The purpose of the Select/Classic Scholarship Program is to provide underprivileged or needs-based youth the opportunity to train, develop and play competitive youth soccer in our community. It is intended to serve as a financial assistance program for those applicants and families requiring temporary or permanent assistance. The length and amount of the scholarship shall be established by the Scholarship Committee. Unless otherwise notified by the committee, scholarship recipients shall submit a new application for each season of play.
The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to reassess an applicant’s scholarship at its discretion and to address any changes in eligibility or conditions in an applicant’s or their family’s status which may result in the termination or modification of the applicant’s scholarship.
SASL believes that in order for the recipient to maintain an appropriate level of focus and commitment to soccer, SASL and the recipient’s team that the recipient and their family shall maintain and provide some level of financial involvement. For that reason, SASL will not grant a 100% scholarship to any individual for any season of play. Any scholarship in the amount of 30% or more will require some level of volunteerism by the caregiver or child to give back to the Sanford Area Soccer League.
The Application Process
To be considered, candidates must submit a completed SASL Scholarship Application (copies are acceptable), along with ALL required information. In some cases, financial documentation may be requested. Completed applications MUST BE received no later June 15 to be considered. All applications should be sent to:
Sanford Area Soccer League
PO Box 1212
Sanford, NC 27331
Attn: Classic Scholarship Program
To be eligible, candidates must:
· Demonstrate a financial need for assistance
· Commit to making at minimum 90% of all practices and games for the season
Scholarship Removal
A Player will be reviewed by the SASL Board & D&A Committee, and will be at risk of losing their scholarship if the player:
· Misses more than 2 unexcused practices
· Misses more than 1 unexcused game/match
· Demonstrates lack of team commitment
· Receives a Yellow or Red Card during a match
· Player or Parent(s) demonstrates inappropriate conduct/behavior during practices/matches
Selection Process
A committee made up of a minimum of 3 non-conflicted members, including at least 1 voting Board member will review all completed applications received by the deadline. The review process will include scoring and ranking of each application and will present recommendations to the full Board of Directors. To expedite the notification process the President or Vice President of the Association have permission to act on the final approval of the recommendations outside of the full Board meeting.
Notification Procedure
After review of all applications by the Scholarship Committee and Final Board Approval, applicants will be notified by mail, e-mail or telephone of their acceptance. Notification will occur no later than July 5
Below is the link to the application: