Registration for the 2024-2025 season will open on Saturday, August 24 at 8:00 am on our website ( The registration fee will remain the same as last season - $145 per player with a $20 discount per sibling.
The number of teams will be capped at 10 per division, down from 12 per division last season. As always, registration will be on a first come first served basis. Once we hit capacity, registration will close and we will add players to a wait list.
Player Evaluations are scheduled for Saturday, October 19. Times will be sent a week or so prior. This year, we will offer one make up date (date TBD) for evaluations on a very limited basis. Since we are accepting fewer players, attending player evaluations should be considered mandatory. We will not guarantee a roster spot for any player who misses evaluations (without an acceptable reason – injury, illness, family function, etc.) if we have players on a wait list who can attend.
As a reminder, we do not accept requests to be on a specific team for any reason.
For information regarding practices, schedules, and all league information, please see the General Information section of the league website.