas 79721

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 432-816-1490

Contact Us

Big Spring Girls Softball Association

PO Box 3151 
Big Spring, Texas 79721

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 432-816-1490

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