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Tri -Town Little League

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COVID-19 - Best Practices & Guidelines

The following is the link to the:

Best Practices on Organizing, Playing, and Watching Little League Baseball and Softball During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Social Distancing be required:

Yes, however most activities for baseball and softball allow children to be on a field at a safe social distance from each other.  All coaches will monitor and remind children to keep a distance from each other during games and practices. 


Masks and Facial coverings:

Masks will not be required while in the field but will be required during any close contact with others, ie dugouts.  Children will have the option to wear masks while they hit or are on the bases, but this will not be required.  If a parent feels their child should wear a face covering while playing in the field that is fine but not required.


Coaches Requirements:

Coaches will be required to wear masks at all times when they are close to the players. 



All umpires will be required to wear masks during games.  Umpires will be calling balls and strikes from behind the pitcher’s mound in order to not have more people than necessary at this time around home plate.           


Will temperatures be checked prior to games/practices:

No, at the present time coaches will not be required to take the temperatures of players.  We are looking into other options to monitor this for all players such as a parents taking temperatures and a pre-activity checklist.  More on this to come shortly


Players Equipment:

Players are encouraged to have their own gloves, bats and helmets.  This will decrease the need for anything to be shared during games.  If anyone has a financial hardship in being able to provide these for their child please let Tri Town know and we can make arrangements to lend you equipment for the season.


Feeling Ill:

If any child or coach does not feel well we ask them to not attend that day’s activities.  We also ask that if a player has a family member that is not feeling well that they also stay home from that day’s activity as a precaution for the rest of the team.


Positive Test for COVID-19:

Any player or coach who tests positive for COVID-19 must immediately notify the league.  They are required to not attend any activities for a minimum of two weeks and have two negative tests before returning to normal league activities.


Will Parents be notified if a child tests positive:

Tri Town Little league will inform players and families of a player testing positive.  We will not disclose who the player is but will inform any other players who may have had contact with that child.


Will there be a limit to attendees at games/practices:

At the current time we will not limit the number of spectators at events.  NJ currently allows for up to 500 individuals at outdoor gatherings.  While this number seems quite unlikely we will monitor all our events and limit attendees if necessary.


Will Tri Town provide hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies:

Coaches will receive cleaning wipes for any equipment that may be used by multiple players – ie catchers’ gear.  Again we are stressing we would like to minimize this as much as possible.  We will not be giving out hand sanitizer to coaches and encourage all players to have their own supply with them for all events.


In order to ensure the safety of all players and coaches, we will be implementing new procedures prior to all practices and games.  Every player will be required to have a COVID questionnaire filled out on their behalf by a parent prior to any event.  The approved COVID questionnaire must be shown to a coach by an adult prior to the player entering the field.  Many families have used similar procedures in the fall implemented by other leagues.  While we understand this is an added step, we have determined it is in the best interest of the entire league to implement this procedure.  We will be distributing the COVID questionnaire link shortly.



The League have also received some questions on travel for the upcoming Spring break. Players and their families should comply with state guidance on travel.  Per NJ guidelines updated March 8th, which is based on CDC guidance:


New Jersey strongly discourages all non-essential interstate travel at this time. At this time, individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 should continue to follow the State's travel advisory.

Travelers and residents returning from any U.S. state or territory beyond the immediate region (New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) should self-quarantine at their home, hotel, or other temporary lodging following recommendations from the CDC:

·  If travel is unavoidable, travelers should consider getting tested with a viral test (not an antibody test) 1-3 days before the trip and again 3-5 days after the trip.

·  If travelers test positive, they should self-isolate for at least 10 days and should postpone travel during that time.

·  If travelers test negative, they should quarantine for a full 7 days after travel.

·  If testing is not available (or if the results are delayed), travelers should quarantine for 10 days after travel.


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