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Nov, 2021

Got Questions? We Got Answers!

Tri-Town Little League


When does Registration Begin and End?
Registration begins December 1st and ends around the first week of March.

Will late Registrations be accepted?
While we try to do everything possible to include everyone, we cannot guarantee we will be able to
accommodate anyone who signs up after the Registration deadline. All players who sign up after the
registration deadline will be placed on a Wait List. Once placed on the Wait List, we will do our best to
assign players to a team, if it is possible. This will be based on the number of players and/or teams for
each age group as well as the total number of coaches. For example, we cannot have one team of
seventeen children or break this number into two teams.

Are there official player tryouts?
There are evaluations for some of the older levels. Evaluations usually take place around the middle of
March. All families will be notified of evaluations in advance.

Can my child be assigned to a team with their friends?
While we do our best to honor requests to keep players together, this is not always possible. When
forming teams for the younger levels, we try to balance players from all three towns on different teams.
For older levels, where evaluations are done, we try to build teams that are similar in talent level, so
that they are as evenly balanced as possible.

When will my child be assigned to a team?
Teams are normally created around the second to third week in March. This is based upon final player
registration numbers, organization of coaches, and possible players evaluations.

When does the season begin?
The season typically begins with practices around April 1st with games beginning near the middle of the
month. If the fields are in playable shape, some teams may begin practicing toward the end of March.

When should I expect to hear from my child’s coach?
Coaches will communicate with their teams after they are formed. This is usually around the third week
of March.

What equipment is required?
All players are required to have a glove. Cleats are not required but most players have them. While team
helmets are provided by the League, many parents prefer to have their own helmet for their player. In
addition, while a team bat is provided to each team, many players choose to have their own bats. For
softball, defensive face masks (ex. Rip-It) are required.
The League does not provide baseball/softball pants for each player. Pants can be purchased at any local
sporting goods store. Baseball requires gray pants and Softball requires black pants.
Stay tuned for partnerships with popular sporting goods stores (ex. Dicks Sporting Goods) for a Tri-Town
Baseball/Softball Discount Day in the spring!

When will my child receive their uniform?
Uniforms jerseys and hats are distributed the first or second week of April. The league will send out
more information on uniform distribution when we have more details. As noted above, pants must be
purchased for your player, gray pants for your baseball player and black pants for your softball player.
How many nights a week will my child be practicing/playing games?

 T-Ball holds all sessions on Saturdays for 1 1⁄2 hours (10-11:30) with practices and games being
combined into each session

 Rookie and Farm Baseball practices one evening during the week with games on Saturdays

 Continental, National, and American Baseball practices one evening a week with a weeknight
game and a Saturday game. For these three levels, some coaches practice twice a week prior to
games starting, usually one weeknight and on Saturday.

 Bantam, Minors, and Majors Softball will meet 2-3 days a week for a combination of practices
and games. Days/Times of practices and games will vary depending on field availability and the
interleague schedule.

 Juniors Baseball – The Juniors level is open to players between 13 and 16 years old. This level
is designed for players not participating on school teams or school players wishing to get extra
playing time. The program competes against other towns (interleague) with games taking place
in the evening and on weekends. The evening games typically start at 7:00pm, allowing for
players playing on school teams to still play in a recreation program. Although this level is
competitive, TriTown has always strived to make this a fun and relaxed environment. Note: We
need at least 15 players per team to participate in interleague, else we will not be able play.

Please note there may be some weeks when teams practice/play an additional weeknight as a result of
make-ups due to cancellations/postponements.

What days will practices and games be held?
While we have a good idea of how many days a week each level plays, the exact days are not
determined until schedules are created around the end of March. This is based on number of teams,
field availability, and potential interleague play with other towns. Coaches will be in contact with all
schedule information once teams are formed.

Opening Day Parade
Each year we hold our Opening Day Parade on the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in April to kick-off the season. The
parade route is Main Street in Boonton and concludes at either John Hill School or Boonton High School.
We will have refreshments for the players at the conclusion of the parade.

Picture Day
Team & Individual Picture Day will be held in the end of April. Teams will be assigned designated time
slots and coaches will notify their teams once they receive this information. Typically, we know the
details of dates and times by around the middle of April.

Field Clean-Up Day
Pre-Season Field Clean-Up Day takes place around the middle to end of March. The exact days depend
on the field conditions from the winter (i.e., is there still snow on fields?). Once we have a date picked
for clean-up, an email blast is forwarded to the entire league looking for volunteers.
Post-Season clean up days are normally in mid to late July and then again in October or early November.
At these days, we take down banners, signs, batting cages, etc. prior to the winter.

Movie Night/Home Run Derby
These events take place towards the end of May. They are held together on a Friday night. This is a great
event for players and families of all ages to take part in. The Home Run Derby is typically for players ages
10-12. They are placed in similar age groups for the contest. The Movie Night then takes place after

We try to have different fundraisers during the season. These include apparel sales, discount card sales,
and the wine and beer tasting. More details to follow as the season progresses.

Volunteer Bond
All families pay a $100 volunteer bond at registration. This bond is refunded after the season if you have
volunteered 4 hours of your time. You can fulfill volunteer hours by attending a field clean-up day,
working the snack stand, coaching, being a team parent, etc.

Levels of Play:
T-Ball – Ages 4 & 5
T-Ball is available for boys and girls in Pre-K to Kindergarten (ages 4-5). T-ball will be held as back-to-back
sessions on Saturday mornings/afternoons (appx 90 minutes total). The first session is formatted as a
practice to build basic skills and teach a basic understanding of the rules of the game. The second
session puts the skills together in modified games. Score will not be kept, and outs will not be recorded.
All players in the line-up will hit before switching sides. The emphasis will be on learning and having fun.
Kids will hit off a Tee or off a coach; no one will ever strike out. Goal is to have kids learn how to hit the
ball and run to first while fielders begin to get an understanding of how to record an out.

Baseball Levels:
Rookie – Age 6
Children learn the basic fundamentals of the game, including running the bases, making basic plays, etc.
At this age we continue to focus on learning the basics such as throwing, catching, and swinging a bat.
There are games that are typically 1-2 innings where all children hit. A Tee may be used, or a coach will
pitch to them.

Farm – Age 7
Farm is a step up from Rookie but very similar in format. Children are shown proper techniques of
throwing, batting, and catching. Games are usually 2-3 innings with coaches pitching 4-5 balls per child
and if they do not hit then a Tee is used to speed up the game for that child.

Continental – Ages 8 & 9
This is the first age bracket where games are played more. Games will have umpires. At this level we
begin children pitching. This normally progresses as the year moves forward. As an example, if a game
lasts four innings children may pitch two of the four innings, or they may pitch three batters an inning
then a coach pitches the remainder. This all is determined based on how skills are progressing during the

National – Ages 9 & 10
This age bracket is 100% child pitch. This stresses the importance of pitching and learning how to throw
properly. There may be a run limit per inning, but coaches will not pitch during games. If time allows,
games are 6 innings in length

American – Ages 11-13 (This is an intermediate division playing on a 50/70 field, which has 50’ from the
mound to home and 70’ from base to base. Standard Little League fields are 46’ for the mound and 60’
from base to base.
This level will look to children like a true baseball game. Leading and stealing bases are allowed for the
first time. The goal of this level is to further advance the children’s skills prior to them starting to play on
a big diamond in middle school.

Softball Levels:
Bantam Softball
The Bantam Division is for girls from 1st to 3rd grade. (Note: new or novice 1st graders are welcome to
play T-ball and advanced and older 3rd graders can be considered for Minors). This division is aimed at
advancing softball fundamentals in a non-competitive environment, but with actual games. Bantam uses
a 11” ‘soft’ softball. All players bat through the line-up and sides change after three outs are recorded or
the full line-ups bats, whichever comes first. Coach pitching is usually done, but players may hit off tees
if needed and players may pitch as the year progresses. The Bantam Division will play games with other
Little League towns.

Minors Softball
The Minors Softball Division consists of girls in 3rd to 5th grade (Only older and advanced 3rd graders
should play and advanced or older 5th graders may be considered for Majors). The Minors softball
program offers further player development under structured, game conditions. Players pitch 11”
regulation softballs. Scores for games are kept. Although standings are kept, the primary focus
throughout the Minors regular season is on player understanding of the game and further development
of skills. A short playoff and/or All-Star tournament may follow the regular season. Minors will play
games with other Little League towns. Pitching distance is 35 feet.

Majors Softball
The Majors Softball Division consists of players in 5th to 7th grade. (Older and advanced 5th graders can
play. 7th graders born after January 1st or more novices can also be included). Players learn and develop
the more advanced techniques and strategies of the game, allowing them to experience inter-town
recreation level play and prepare for play at advanced levels if desired. At this competitive level, a
player’s playing time is up to the coach's discretion, but equal playing time is the recommendation. A
short playoff and/or All-Star tournament may follow the regular season. Players pitch and 12” regulation
softballs are used. Pitching distance is 40 feet.

Juniors Softball
The Juniors Softball Division consists of players in 7th to 9th grade. (Older and advanced 7th graders can
play. 9th graders born after January 1st or more novices can also be included. If enough 9th graders
born before January 1st are interested, provisions can be made). Players learn and develop techniques
and strategies to prepare them for high school play. Play is often part of inter-town recreation programs
that have the same level of play. At this competitive level, a player’s playing time is up to the coach's
discretion. A short playoff tournament and/or All-Star tournament may follow the regular season.
Players pitch and 12” regulation softballs are used. Pitching distance is 43 feet.
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